3 weeks or less!!!


Mom to 2 girls
Nov 23, 2014
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So I highly doubt I'll make it to 40 weeks but I wanted to start a thread for all of us that officially have 3 weeks or less!!! I am 37 weeks tomorrow, I'm not supposed to make it to 38 weeks but we will see!

What are you doing to pass the time? Are you getting nervous/anxious?

I am so excited to be meeting our first son! We have 2 girls and I love them so much but I'm super stoked to have a little boy, although I would have been just as happy with another little girl :) for quite some time, I was very fearful of going unmedicated but I think I am just so ready for this baby to be here in my arms that I have lost most of that fear.
I'm 37 weeks om Sunday I've been put a week behind as baby is measuring behind but hoping I'll go around my original date ! My 2 boys have been keeping me in my toes but I'm about ready to be done I'm exhausted tired and sore now lol not long to go xx
Ive seen your posts since 2nd trimester and so excited to be now on the finishing line and looking forward to your announcement once he arrives!
I am 37 weeks on Sunday, had my last day in the office today and after working from home next week planning to
spend as much time as possible sleeping and with my son :)
My lady has turned now, so i starting on raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil :)
It's so exciting isn't it?! I haven't done epo but have been having 4 cups of rrlt since about 34 weeks, I read a lot of reviews on the kind I bought and the women had sworn it helped a ton, never used it before in other pregnancies so I'm hoping it will help. Do you have a name picked out yet? Our little boy is going to be Charles Nathaniel, but we will call him Charlie ;)
38 weeks today! I was originally told I'd be lucky to make it to 37 weeks, but that has since changed. Now I'm told it could happen any day, but it's always possible I'll go the whole 40. So we are on pins and needles waiting to see what happens! As for passing the time, I am working two jobs (1 full time 5x/week, 1 part time 7x/week), so that keeps me plenty busy.
37 weeks today. I always go over though so I'll probably be the last one standing!!
I'll be 37 weeks Tuesday ,have been told to expect earlier than 40 :) I'm so excited , been having period like pains and lower back ache for past 3 days along with bh that are getting more painful and lasting hours . Good luck all x
Hi! I'm 37wks they said 50% effaced and 1cm dilated. No idea if that even means anything but dr sounded like it was exciting. This is my third pregnancy but my second natural delivery hopefully! I can't wait to meet our new little girl. Been having BH for weeks and also back pain constantly! Hoping baby arrives sometime this coming week. I had ultrasound today and dr told me she is perfectly breathing on her own and a great size! He didn't give a number but I'm scared for a large baby now lol
Hi! I'm 37wks they said 50% effaced and 1cm dilated. No idea if that even means anything but dr sounded like it was exciting. This is my third pregnancy but my second natural delivery hopefully! I can't wait to meet our new little girl. Been having BH for weeks and also back pain constantly! Hoping baby arrives sometime this coming week. I had ultrasound today and dr told me she is perfectly breathing on her own and a great size! He didn't give a number but I'm scared for a large baby now lol

Haha, does sound exciting, I went a week with no change other then the baby dropping a little bit, I also am hoping for a baby this coming week! Especially since my midwife was so convinced I wouldn't make it much longer :/ I've already passed the point in which my second was born so we will see, congrats on your soon to be baby girl!!!
I'll be 37wks on Sunday, I am sooooo excited and nervous at the same time. I've been off work since 34wks and very achy and sore with lots of pressure down below. I'm hoping so much I don't go to 40wks!
It's so exciting isn't it?! I haven't done epo but have been having 4 cups of rrlt since about 34 weeks, I read a lot of reviews on the kind I bought and the women had sworn it helped a ton, never used it before in other pregnancies so I'm hoping it will help. Do you have a name picked out yet? Our little boy is going to be Charles Nathaniel, but we will call him Charlie ;)

Love the name!
We have picked, but keeping it a surprise:)
I have been drinking rlt in my last pregnancy and i am convinced
It helped with pushing stage, he came out litteraly in 3 pushes, its recorded in my notes that stage lasted 5 min, i started drinking it late this time, but hope it still helps, hope it will work for you as well.

Do you have all ready now? Arw your girls excited welcoming their little brother?
Me! I'm delivering anytime from Monday - 36 weeks due to IUGR and a blood condition. Anxious but excited to have my baby delivered safely :)
I'm 39+2 and anxiously hoping and minute can be "that time". Lol. So unmotivating everyday that passes and my little guy isn't here. This is our second. DD is 4 and she hoped for a sister oh so much. I felt so bad breaking the news that it was a boy. She actually cried. But I'm looking forward to all the new adventures a boy will bring.
Hi ladies! So as we are all patiently waiting the arrival of our littles is there any tips tricks you'll use with new baby? Anyone have older child? If so plan to do anything special for them from baby? My daughter is 2 so we plan to have a balloon for her and a kitty that kicks and purrs when you feed her a bottle! I'm hoping that she will be excited to receive it and love her little baby sister! We are going to name our newest Riley Marie. I was at grocery store yesterday and ran into my neighbor. Made mistake of telling her the new name bc she proceeded to say if they had another son that was going to be his name!! I see it as a girls name but I know it can be unisex. Still upset me when she knew we where having a girl!

Anyways feeling a lot of pressure pushes today! Baby Riley needs to stay in til Sunday night as I need to go trick or treating with my daughter tomorrow! Would be so great if all the walking put me into labor later tomorrow night :) I'm sure wishful thinking! How is everyone feeling today?
Looks like 2 ladies from this thread just had their babies! So exciting! I am nowhere near ready to have her, so hope to hang around here for another few weeks :)
Hi ladies! So as we are all patiently waiting the arrival of our littles is there any tips tricks you'll use with new baby? Anyone have older child? If so plan to do anything special for them from baby? My daughter is 2 so we plan to have a balloon for her and a kitty that kicks and purrs when you feed her a bottle! I'm hoping that she will be excited to receive it and love her little baby sister! We are going to name our newest Riley Marie. I was at grocery store yesterday and ran into my neighbor. Made mistake of telling her the new name bc she proceeded to say if they had another son that was going to be his name!! I see it as a girls name but I know it can be unisex. Still upset me when she knew we where having a girl!

Anyways feeling a lot of pressure pushes today! Baby Riley needs to stay in til Sunday night as I need to go trick or treating with my daughter tomorrow! Would be so great if all the walking put me into labor later tomorrow night :) I'm sure wishful thinking! How is everyone feeling today?

Dont be upset about the name, people say different things, as long as you love it, that all what matters!
Lovely present ideas, i still have not decided what to get as a present from baby to my son
I had really bad cramps an tightening last night after dtd ! pretty intense i could have cried they were about 3-4 minutes apart but died off after 3 hrs i was sore and exhausted not long !! 2 people on this thread have had there beautiful little babies ttc and jlw congratulations xxx
That's exciting!! Congratulation!! Can't wait for all of us to have our littles! I have been having my husband yelling at me telling me it's my fault I haven't went into labor and I tell him how can I control it?? Goodness I'm still at 38 weeks! So he better realize that I can go over even at 1cm and 50% effaced. Dr appt on weds and I pray I had some progress just to have him stay quiet.

How is everyone else holding out?
Still waiting! Had a few "real" contractions last night, but nothing like what set me off dilating a couple of weeks ago. Baby keeps pushing down down down, and I'm definitely having more BHs today, but I may actually last until my due date (or heaving forbid, past). So close, and yet so far away!
I am 37 weeks on Thursday but i am getting back ache and pains in my tum as im sat here at 3.47am. Cant sleep but pretty sure it isnt the start of labour anyway.

I am just wanting her to be born as soon and as safely as possible. This is my 7th and last baby as my husband has now had the snip.
We already have 4 boys and 2 girls so we were thoroughly excited when our surprise baby turned out to be a girl. We are calling her Poppy Louise x

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