I have to take Procardia every 6 hours, am being put on bedrest, and friday i have to come in for a non-stress test and the nurse said I'll likely have weekly ones until i go into labor.
Since I'm 34 weeks im not sure why they're being so aggressive against labor but im happy little one will have more time to develop. Though it's frustrating because these pills make me feel weak, give me a constant headache and have made my wrists and ankles swell up and i still have the random contractions.
Do you guys think i should ask my OB about not taking them and just letting myself go into labor or do you think i should continue to stop it?
Tbh im not really ready for all of this and really overwhelmed. I dunno how im supposed to be on bedrest when my husband works a lot and i have a toddler, either. Just really worried about a lot, right now.