hi rachael,same as me i went yesterday for my scan day 15 i had 2 follicles 1 being 27mm & been getting ovulation pains, i should b ovulating 2day but got 2 try & talk oh into it,god there so lazy! got 2 b honest im sick of timed sex as well lol! this my last month on clomid then got a 2 month break till i start ivf good luck hun.x
Thewy just don't get it do they?? My OH said to me when I told him off for not BDing... "What's the bloody problem u ovulate everyday don't you?"
If only!!!!
Lmao... I just rang the hosp and my follicle is actually 32.4mm!! I'm thinking this isn't a good thing! The other 2 were 15mm and 16.5mm and my lining is 8.7mm....
Good luck with this cycle hun ur follicle sounds a perfect size!! Get sexing!!! Iv got my fingers crossed for you xxxxx