AF has finally arrived after Miscarriage ... Who's with me for a MARCH BFP ! 3 BFPs

Man I've missed you guys again. Apparently I wasn't receiving any email updates, s I didn't know any conversations were taking place! ah!

Jessica, I would agree with Tab that OPKs might help you determine when you will O. But remember that cycles can be a bit off after a MC, which is an even better to use those OPKs now.

meandrond- TTC is stressful after a loss, I don't think there can be a perfectly relaxed approach. I don't think Rod meant to get your upset, but maybe he didn't realize the urgency. Maybe talk with him about it and tell him that when you make a plan to BD, you both need to make sure it happens : )

Carrie, sorry to hear about your sadness. I know that what you've been through was very traumatic. I'm sure a lot of people understand that you're not feeling yourself and not wanting to be around. I have withdrawn from my friends because no one truly understands, and I'd rather just deal with things alone and wait til I become pregnant again. My best friend is pregnant, and to be blunt I really don't want to hear about it right now form her. Your man is strong, just like you. And just communicate with him that you still are grieving. I'm sure he can see it. And tell him that you'll make it through, because I for one know you'll make it, but it is a process and there is no right time. It's just whenever you feel well again. I really hope you can catch an egg soon! I think at any time in the TWW it's easy to get discouraged... but we're here for you

LilBlossom- I'm not being insensitive, but it made me laugh that you're feeding your poas addiction while in flow. This heavy flow sounds good because like you said earlier, you thought your body needed a real period. I hope it eases for you soon though. And yes stick with those OPKs cause you might O soon as well.

Kat, you know I have to agree that it is important for us to see that men and women really are different, especially emotion-wise. I have really made progress with realizing that fact with my husband, and it's made a difference. And now I communicate with him more about the things I expect, or want because I know he needs the guidance. And not that I'm trying to make him "obey" me, but it's more like an understanding of how I need to be emotionally taken care of. And sometimes I just have to let things go, and literally laugh them off because he is a man and he just won't get everything. lol

Well I tested today: negative. I was expecting it, but I now know that I really did O on the day that FF said, otherwise I might have gotten my period today... and didn't! So it gives me hope. I'm testing again on Feb 29th, and then probably every day after : )
My chart took a dip today, and I hope it hops back up tomorrow. I've been sleeping terribly, and I hate to say that it's been because I'm worried about my temp :haha: I've also been using the bathroom more at night which has been messing with my sleep and temp! vicious circle! I hope I can get some good rest tonight.
lil: Oh cool, glad it cured your poas addiction for the day :rofl:

Dahlia: Sorry to hear about the BFN, look forward to hearing your results on 29th and everyday after ;) I didn't sleep well last night either, I was awake at 4am and couldn't get back into a deep sleep! Kept dozing off but waking up not long after! So annoying! :(
Dalhia; sorry to hear about the bfn but it really is early:) Hopefully your next test will have another line on it.

and no you weren't insensitive at all...I laugh at myself too. It just seems like the day isn't right if I haven't peed on something hahahaha.
meandrod, I would have been a bit peeved too, and I dont want to sound like Im making excuses for him but when things like that happen to me and my boyf, I always put it down to him being a MAN!! Im sure theres still time for you this month hun. TTC puts a strain on a relationship anyway, plus we all have our loss to deal with on top of it all. I would say what Ex said, and make sure he wakes you if it happens again, altho he probably will now!

I've had a bad weekend, what with TTC and still grieving. Im trying so hard to move on the best I can but everytime I take one step forward I get knocked back. I am trying to face going back to work but I cant, and right now I feel like I never will be able to go back to my same job. I cant face most of my family at the moment, let alone work colleagues, My oh is the only one who can reach me at the moment, and he does take a lot of crap from me with the moods and tears. I also worry that one day maybe he will have enough and just walk. Its all just part of what we are going through I suppose.

So anyway, I have been to see my dr today and I asked her about ttc, and told her Im a bit worried as I dont think I have ovulated this month. Anyway she said its normal, some months it doesnt happen, and 90% of people will concieve within one year of trying. They wont do anything until this time next year, plus as I have already been pregnant, there is no cause for concern atm, nothing I didnt already know :wacko:

I just need one HUGE kick up the bum :cry:

Thanks for your response! I spoke to him a second ago and he was just as happy as if nothing ever happened. I wish I ccould be that way. Anyways I hope your is much better thankk your weekend was. And don't you just hate it when you go to the doc and they give you info you already know! So frustrating! But likek you said you did get pregnant so atleast that's not a worrying. We just have to pray for sticky beans.
Ok ladies i am so confused i got my package in the mail took the prego test it was a negative just for the heck of it took used an opk i bought in bulk so though what the heck id never used the strip for before i always used the midstream so ill try it. I had a positive. Straight no questions both very dark positive lines. How am i still ovulating ??? Is this possible?? Should i start up the bd'ing i dunno what to think. Does miscarriage make you ovulate like crazy literally lol i am baffled don't know what to think
Although it is rare it is not unheard of to ovulate two times in same cycle...saw a post someone put up that said their mother had a multiple pregnancy where one was younger than the other by about a week so maybe?
Tabs! Whaaaaat? That is odd, I don't know what to say, other than to DTD!!!! Was your OPK 7 days ago a clear positive?
Now i am really like what is going on the 5 minute timer went off i went and checked both tests again opk still very positive and their is a faint line on the pregnancy test what is going on could i have bad tests? They are from the same website. The pregnancy one is one of the 10miu. My body is seriously on a whole other level of crazy apparently those are physically imopossible to have both..ugh its so crazy and frustrating im laughing omg lmao
Ex, FXed!!! I have no idea why you saw a line and then none. I know that a line that appears than disappears before the read time for the test is a negative, but I remember that you took that pic after 3 min which is within the read time. I have also read that false positive is soooo rare except sometimes with those blue dye tests. I don't know what those are, I just read this on the pee on the stick site. My test is a pink line.

I have heard the FRER test is one of the best. Hopefully this will dispell any ambiguity. Soooo sorry that you are in this position. It's so hard to be in limbo. I cried several times knowing, but not knowing.:cry:

Hopefull in just a couple of days, eternities when patience is involved, we will be doing the :happydance:

CarrieAnn, if you are feeling pulled towards doing the male fertility testing, I encourage you to listen to yourself. Knowledge is power girl. If it is male infertility, they can do a lot to change the quality of the sperm. I read a list of this from diet change, vitamins, daily ejaculation, etc.. That way you will know. I read a Dr. said the first thing to do is check out the male. Anyways, my 2 cents. I respect your decision.

Dahlia, it's great that you have moved to a place of clearly stating your needs and coming from a place of understanding. It makes relationships soooooo much more fun and easier. Men cannot and will never read our minds no matter how much we wish they could =0. Of course, sometimes I still forget this.

Mean, men seem to totally be able to reshift and it's like nothing happened. Wish I did this so easily. It's staying more in the present and letting old shit go.

Lil, good info on the egg testing. Never heard of it. Good news on you having loads of eggs=)
I called the doctor's office the nurse said that some opk's dont differentiate the hcg from the lh surge so you can get a positive ovulation test if you are pregnant but with the pregnancy test having a light line and the ovulation dark after 5 min that to test in the morning and call them back. This is too strange leave it to me ..lmao
I called the doctor's office the nurse said that some opk's dont differentiate the hcg from the lh surge so you can get a positive ovulation test if you are pregnant but with the pregnancy test having a light line and the ovulation dark after 5 min that to test in the morning and call them back. This is too strange leave it to me ..lmao

I have read on the internet that some people had positive OPKs before their HPT turned positive. I peed on OPKs days 7-10 and was flat out upset that there was NO line. The pee on a stick lady says that HPTs will detect pregnancy before OPKs will, but I have read several accts of people saying their OPKs turned positive first. It looks like you are headed towards a clear BFP tomorrow morning!!!:happydance:
KatM: I can't understand it either as I took the picture within the time thread. I guess we'll just have to see what happens within the net few days or so. When my Frer's arrive, I'm going to do one of those and see what the outcome, if there is no change soon then I might make an appointment with the Doctor and ask why it went from a Positive to a Negative :wacko:
@Dahlia - I didn't think I could wait to test, but you have me beat!:haha:

What are your symptoms?? I'm at 8DPO now....

-Hot (99F)
-Burping nonstop/heartburn
-Light nausea feeling all the time
-Short of breath
-Lazy (okay maybe not symptom):winkwink:
-no sore boobies...yet
-weird taste in mouth
-forgetful & silly mistakes when talking (baby brain...oh dear!):dohh:

Feeling optimistic!!! Symptom listing helps pass the time!!

Waiting for the :bfp: for us!! :thumbup:
@Dahlia - I didn't think I could wait to test, but you have me beat!:haha:

What are your symptoms?? I'm at 8DPO now....

-Hot (99F)
-Burping nonstop/heartburn
-Light nausea feeling all the time
-Short of breath
-Lazy (okay maybe not symptom):winkwink:
-no sore boobies...yet
-weird taste in mouth
-forgetful & silly mistakes when talking (baby brain...oh dear!):dohh:

Feeling optimistic!!! Symptom listing helps pass the time!!

Waiting for the :bfp: for us!! :thumbup:
Heartburn is good, especially if you usually don't get it! I never got heartburn before, but with my last BFP I got it starting 3 DPO, and it was there almost every day. Strangely, after my MC and during this TTC process, I've been having it more often. I had it last month's TTC cycle, but it didn't turn out to be a BFP : (
I've been tired a lot, and had a lower backache.
Some days I feel positive about this cycle, and other days I feel hopeless
@dahlia...hope all this burping isn't for nothing! But didn't have it after MC until this past wk. Been almost two months since MC so don't think it would be from that. Will just have to POAS soon and see!
KatM: I can't understand it either as I took the picture within the time thread. I guess we'll just have to see what happens within the net few days or so. When my Frer's arrive, I'm going to do one of those and see what the outcome, if there is no change soon then I might make an appointment with the Doctor and ask why it went from a Positive to a Negative :wacko:

Oh those stinky tests!!! We get the nerve to POAS and then they mess with us like that! How many DPO are you now?? If you're 12+ then you should get some nice :bfp:!!!! The line will probably be very faint then....My line at 12DPO was faint, and by 15DPO it was a lot more vivid.

Hope we get good news soon! :hugs:

I'm 8DPO...feeling preggos, but doubting test will be positive now. Original plan was to test on Friday but not sure I can wait that long! I think I'll get some FR tests from Wal-Mart and give it a go tomorrow or Wednesday. hehe
Keeping quiet about it around hubby til I do the POAS and get my :bfp:. 1st pregnancies MC a lot, so hoping that this being my 2nd...the bean will be extra sticky!

Everyone seems to be having :sleep: troubles, so hope everyone gets some decent :sleep: tonight....although doubtful....We'll probably have crazy dreams, wake up thirsty, wake up again HOT and strip off our PJ's, wake up again to pee, and then maybe finally get back to sleep just to have more crazy dreams. :haha:
I called the doctor's office the nurse said that some opk's dont differentiate the hcg from the lh surge so you can get a positive ovulation test if you are pregnant but with the pregnancy test having a light line and the ovulation dark after 5 min that to test in the morning and call them back. This is too strange leave it to me ..lmao

I have read on the internet that some people had positive OPKs before their HPT turned positive. I peed on OPKs days 7-10 and was flat out upset that there was NO line. The pee on a stick lady says that HPTs will detect pregnancy before OPKs will, but I have read several accts of people saying their OPKs turned positive first. It looks like you are headed towards a clear BFP tomorrow morning!!!:happydance:

Congrats on your little precious pea!! Hope it grows & thrives in your tummy!! I see you have a yorkie! We have two. Is yours crazy about babies and small kids?? My 5yr old yorkie goes NUTS :wacko: over small creatures or children.
KatM: I can't understand it either as I took the picture within the time thread. I guess we'll just have to see what happens within the net few days or so. When my Frer's arrive, I'm going to do one of those and see what the outcome, if there is no change soon then I might make an appointment with the Doctor and ask why it went from a Positive to a Negative :wacko:

Oh those stinky tests!!! We get the nerve to POAS and then they mess with us like that! How many DPO are you now?? If you're 12+ then you should get some nice :bfp:!!!! The line will probably be very faint then....My line at 12DPO was faint, and by 15DPO it was a lot more vivid.

Hope we get good news soon! :hugs:

I'm 8DPO...feeling preggos, but doubting test will be positive now. Original plan was to test on Friday but not sure I can wait that long! I think I'll get some FR tests from Wal-Mart and give it a go tomorrow or Wednesday. hehe
Keeping quiet about it around hubby til I do the POAS and get my :bfp:. 1st pregnancies MC a lot, so hoping that this being my 2nd...the bean will be extra sticky!

Everyone seems to be having :sleep: troubles, so hope everyone gets some decent :sleep: tonight....although doubtful....We'll probably have crazy dreams, wake up thirsty, wake up again HOT and strip off our PJ's, wake up again to pee, and then maybe finally get back to sleep just to have more crazy dreams. :haha:

Yeah I had a bad experience with one yesterday which I thought was a BFP but it vanished on this mornings test! Hopefully it will come back during this week ;) I am 7DPO hun, only early yet, still plenty of time for that line to come back :dust: Sending you lot's of baby :dust: if you do test tomorrow...keep us informed how you go on :D I hope we all get some decent sleep soon aswell, need all the sleep we can get because when the little one's arrive, we won't get much :haha: Fingers crossed for us all :dust:
Jenny, yeah I'm thirsty at night, but I won't drink because I'll end up having to get up and pee it out, which will disrupt my sleep, and my temping :haha: It's nothing new for me though. Ever since the birth of #1 my bladders been a little sensitive.
Jenny, you'd better go to Walmart tonight if you're testing tomorrow so you can use FMU!

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