Here's my little baby!
The nuchal translucency measurement was 1.44 or something like that. The lady didn't tell me, I had to look for it on the screen when she typed it it. Heartbeat was 155 bpm. The lady doing it didn't really say anything at all, which was weird. She did say "everything looks good" at the end though so I guess that's good.
Yay so happy, I got to see my cute little baby again
The nuchal translucency measurement was 1.44 or something like that. The lady didn't tell me, I had to look for it on the screen when she typed it it. Heartbeat was 155 bpm. The lady doing it didn't really say anything at all, which was weird. She did say "everything looks good" at the end though so I guess that's good.
Yay so happy, I got to see my cute little baby again