Hi, I am brand new to posting on this website. I am 30 yrs old and ttcing for #2 for last 6 months. Today I am 8dpo. Since 6dpo I have been having this right flank pain which feels more like "trapped wind". My bowel movement and urination (sorry if TMI) are perfectly normal, no pain on peeing/passing stools at all, no constipation...nothing!! The pain is so bad that I could'nt walk comfortably, so is going up and downstairs, I was trying to sleep on my stomach and on my left side whole night but it couldnt help it, I even have bad pain on deep breathing and very tender abdomen on right side, what do you guys think it is? I tested today and It BFN and knew it was early! I have no nausea, vomiting but I do have distension/bloating! I am thinking to go ER this evening, what do you guys suggest? Thanks!