40+1. I hate duedates! Any others overdue?


Mum and expecting #2!
Jul 17, 2012
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I wish hospitals wouldn't give us 'due dates' hahaa. It's so depressing when you go over.

Trying to keep myself sane by counting down the 10 days until induction, rather than how many days I go over.

Whats more annoying is people constantly asking me If theres any news or If I've had him... Go awaaaayyy..

Also turned into the most unsociable person you could ever think of!
Don't want to do anything other than hibernate in my nest (bed) lol. :(

How are all those 'over due' feeling?

ahhh man, I'm 41+1 and completely fed up! It just feels never ending :(
We've waited the full 40 weeks and our babies are still stubborn!!

I can see why you're completely fed up, BUT we've done it for 40, I can do it for another 10 days, and you can do it until she makes an appearance. Big hugs!!!!
I'm 40+1 and I feel the same as u! Totally over the "any news yet" it's driving me nuts!!! Like u guys I'm just counting down the possible 10 days left... I suppose we have waited this long now! Most frustrating comment I've had so far is "both of my kids were good, they came 2 weeks early"..... So not what I wanna hear when I just wanna meet my baby girl!
they don't give 'due dates', they give 'estimated due dates' its just that, an estimation, a guess, a rough idea based on a timeframe and a measurement. Unfortunately, almost all pregnant women focus in on that date as a magical number which then leads to being frustrated when it comes and goes with no sign of a baby. Anywhere between 37 and 42 wks is completely and utterly normal and still within term for a baby.

Yes, its frustrating, but your baby doens't have a calender., enjoy these last few precious days when you are the only one that has access to him/her, before you have to start sharing with the rest of the world. ;)
Yeah that would frustrate me too!

I was looking forward to all those pranks I could have played on him on his birthday each year 'It isn't your birthday, what you talking about?!' haha

It's weird how people you hardly ever speak to soon become so interested in your life, I want to de-activate my Facebook for a while, all the messages are driving me insane!!
Who knew being pregnant could make you so popular haha?!

I just want my Son here now, for cuddles and kisses :( xx
Yeah I get that, but when I was given a due date of 21st March and another of 1st April. It's frustrating.
Yeah, all of a sudden everyone wants the gossip! I've stopped replying to Facebook messages from people that aren't really close friends... It's like they just wanna know something before everyone else! I'm not announcing labour on fb so everyone other than my close family will be finding out AFTER baby is born and we have left the hospital!
Thats exactly what I'm doing! Everyone expects me to announce labour on FB and when I say no, you'll know when he is here when I update they get all shirty with me.. sorry I don't want my life on there!!

We're telling our parents, and my SIL when I go into labour, My MIL is my MW so obviously she'll know, but its so annoying when people text me like " you will tell me right?"... No!!!

I am 40+4 and its the not knowing when its going to happen that's driving me bonkers. Also I know I'm having a big baby and every day I go over due baby gets bigger! :(

I seem to get more scared with every day that goes past...I don't know why I've been through labour before and it was fine but I just seem to get more worked up as time progresses...

Wishing you all quick, easy labours that come very soon! Xxx
Yeah I'm measuring8 weeks ahead and estimated a 9-11 lb baby, so I'm worried with each day too :(((. Wish you the best xxx
I'm with you. My ESTIMATED due date was 28th march and you do focus on that date regardless that it can come between 37-42 weeks. I feel peed right off now!! I'm 40+5 days. I think more for me because I've had a show 4 days ago and now it just mucus plug coming out no blood. Every morning I have a good amount on the toilet paper! I have back aches every night. Arghhh its never ending! Back to the midwife on thurs and ill ask for another sweep and an induction date even though I want a natural birth. :(
Chin up ladies it is the final stretch and one way or another we will have our babies in the next 10 days.........
:hi: I'm 40+4 and as someone else mentioned I am counting down to induction rather than counting up past due date (well...trying to anyway!)

I know the dates are only estimated....but if someone tells me something will happen on this date - and I wait 8 months - then I bloody well don't expect to have to wait anymore! :haha:

Throw in the fact that one thread I'm on I am now in the last 2 out of about 8 women to still be pregnant and I'm starting to get a little peeved!

I've a sweep tomorrow so praying that it goes well and gets this baby out!
I am right with you ladies....I have been sitting at 3cm for two weeks....had two sweeps and NOTHING. I am sooo done...just the waiting is driving me insane...the constant comments of is baby here yet...or whats taking so long...is also irritating. Not to mention the comments of "oh enjoy these last few days" really enjoy the back aches, the pain in moving, the swollen ankles, the heart burn, sure I will enjoy it.....I know baby will come when its ready but I am so ready to get on with things and HATE living in limbo!!!
yeah I am right with all of you girls. I am only a couple of days over due, but it to me, it's time!!! I am getting sick of the constant false labor signs, the questions, the uncomfortableness.

However, yesterday, I did say to my mom, that the doctors lied to me. lol I wish they would just say, your baby will be here sometime during the month of april. Not an exact date. wahhhh lol :haha:
Gotta love the "enjoy these last days" I've been positive for my entire pregnancy no aches or pains but now just getting up to move hurts, not what I'd call enjoyment! I just wanna meet my baby girl... I'm in Australia and so far haven't been examined so I have no idea if I'm even at any cm's! I have an apt on Monday to discuss options so maybe ill find out then.... I just keep reminding myself ill have a baby by next weekend
Had my 40 week antenatal tonight, measuring 49 weeks, hospital still refuse any induction as they say I can deliver a baby naturally up to 12 lbs...

Mw is getting more and more concerned, especially with lack/no movement but hospital just don't want to know about it :(
they don't give 'due dates', they give 'estimated due dates' its just that, an estimation, a guess, a rough idea based on a timeframe and a measurement. Unfortunately, almost all pregnant women focus in on that date as a magical number which then leads to being frustrated when it comes and goes with no sign of a baby. Anywhere between 37 and 42 wks is completely and utterly normal and still within term for a baby.

Yes, its frustrating, but your baby doens't have a calender., enjoy these last few precious days when you are the only one that has access to him/her, before you have to start sharing with the rest of the world. ;)

Basically the same thing i was going to say lol
Had my 40 week antenatal tonight, measuring 49 weeks, hospital still refuse any induction as they say I can deliver a baby naturally up to 12 lbs...

Mw is getting more and more concerned, especially with lack/no movement but hospital just don't want to know about it :(

I hope something happens for u soon hun! I freaked out when I was measuring 42 weeks
I'm with you guys too! Hopefully this thread will soon be filled with my baby is here posts!! My induction date would be a Sunday - so not sure if it would be done on the Saturday or the Monday? Hoping I won't need it as the Saturday is my birthday and I want him here by then! My EDD had changed from the 23/3 to the 2/4 at my first scan so somewhere in my mind I expected him a bit a early - never mind! Just hanging hope on every twing!!

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