So I am having a rubbish day, actually a rubbish week... Anyways, I was trying to think of positive things/funny things to cheer me up
As it is only my mum who knows we are ttc (she tried for seven years to get me, followed by five miscarriages), I was giving her an update yesterday on the phone. This is how the convo went....
'i got chlomid'.
I have got chlomid.
Oh my god, where did you get that from?!
Err the doctor?
The doctor... At the hospital.
How the bloody hell did that happen?!
What do you mean? He gave me a prescription!
What did you say you got again?
Oh thank god, I thought you said you got chlamidiya!
Mums hey?! Anyways just trying to lighten up a not so funny subject, does anyone else have any stories they would like to share?
As it is only my mum who knows we are ttc (she tried for seven years to get me, followed by five miscarriages), I was giving her an update yesterday on the phone. This is how the convo went....
'i got chlomid'.
I have got chlomid.
Oh my god, where did you get that from?!
Err the doctor?
The doctor... At the hospital.
How the bloody hell did that happen?!
What do you mean? He gave me a prescription!
What did you say you got again?
Oh thank god, I thought you said you got chlamidiya!
Mums hey?! Anyways just trying to lighten up a not so funny subject, does anyone else have any stories they would like to share?