AF has finally arrived after Miscarriage ... Who's with me for a MARCH BFP ! 3 BFPs

Thank you all for the welcomes, I'm also sorry for the losses everyone

Dahlia, I am cd6 now, I took clomid to keep my cycle on the shorter side but found after I had my son that my cycle regulated fast. Looks like it did the same this time getting AF back 5 week postpartum. I have an 18 month old son, not sure if I said that though. I'm hoping so bad for a miracle bfp this month or the next cause if we don't get one we'll be doing a frozen embryo transfer. We did ICSI to have our little girl and have 8 frozen embryos waiting for us. I just hope that through this all I get a bfp, that we all do and soon.

Carrie: do you temp as well? n/m just read lol.
Carrie I know people that ovulated and only got an "almost" positive opk so it's very likely.
You could link it on here Carrie, that's fine. I thought you had temps too, but I guess not. It's good to know that about the OPKs (what Kelly said).

Kelly, sounds like you've been through a lot. So this time are you doing the clomid? I really don't know much about it
Hi Kelly, argghh I been so confused with it all this month!! Its my first cycle since mc, and first time trying, last baby was not trying not preventing, so im new to it all and the OPKs are not giving me an easy time!! Im so paranoid that Im not even ovulating, but had same results on OPK's last month, so maybe thats just how they work for me :shrug:

But at this rate, I think Im gonna have to buy more OPK's and keep testing just in case ...
Can I just add, tonight OPK the faint line has returned ...

so does that means it's gotten darker Carrie?

If so, around CD 10 and 11 I had an OPK that was looking like it was going to become positive in a few days (it had that medium color to it) . But over the next 6 days it got lighter and lighter (made me think I was never going to ovulate!). But then finally my OPK started getting darker again and then I got my real +. You may have already O'd.... or your body tried, but didn't, but then you'll get your dark OPK in a few days!
Some people never get positive with opks though I don't think it happens often. Keep taking them it does get easier but hopefully you won't have to stick with it long. I've been charting and using opks for years so I'll help where I can.

I am on clomid this month I took it cd2-6, I figure if there is a few extra eggs floating around in there it might make it easier for hubby's lazy sperm to find one. I am perfectly healthy which is good that we don't have to worry about things on both ends. Also losing our daughter, Hannah, was not something my body did. She had a tumour called a sacrococcygeal teratoma and it was growing so fast and big that it was essentially stealing blood from her heart. So I went to Toronto to a world renowned surgeon who did fetal surgery on my Hannah to cut off the blood flow to the tumour. The surgery went well but she passed away shortly after. I haven't gotten the reports back yet but they believe that she bled into her tumour until her heart stopped beating.

Not to be a downer but it's still very fresh for me as I am sure you all feel as well. The last couple of months have been the hardest I've ever faced but I am really truly hoping for a miracle or at least a FET bfp in a few months.
Kelly, Welcome to our band of poas addicts hahaha. I am going through withdraw btw but have no reason to poas yet. My opks should be here monday I think though.

I am exhausted. On top of dealing with my body issues a high school friend who moved to the other side of the country years ago and I haven't seen in forever just died yesterday. Then today I had to end one of my oldest friendships because she just wasn't good for me. She has too many of her own problems and always seemed to cause drama and I need to keep stress free.

Hopefully something good will happen soon around here.:cry:
Sorry about your friend :hugs:

I've been debating ending a friendship to but only because she is the flakiest person I know and it gets me down when I look forward to getting out of the house (now more then ever) but she cancels last minute all the time.
I can relate to that too but this friend is a gorophobic (spelling wrong) And she make all kinds of excuses for herself yet holds everyone else to such a high standard its impossible not to fail then you need to spend hours discussing where 'you' screwed up or went wrong or miss-spoke or whatever.... she is just so judgemental and most days I had trouble trying to figure out how we became friends in the first place.
Lil wow that friend sounds like my friend.. Sometimes I don't answer the phone b/c she thinks she is better than everyone else! Its said also my friend likes to tell me all her problems but if I even try to bring something up she changes the subject back to her... its just sad! :hugs::hugs:
My issue is only the flakiness but I guess it stems from thinking about herself only all the time. She knew how badly I wanted out of the house tonight. It's just pissing me off thinking about it.
KatM: Yeah it is really challenging and can be such an emotional rollercoaster! :( I'm really hoping we get our BFP's this time! :dust:

Carrie: It looked Positive me but I really couldn't offer much advice on OPK's as it was my first month using them myself :blush: Fingers crossed for that BFP though! :dust:

tabs: Fingers crossed for you when you test hun :hugs:

Kelly: Really sorry to hear about your daughter Hannah, just reading your story give me goosebumps! Sending you big :hugs: and I know another BFP won't replace Hannah, but fingers crossed you get a BFP soon :dust:

lilblossom: Sorry to hear about your friend passing away :hugs: And losing another friend...people say things come in three's, maybe a BFP is the third option? ;)
Ok update no more stomach flu yay can actually last a full day at work today. Still feeling that pressure on my uterus like someone is stepping on it though and had some light cramping a few times last night not even enough to be called menstral like and only lasted a min. So 2week waiters any symptoms your grasping at?? lol
Ok update no more stomach flu yay can actually last a full day at work today. Still feeling that pressure on my uterus like someone is stepping on it though and had some light cramping a few times last night not even enough to be called menstral like and only lasted a min. So 2week waiters any symptoms your grasping at?? lol

Yay for the stomach flu leaving you in peace! :thumbup: The symptoms I have had are Exhaustion, constipated, sore boobs and a bit moody :blush:
Ya i have been exhausted and constipated too but i attributed it to the stomach flu so ill have to wait and see what is sticking around in a couple days lol and i have a 2 year old and married to a gamer so i am always moody lol crossing my finger for all of us : )
Hope it's a BFP and not due to your stomach flu :hugs: I have the same symptoms so it must be something? :haha: Fingers crossed for us all and lot's of :dust:
Hi everyone

Its all going on in this thread!! Hard to keep up, but hope your all good :flower:

Kelly, So sad to read your story about Hannah :hugs: I was 22 weeks when I lost my baby, we had a lot of problems with the pregnancy but still never expected what happened to happen, I am absolutely heart broken since losing my little boy, he was and always will be the love of my life, but I am still fighting for this bfp and I know he wants it for his mummy and daddy too. I totally know what your going through hun and hope we all get what we want and truly deserve soon xxx

lil, so sorry to hear the sad news of your friend and hope your keeping well xx

So, me, excuse the pun but I dont know if I'm coming or going this month lol I didnt want to start temping just yet, but if this month isnt mine then I think I will be starting next month as the OPK's are confusing the hell outta me.

After the OPK on tuesday, which I thought was a positive, all tests were coming back negative, then last night I had a faint line, and again at 2pm today, I have posted a pic of todays test below, and tuesdays ...

I just dont know what to think :dohh: as I don't know if I have ovulated yet. I have read so much on here about people h aving the same problems with the OPK's so I'm thinking maybe Im one of those people. Its not bothering me a great deal as we are trying as much as we can anyway but it just bugs me not knowing lol ...

Sorry, i must be really getting on peoples nerves on about the same thing all the time, xx


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I forgot to mention, that since tuesday I just haven't felt 'right'. I dont know why, mostly its an uncomfortable stomach feeling, but I just dont feel right :shrug:
Hi everyone. Thanks for the warm welcomes! Even through td been a while since I posted. I also don't understand opk, although I have never tried them. I was thinking I was going to but never ordered them in time. And at the store they are crazy expensive. I just start bd every other night from cs12 until I see a temp increase.

I have a question, I have never had any problems with conceiving, so no progesterone problems or thyroid in the past. However, my lp phase was only 9 days last cycle. It was my first ovulation since my loss, is that normal sounding. Or could I have devolved a progesterone problem. Another strange thing is that when I was 6 weeks pregnant (with the baby I lost). My temps were down, through forsure I would miscarry, then had a ultrasound and there was the little heart ticking. (120, so a little low) then the baby continued till 11weeks before passing. (then took my body 5 weeks to figure it out.
Anyways I have been freaking our that my progesterone is low and I will continue to loose babies.

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