Some babies r not big eaters hun. Omar is on the 90th percentile & I spoon feed him only real food. 2 tsps of yoghurt with 1/2 banana is a main meal for him. He doesnt eat snacks, & even when I give him finger food, he throws it as he's more interested in playing. The only proper meal he eats is lunch, but he's fuzzy & after 3-4 baby spoons, he gets distracted & refuses to eat. Today I tried to give him kidney beans stew with rice, & he only ate 3 baby spoons before shaking his head, & saying "Na", then started to try & get out of his high chair. He's also not a big drinker & would go for 15-18 oz in 24 hrs. He's not abit picky, & the only food he doesnt fuzz when he eats are yoghurt, pasta & spinach.
ETA: he only takes 3 meals & 3 bottles with no snacks