28 weeks and have high bp..anyone else?


new mum!
Jul 28, 2012
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Hi all, went to docs last week as I monitor bp at home ( had previous high bp on contraceptive pill) and its rising from 130's to 140's and now 150's. Docs saw me same day and said it was 178/100 and sent me straight to hospital to day assessment unit. They monitored me for 90 mins and said my bp was a little too high and the doc came in and prescribed me methyldopa for high bp take twice a day and to come back on Monday to monitor me again and see how I'm getting on. I have had a few headaches but nothing that stops me doing stuff. Doc said I had mild odema too. Anyone else been through something similar? The packet says it begins to work after 4-6 hours but at the moment,not seeing any different reading yet....
Hey, my bp went up at 28 weeks as well. I spent 3 days in hospital and they even gave me steroid jabs to mature babies lungs just in case.
I was put on Labetalol and it seems to be holding it under control. Eventhough the other day it went up to 152 again on the top nr.
The good thing is my urine is clear and bloods came back ok. But I need to go in every week to be checked and had 2 growth scans but baby still is doing fine.
How is your urine, all clear it protein in it?
I had pre eclampsia with my daughter so an keeping my fingers crossed it'll all stay under control.
I had high BP from 31 weeks and had regular monitoring at the day assessment unit. Im now on labetalol twice daily to manage it and it seems to be working. They have also said they will induce me on my due date if bubs doesnt arrive before. I have also had 3 growth scans. Everything has been fine so hopefully they will be able to manage your BP too hun :hugs: hope all goes well and try not to worry they are very good at the day assessment centers :flower: xxx
Hello, I a
So have a troublesome BP. I know I have 'White Coats' as I have experienced hypertension on previous Dr visits prior to pregnancy. On my booking apt with MW it was 125/89. Now I'm 39 weeks and for the past 3 MW apts it has teetered up to 130/100. I'm not too concerned as I am asymptomatic but i have been sent up to the day unit for monitoring and it has come down.

Do you suffer from anxiety at all? I'm terrible. My next MW apt is Wed and I know il be sent up to the day unit again. :-(
Thanks for all you replies ladies.... I had a 'trace' of protein in urine when I was at the doctors but they tested again at hospital around 3 hours later and they said it was clear.... Does that normally happen? They took bloods and said they were testing for PET and will test for full blood count /clotting etc at the same time. They knew I was going back on Monday so I presume I'll be told then if there was a problem?
Yeah that can happen especially if its only a trace of protein. It can even be something dirty in the cup! It's a good sign there's no protein as they should be able to control your bp with medication whilst keeping a close eye on you. If there would've been a serious problem regarding your blood they would've called you today probably.
I hope all goes well and that the meds start controlling your bp x
Thanks hun. Hopefully the tablets kick in soon. Will keep post updated. Thanks for the advice. X
Mine has been all over the place but not high enough to worry so far. I suffered terrible migraines up until a few weeks ago which was actually causing my Bp to go up alot. But has been stable the last few weeks.
Soooo...went back today as a follow up to see if methyldopa was making any difference.... Appears not so they have increased my dosage to 3 times day instead of twice a day. I also mentioned that I had more headaches since taking this medication. Almost seems constant. All blood tests came back ok apart from iron so got supplement for that. Also been booked to see consultant next week to discuss how they manage rest of pregnancy etc. Scary!
Awww hun :hugs: at least they are monitoring you and they will do their best to get you as far along as they can :thumbup: are you having any extra scans? Might be worth asking the consultant next week if they havent already mentioned it :thumbup: Try not to worry hun, lots of ladies have BP issues in pregnancy, as long as they monitor you and manage your BP all should be fine :hugs: xxxx
Thanks hun. Midwife did mention the consultant will decide if I need extra scans etc when I meet them so we will see what they say. X
I have pre-existing High Blood Pressure and was switched to Methyldopa for both of my pregnancies. I was able to go through my first pregnancy without much adjustment to my base meds, but with this pregnancy, my blood pressure began to run a bit high, so I have been adjusted from 3x to 4x per day with the Methyldopa and that seems to be doing the trick. According to my OB, there is a lot of room for adjustment as needed if my BP starts to increase again. One of my triggering signs is always bad headaches.

I also have extra growth scans to monitor both the baby and the placenta (as HBP can affect the placenta) and next month will start bi-weekly NSTs to make sure bubs' heart is ok.

Hope this info helps! They will definitely monitor you a bit more closely!
Hope that dosage helps! It's a bit scary to have to go the consultant and stuff but I'm just really happy they're keeping a close eye on me so it's good they're doing that with you as well. Hope the meds kick in now x
Thanks ladies....this info is really useful. Since taking this medication, I've been getting more headaches and general foginess up there....it's normally then that I have high bp. No protein in urine still which is good too. X
See how goes, otherwise ask if they can swap tablets? I've not got any side effects from the Labetalol. X

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