Something weird is going on. I just finished another month of Clomid. I spotted very lightly for 3 days, and then AF showed up on Sunday. It was medium flow, with lots of clots but it was mostly brown, dark red, or black. By yesterday afternoon it had stopped completely and I haven't had anything since. My periods on Clomid are extremely heavy and last around 5 days. I haven't tested since I thought I was out. From what I have read, *if* this is implantation, I won't get a positive until it's over. Today is either CD3 or 14/15 dpo. My temperature has been dropping since about 7 dpo but today was the first time it was below the coverline (FF set the coverline at 97.9, and today it was 97.8). Today would be the day I would start the Clomid again but I haven't heard back from my doctor so I'm definitely not going to do it until I am sure that I am not pregnant. I'm just really concerned since the last time I was pregnant, I got my period anyway but continued spotting and eventually miscarried.