32 weeks reduced movement... ? ? ?


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2012
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Hi ladies,

my little man is usually a wriggler, especially when im at work at my desk, he wriggles all day!

the last three days he has been quiet,
Sunday i put it down to me being more active...
Monday (yesterday) he was still quieter than usual and so I rang mw and went in for a CTG... he was quiet then started moving about... the mw asked lots of questions and thenwent for her break and another mw came and took over, she was much less thorough and as soon as she had a few wiggles on the cg for 5 mins said i could go, however out of the hour and a half we'd been there he was only active for about 10 mins (they were quite big movements tho), then went back to being pretty quiet last night...
of course dh said ,,, i told u so... when we left and thinks i am worrying over nothing...

now today hes quiet again... if i poke him he kicks back but he isnt reli doing much rolling or kicking or any of his normal activities as he usually would, only the occasional movement...

am i being paranoid????
is he just running out of room>????
when i poke him he kick back...

also i was engaged yesterday aswell and mw was asking about my feet and stuff, they have been really swollen the last week and a half but i chalked that up to pregnancy itself...

i sound like such a hypocondriac if i call the mw again and my dh keeps telling me hes just sleepy or tired etc...

what do i do?
I had reduced movements around 32 weeks as well. All was fine and I think he was just hitting a growth spurt.. he's now very, very active again.
That said, you are never wrong for going back in. You are the voice of your baby and if you feel something isn't right, you should definitely be checked out again.
thanks hun... thats the thing... i dont reli feel in my gut like theres anything wrong,

maybe he is just hitting a growth spurt...

i might go home tonight and lay down and have some ice water,,, if he doesnt perk up then i will call again...

goodness these babies are hard work already lol
Hi hun :)

I'm 32 + 3 and since the weekend my LO hasn't had much movement at all.

I also put it down to being on my feet all Saturday and all Sunday because i read that around 32 weeks the more you move the more it rocks baby to sleep and then when you lay down and chill out you feel baby more.

I have been worrying too but as soon as I get comfy and a drink in me it does start the movements again.

Call again and go in.

More then likely baby is just beinh lazy the last few days but repeat episodes of reduced movement can indicate a bigger issue so it's always always worth going in.

My youngest had a bug last week, she got lethargic, wouldn't move didn't cry. I would never ignore that kind of change of behaviour in a baby and its exactly the same for the ones we are still growing.
I had similar on the weekend it felt like all sat and Sunday baby barely moved ..... I would set a time to ring mw if nothing had happened then she'd do like a single kick! But nothing like normal but then Monday and today back to normal! Really hard kicks and constantly wriggling so maybe she just got comfy and decided to have a lazy weekend!!

I wouldn't feel bad bout ringing twice, that's there job and maybe if the 2nd midwife who saw u had reassured u a little more u wouldn't be thinking about ringing again! Xxx
Thanks ladies... I laid down when I got home and hes been kicking since... im thinking maybe his routine has changed and hes more active in night and afternoon...

I also notived that I can sometimes see my tummy moving but not feell it much or at all...so unless I was paying close attention I wowouldn't know...hes wiggling for now so ill wait til tomoro I think and if hes still quiet throuvh the day ill ring...

Thanks.for the advice:)
I read that your baby hits their peak movement at 31/32 weeks, so could be slowing down now. You could always pop into the OB for a doppler check - they don't mind at all.
hey, i had reduced movements yesterday. I mean, i had over ten but it wasnt her usual active self. I got into bed last night after having the bare minimum movements to keep me happy and she went wild, it was like there was a disco ball and everything, she had a crazy party!
I wonder if they just have a little growth spurt around 32 weeks and sleep alot for a couple of days. Id definitely go and get it checked out, id already decided if baby hadnt moved alot in the night i was going to be outside my midwives office at 9am this morning demanding all sorts of things! Luckily, shes been her normal self today.

Dont be fobbed off by the midwives or made to feel like your wasting time or annoying them, this is why they are there and there is nothing more important than the health of you and your baby. x
It sounds like he's okay but keep an eye.

I find all this movement tracking so difficult. Now I'm 28 weeks, I'm told to keep an eye. But I find my baby naturally has quiet days - and may well do from now on too. Then she's kicking away the next day as normal.

Also, I know when you call to report no movement, they tell you to do the ice water test. But even a weak baby will respond to ice water. Is it really a sign all things are well as surely reduced movement is an issue to, not just no movement?

Sorry, just realised I'm hijacking but it's such a minefield for us girls!
I am also 32 weeks and have noticed reduced movement over the last 5 days or so.

I have also found that the types of movement have changed recently, from strong kicks to twisting/moving around. As you said, iwantabub, sometimes he has been moving and I just haven't really noticed until I've spotted my belly moving!

There are enough active times to stop me worrying too much, but there has definitely been a change in the last few days. I have put it down to him running out of room and also possibly a change in position.
Reduced movement can be the first sign to baby being in trouble so needs to be checked.

If you wait until no movement then it could be too late and baby's already gone :(
Reduced movement can be the first sign to baby being in trouble so needs to be checked.

If you wait until no movement then it could be too late and baby's already gone :(

This...believe me.

Please always call in if anything changes, of if something even seems off to you. Better safe than sorry.
hi ladies, thanks for your advice...

tbh i think ive pin pointed what it is...

firstly i was having a dreadful night last night and got up so many times with period cramp type braxton hicks things and he was moving about every time... usually hes quiet at night...

also this morning hes his usual jiggly self :) but just not as strong movements... i really think hes just run out of room well and truly now lol...

he was normal last night and this morning so hopefully he stays like that...

i think growth spurt/running out of room/ me not feeling him but seeing him/his new found night time activites lol are all combined... if he is really quiet for the rest of the day ill definitely call my mw again and go in...

hopefully the little jiggle pot keeps jumping around for me :)

thanks again ladies
also can i just ask re the period type pains ...with tightening thats just bh right???

thanks ladies

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