I can see the faint line so plainly in real life - please give me your opinions! This came up almost right away.. Brutal honesty appreciated! Thanks ladies!
Thanks im mi! I read in the Faith thread about your loss and Im really sorry for what happened to you! I sure hope you get a BFP again straight away...and I really hope this little bean of mine is really there and it sticks tight!
I was hoping since my temp went way up this morning that surely by 14DPO I would test and get a nice dark line..but maybe not. Af isnt due til tomorrow -so maybe its still just a bit early to have much of the pg hormone show up on a test yet...maybe there is a little bean in there and it hasnt snuggled in good and tight yet...Ive got my FX (and my arms and legs and toes haha!)
Good luck to you too HeatherV2!
Thanks so much ladies! I sure wish I could get my pics to show it better. I have not shown it to anyone in person - but I see it so plainly - no squinting or holding it funny, I just plainly see it even tho its very light compared to the test line - still hoping for the best!!!!
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