5 months PP tomorrow, and just got period? EBF!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2012
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My baby girl is 5 months old tomorrow, and I just got what I assumed to be my period today. This makes sense, as the last week I have been complaining of migraines, bloating, wanting to snack all day... and all that is stuff that NEVER happens to me.

So it seems like I have it.


I have been EBF, so I wasn't expecting this.

My main concern is my milk supply. Will it drop? I've had a couple supply issues before where my milk supply has dropped, and it's been a lot of work keeping it up.

Is there anything I should expect?
I don't think I had any supply drop issues until I got pregnant with Sophie, but Thomas was 14 months old by then.

I had a period at 8, 10 and 12 months PP with Thomas and it didn't change our nursing relationship.

Sucks you got yours so soon! What a ripoff!
Mine dips. I am more or less working with one breast to begin with. I have an issue with one side and it makes 1/2 an oz for every three the good side makes normally (more or less, judged by the pump. I am sure LO gets more). It only is a problem for us when this dip occurs. For me the dip seems to be in effect till I stop bleeding. I have had 2 periods since having her in January. Some months it has skipped. I would have not believed the dip thing if I wasn't pumping daily. I get almost nothing at this time, when usually I pump 3 1/2 oz + total at the same time each day. That plus her unusual fussiness makes me think I am having lower than usual supply. It becomes an issue for her in the evening. She gets really mad. I think most people can get through it just fine though.
Mine dips. I am more or less working with one breast to begin with. I have an issue with one side and it makes 1/2 an oz for every three the good side makes normally (more or less, judged by the pump. I am sure LO gets more). It only is a problem for us when this dip occurs. For me the dip seems to be in effect till I stop bleeding. I have had 2 periods since having her in January. Some months it has skipped. I would have not believed the dip thing if I wasn't pumping daily. I get almost nothing at this time, when usually I pump 3 1/2 oz + total at the same time each day. That plus her unusual fussiness makes me think I am having lower than usual supply. It becomes an issue for her in the evening. She gets really mad. I think most people can get through it just fine though.

She was super fussy today, so I was worried. I was considering supplementing with formula, but I am going to wait another day or two. If rather not supplement unless I must.

Stupid periods!

So having one doesn't necessarily mean I will get one every month?
For me it didn't. I started waking her up to nurse at night to try to get the anti period hormones going again. We do give 2 oz formula each day, for vitamin deficiencies I have (long story), but I did get through the two dip times without adding more formula. I would like to avoid giving her more than the 2oz if possible. Stupid periods is right. The months I did skip, I had unbelievable PMS, HORRIBLE, but it never came. Feels like hormonal warfare going on inside my body.
Mine came back 3.5 pp and I was EBF :growlmad: soo disappointed.

My supply dropped heaps, esp a day or two before the bleeding starts. My boobs dont fill up even after 6hrs, so I have been using my freezer stash to get by those low supply days then catch up with pumping when my supply goes back to normal.

I have been combi feeding now, I'm sick of pumping now and formula isn't really that bad lol.
Mine came back 3.5 pp and I was EBF :growlmad: soo disappointed.

My supply dropped heaps, esp a day or two before the bleeding starts. My boobs dont fill up even after 6hrs, so I have been using my freezer stash to get by those low supply days then catch up with pumping when my supply goes back to normal.

I have been combi feeding now, I'm sick of pumping now and formula isn't really that bad lol.

I wish I could combi feed, but dairy and soy make her ill, so I can't use it. I think it's a protein intolerance.

Ugh. Well its 4am and I'm engorged because she hasn't eaten since 10pm, so I guess that's somewhat of a good sign? She's eating now. Hopefully it won't be too bad!

I'm so sad about my period!!!
The same happened to me, ebf and period returned at 5 months. I never noticed a problem with my supply though, I wasn't even aware that it could be a problem
I'm EBF and had a 2 day bleed last week. :( Only 9 weeks PP!!

The two days before it I had ewcm so I thought maybe I was ovulating but then to have a bleed too was really weird.

Just think maybe my body is trying a bit as DD has started doing 5-6 hours at night which if you add in burping and cuddling time can make it 7 hours without BF.

Sucks if I get my period back already!!
Mine came back at 4 months pp, although was irregular at first. I was not impressed, especially since Chloe was still feeding all night long!

I do find my supply dips the couple of days before af, and for a couple of days once it starts. Chloe feeds more often, and then my supply boosts back up and we have a few days of more milk than usual then it settles back to normal.

I have also noticed I get really sore nips at ovulation time, took a few months to work that out. I couldn't understand how her latch had gone so wrong, then I realised it was me not her that was the problem! :)
With Isabelle my period returned at 5 months, I didn't notice any drop in supply though.

Just waiting to see when it will return with Joel, he's sttn so I've been expecting it for a few weeks!
I noticed a drop in supply when I got my first period (maybe around 5-6 months, I can't actually remember) but it only lasted a couple of days. It was also very painful to feed. With each period I have noticed it less and less. Keep nursing lots and it should be okay very soon even if there is a temporary drop. x
I got my periods back at 4 months pp and ebf, I was bit disappointed as I thought it wasn't gonna come till agesss.

Anyways I don't think it effected my milk supply at all x
Use BC of some sort because I got mine back the same time, was EBF and am now about to deliver my 2nd baby 13 months after the first:)
Use BC of some sort because I got mine back the same time, was EBF and am now about to deliver my 2nd baby 13 months after the first:)

We were using BC and I'm glad we did... Or I think I'd be buying tests instead of tampons... :haha:
Use BC of some sort because I got mine back the same time, was EBF and am now about to deliver my 2nd baby 13 months after the first:)

We were using BC and I'm glad we did... Or I think I'd be buying tests instead of tampons... :haha:

Super excited about my new baby coming but it took a while. I stupidly thought bfing would cover us since we have fertility issues. I read before 6 months you have like a 2% chance if getting pregnant. Ha ha
Mine came back 4 months pp - and my supply really suffered. We just finished breastfeeding and this was one of my reasons I was getting too stressed seeing her struggle and fuss at my boobs, I don't think I had a massive supply of milk to start with and my milk really seemed to dip between ovulation and the start of my period. Kellymom has some good info on it.
I hear ya. At least you made it til 5 months! I ebfed and was bleeding until 8 weeks pp. then got period back at 15.5 weeks pp (3.5 months).
Oh well. What can you do?
When you have your period your supply can dip for a couple days but it goes right back up to where it was so don't worry about that. You may need to nurse more frequently if lo is hungry. Eat oatmeal keep hydrated. Other than that don't worry.
Mine came back at about 3months and my lo feeds loads!! Was gutted! Have noticed supply seems to dip during my period and at ovulation 2 weeks ago was definite dip! Hate that my periods are back they last 10 days are soooo sore and I generally want to stuff my face with sweet stuff grrrr (put on a lot in pregnancy working v hard to loose it 13 pounds to go and I puff up like a puffer fish pre period!)
Sorry for major moan!!
I'm currently 6 weeks pp and I have my period and I'm ebf

I am so Devo!!!

Bubs has been fussy.. And cluster feeding but only in the evening so I think it's a growth spurt rather then supply issues ... Hopefully

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