2nd baby and feeling less organised than the 1st?


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2010
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Anybody else feeling like this?

I'm 30 weeks on Monday and with my first I literally had stacks of nappies, wipes and everything else you could possibly think of.

This time around.. I just don't seem to be in a rush or feel the need to be as organised and to stock pile everything? I'm sitting here thinking I really should go out and buy a few packs of nappies, wipes, etc.. But then not bothering!

Is it normal to be this relaxed the 2nd time around??
I think so as I'm having the same! With my first I had everything done 3 months before. This time round I almost have to force myself to do stuff. I just managed to wash the baby clothes, and I bought some stuff for my hospital bag this week but couldn't be bothered to start packing the hospital bag yet. So weird, but I think I'm so much more tired this time round that everything seems to be a struggle :(
In the same! I'm so under prepared. When I found out I was having twins I told myself I'd be super organised, have my hospital bags ready at 24 weeks, buy everything early in case they come early.... Now I'm 30+4 and my hospital bags aren't ready, I haven't got a cot mattress or formula and the only reason I have nappies is because it was my birthday last week and my mum bought me a supply. Oops!
Same, I've hardly done anything this time around, I'm actually pretty organised as I had heaps of clothes/toys/cloth nappies stored from last time, so I've not had to go out and buy a lot, but there still seems like heaps I should be doing that I'm just not! :lol: I figure bub just needs boobs, arms to sleep in and clothes and I'll worry about the rest later.
Im the same..... With DS 1 we had everything ready by now, including formula, even though I was BFing...just in case! lol! We havent got anything organised yet, nothing bought, nothing packed, nothing washed, nothing ready..... i guess this wime we know its pretty easy to get stuff as we need it?
Yeah with my first I had the Nursery ready with all furniture, toys, monitor, bouncer, playmat etc set up. I had tons n tons of nappies and wipes. Loads of clothes right up until baby was 1!!!!! Pram etc.

This time I have been buying a few bits, I do have newborn clothes and I do have a few napies and wipes. But I have no bigs things like a bedroom ready of a pram. I will buy a moses basket ready for arrival and then get a pram prob when baby is here or close to delivery .. but the Nursery will come much later i just cba! :D
I'm the same too. Last time we bought everything and had the nursery set up between 20-22 weeks and this time there just doesn't seem to be any rush. I am 32 weeks and have a few cloth nappies and some clothes but that is all and we only got those as and when there were sales on. I said I would pack a small hospital bag between 20-25 weeks 'just in case' because I was in and out of hospital all the time by the end of the second trimester last time and yet I still haven't packed a bag.

There just doesn't feel like a rush to get things done. I think it is because the first time you worry so much about making sure you have everything you need but the second plus time you know that as long as you have the money saved you could realistically sort everything you need out in a day if you really had to. :shrug:
im the same...last time i had everything ready, i have a moses basket, scratch mittens, 1 blanket, 2 hats and 2 sleepsuits!! nothing for a hospital bag as i never really used anything the last time and well i can get the rest when baby is here...i guess its cause we know the shops have nappies etc now we are experienced mummies and we dont worry as much.
Phew! Glad it's not just me!

I just went into a shop and looked in the baby isle hoping it will make me buy something. I came out with a sandwich! Haha

There just seems to be no urgency this time around. It's true what your all saying though, I know that if baby comes early and I'm not prepared, it's not hard to pop to the shop and buy a pack of nappies and wipes!
I can join in! I was so ready and organised with my first, everything was done many months in advance. Im 30 weeks this Saturday and have barely done or purchased anything...no nappies, no clothes, no wipes. nothing. Im just so tired and I feel like I haven't bonded with this baby as much as i did my first, which makes me sad. The whole pregnancy has flown by and i haven't made time to enjoy any of it. I am definitely going to do something this weekend and start making preparations! Time to get my 'newborn baby' head back on! :thumbup: Good to hear Im not alone though! :hugs:
Sunshinebubs, I know exactly what you mean!! With my 1st pregnancy I know how far along I was exactly to the day.. I have to really think and count when somebody asks me how far I am now.

It's just flown by and I really feel that I've been far too busy with my little girl and life to enjoy or think about the pregnancy.

I've been thinking this morning how this baby is literally just going to have to fit and slot in with our life's now more than my little girl did, as we had the room and time in our life's to make adjustments and such. But this baby's gonna have to come a long and fit in and get on with it lol. Poor thing!
I just went into a shop and looked in the baby isle hoping it will make me buy something. I came out with a sandwich! Haha


We only have a few clothes and in all honesty DH bought almost all of them. I am just hoping I don't end up having a last minute panic when it all catches up on me.
Disorganised over here too! Tbh I wasn't hugely organised for my first but I was concentrating on it a bit more. This pregnancy is flying by and I'm not sure when I'll get time to sort everything out. It'll all fall into place! At least that's what I keep telling myself :haha:
Me too im so unorganised this time round the 1st time i had everything done.and hospital bag packed by 25weeks im 35 weeks now and ive only just ordered some babygrows for my hospital bag i only bought my pram last week feeling very unorganised but not completely bothered haha i know its not the end of the world if he comes early i'll send hubby or my mum to the shops
Oh yes! I have just about finished my hospital bag, I have 1 packet of nappies and DH is almost finished painting the nursery :haha:.
Luckily we're team yellow and were with DS so we have all the newborn and 0-3 month clothes left, otherwise this baby would probably leave the hospital naked :haha:.
I feel this now, with my third. Although I think I have everything, I don't feel like I'm prepared :shrug: I'm not sure why it is though, maybe because I haven't found out the sex this time? I don't know!
Sunshinebubs, I know exactly what you mean!! With my 1st pregnancy I know how far along I was exactly to the day.. I have to really think and count when somebody asks me how far I am now.

It's just flown by and I really feel that I've been far too busy with my little girl and life to enjoy or think about the pregnancy.

I've been thinking this morning how this baby is literally just going to have to fit and slot in with our life's now more than my little girl did, as we had the room and time in our life's to make adjustments and such. But this baby's gonna have to come a long and fit in and get on with it lol. Poor thing!

YES! I feel the same way completely!!! With your first you can make time and change things - re-organise your life around them almost, but these little bubbas will have to fit into the already hectic life schedule. The thought of having a newborn again as well as a 2 year old is surreal and scary. I can't get my head around the logistics of it all lol. My friends with 2 kiddies all say that I will be surprised at how well he/she slots in and how I won't remember life with only one child. I hope they're right :blush:

Im so busy at the moment - I work 3 days a week, and like you say, busy keeping my daughter occupied on the other days. I have also just put her in a big girl bed and she keeps getting up now having discovered her new-found freedom :dohh:

How far along are you?
Sunshinebubs, I know exactly what you mean!! With my 1st pregnancy I know how far along I was exactly to the day.. I have to really think and count when somebody asks me how far I am now.

It's just flown by and I really feel that I've been far too busy with my little girl and life to enjoy or think about the pregnancy.

I've been thinking this morning how this baby is literally just going to have to fit and slot in with our life's now more than my little girl did, as we had the room and time in our life's to make adjustments and such. But this baby's gonna have to come a long and fit in and get on with it lol. Poor thing!

YES! I feel the same way completely!!! With your first you can make time and change things - re-organise your life around them almost, but these little bubbas will have to fit into the already hectic life schedule. The thought of having a newborn again as well as a 2 year old is surreal and scary. I can't get my head around the logistics of it all lol. My friends with 2 kiddies all say that I will be surprised at how well he/she slots in and how I won't remember life with only one child. I hope they're right :blush:

Im so busy at the moment - I work 3 days a week, and like you say, busy keeping my daughter occupied on the other days. I have also just put her in a big girl bed and she keeps getting up now having discovered her new-found freedom :dohh:

How far along are you?

I think your living my life!!! I too have a 2 year old (3 in August) and work 3 days a week! The other 4 I have free are spent running around like a lunatic (well that's what it feels like).

I keep having to remind myself on a daily basis that I'll be ok!! People have been having more than 2 children for years! Lol I'm sure I'll cope! But the other half of me is worried how I'm going to do the 'newborn' stage all over again whilst having my little girl to run around after haha.

I'll be 30 weeks on Monday, due 17th June.
Yes I think it is just part of having your second! With my first I was over prepared & had a bag packed for me and baby by now. This go around I have really not done anything. I have the things for the nursery but they aren't up and I have not even started to wash baby clothes yet or put them up...Makes me feel horrible but I have been told that is just the difference between the first child and every child after that!!

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