Hello girls, I am trying for #2. I have one 21 month old boy already, and really hoping for another boy so he can have a buddy! Plus, I just love boys!! First baby took me an incredibly long time to conceive because of longterm usage of birth control pills for 9 years straight, then 1 year of nuva ring. Withdrawal off of the BC was a nightmare of heavy, irregular, short cycles the first 3 months. Then the cycles became long and drawn out; annovulatory. After almost 10 cycles of charting, I realozed there was no ovulation occuring. By the way, I was only 26 at that time amd thinking I was going to get pregnant within the first 6 months after stopping my BC-- Little did I know!! Anyway, with no insurance or funds to cover fertility testing or seeing a specialist. I became my own doctor and did a crap load of extensive research. I came to the conclusion my ovaries were dormant from all the years of being on birth control. I was getting very frustrated and down with it all, thinking I was not destined to have any children at all! Basically, I stepped things up amd presecribed myself a low, safe dosage of clomid after the 10 months of BFN's. CLOMID worked right away and I had a super strong ovulation. I think it was the first ovulation I had in 10 years, seriously! I even had ovulation spotting with it which was streaked with blood and ewcm! That was a true first for me! Since the Clomid, my cycles and everything were looking picture perfect, so then I started telling my man that he should go get checked out because now I was normal, but still nothing was happening. He insisted he was normal too and healthy. Lol anyway, only took clomid for 3 cycles because it acheived regularity and ovulation for me. 2nd post clomid cycle, we naturally conceived on my 14th cycle. The baby was born on his due date which ended up being mother's day. It was a crazy journey and this was only a nutshell of all the details and things we did and tried. I credit ejaculation intercourse being spread apart to only only every 2-3 days to have done it in the end! Anyways so now, I am tr trying for #2, and since then I swore I never would go back on birth control ever again. I want my kids to be reasonably close in age, so here is what's going on now... it is my first cycle ttc#2 and what's crazy is that I think this time around I may have done it in the first shot!!!? I still do not know yet, but I am having a few promising early pregnancy symptoms: Nose bleed, high temps, cervix remains high/closed, and the day or two after supposed ovulation I had unexplained waves of nausea, and fatigue. I am convinced I am pregnant because my first pregnancy my cervix felt exactly like this during two week wait, and it never has felt like this any other times. I do not plan to test until missed period. I am hoping this is it, because I would love a scorpio baby hehe