Hi all, I'm due about Sunday (usually 26 day cycle and due Thursday 22nd but OPK+ 3 days late so have just added 3 days!) and have been trying to ignore any symptoms this 2ww...it's all coming to a head now it's the last few days
I'm ttc #2 but since m/c at Xmas I've become with symptoms and POAS and have just got depressed seeing lots of BFNs
I had 2 arguments with DH this week and felt like crying lots - classic
symptoms unfortunately.....though I still think it was all his fault which is probably another AF symptom
I was going to test tonight 'to see if I could drink' but really I just wanted to POAS, so I didn't test and am having a cheeky
- I'll try to hold out till Sunday (or later) to test but not sure yet....anyway it's lovely knowing there are people going through the same thing at the same time