What DPO are you kholtmann? Sorry for the BFN. That's the worst!
Good luck today L.AnnV.
Katie-For me, it's either right after or the next morning. We're a PM BD family
, so if I don't prop up for a while, it's running out.
Blues-I hear ya on the pregnancy stuff. Everyone keeps asking me if there's a bun in the oven. I tell them two things 1) the seed is planted 2) the first moment I throw up, they will be the first to know.
I'm excited that people are excited for me getting married and most likely planning to have kids, but asking all the time is not.helping.
Fezzle-I may start a March thread, but I wanted to wait until closer to March because I still like to cheer on the Feb. ladies, and then I also feel overwhelmed with more than one thread going. HA!!HA!! And yes, its' all about me today. zoinks. Feel free to start one though. I was just thinking that if I (italicized) started it, that's what I would do, but I'm not pressed to start one. HA!HA!
AFM-I'll preface this by saying that I'm trying not to be a whiner, but I'm getting discouraged. Today is CD12, and I usually have a positive OPK by now. So far, open circles all around. I wonder if the HSG did something and now I'm not even going to ovulate.
It's just a little frustrating not knowing what's going on. We're continuing to BD, but *sigh* I'm ready to be in the TWW. And...I feel stupid because I will probably get a jump in temps tomorrow. I just need to be patient.