Hi all! I stopped taking birth control about a month And a half ago, I finished the pack, and had my normal monthly period on Aug 19th. Since then, FH and I have had unprotected intercourse. Last week, my nipples were very painful, but not my breasts. This lasted for about 2 days. About 3 days ago, I started getting a stuffy right nostril (weird I know) but only really in the morning. I also started having very light cramps, so I figured my period was on it's way but I am 5 days late and still crampy. I have been somewhat more tired that unusual, but nothing crazy except for today, I was super tired. I have been waking up 1-2 times a night, which is unusual for me. I've also noticed increase amountof clear watery discharge. No bleeding at all, yet. Today i had a tiny headache, and I feel like my body is very warm. Also have had 2 crazy pg related dreams. Wondering if this is period or pregnancy? I want to wait another week before taking a test because I'm afraid it'll be neg! Just trying to see if what's going on means anything leading up to pg. Thanks