AF has finally arrived after Miscarriage ... Who's with me for a MARCH BFP ! 3 BFPs

ah Kelly, yes I did realize that, but while writing I think I got carried away and didn't relate it well to your situation :wacko: I'm actually sorry that I didn't realize what I was writing.
The BF'ing might have masked your cycles if they were irregular, so that's some good incite.

Tabs, I thought my boobs were achy, but then I realized maybe it was my bra on too tight :winkwink: lol

Jennym yeah I'm just not feeling too much, but I know that that's okay too. Awaiting tomorrow now....
tabs: Sorry to hear everything is confusing hun. I really hope this is your month! :hugs: Sounds like you covered all your bases to me :D

KatM: Thank you for the baby dust hun. Did you have any cramping around 8DPO and 9DPO. I have more cramping today and boobs are more sore, just wondering wether AF is getting ready to make an appearance or not? :nope:

Jenny: Fingers cross for a :bfp: for us all!

Jozie: Good luck with your testing hun! Fingers crossed! :dust:

Kelly: Really sorry to hear the :witch: got you! :hugs: Hope your cycles sort themselves out real soon!
Hi Ladies, Just checking in...looking for those bp's...Kat needs a bump buddy :) Me I am still waiting for af to completely go away but she looks like she is on her way out slowly.

Kelly; Your story just breaks my heart so much. All of us understand loss but I for one do not know how I would be had I gone through my loss as late as you. Glad you are holding up as well as you are. :hugs:

Ex and Dalhia; omg, your testing is so close. fxed for both of you.

And for anyone I missed fxed and :dust::dust::dust:
Ex, Are you still testing everyday??

Sitting at 10DPO today. Woke up super hot again last night. Symptoms seem to be stronger for me in the evening. Still haven't had any sore bbs...which makes me doubtful at times.

Tabs, how is your wait going? Are you having any good signs??
Ok so usually a week out from af i start feeling my af symptoms mainly cramping but i havent started getting them. With both of my pregnancies i had no idea because it felt like af was coming exactly like it actually so those ladies in waiting dont get discouraged if it feels like af is headed your way both times i was pregnant i had just bought tampons because i was sure i was going to start any minute.

Cant wait to see those bfp's they give us hope : )
lil: Glad to hear AF is on her way out slowly! Then the fun begins! ;) Thank you for the Fingers crossed hun :hugs: Sending you lot's of :dust: for your TTC journey.

Jenny: Yeah I'm still testing everyday hun, got some Frer's today, decided to test but it wasn't FMU so going to try again in the morning as it was a :bfn: :(

tabs: That's exactly how my cramps feel, like AF is on her way..but she's not due until Monday? :wacko:
Tabs, sorry to hear about your BFN! I know how that feels, which is why I'm still a scaredy pants to POAS this week. hahaha How many DPO are you now? AF is still a good ways off, so maybe it's still a wee bit early for that :bfp:. Still keeping the FX'ed!!

LilBlossom, it's an exciting time where you're at now. At least you have a fresh start to work with now. Hoping this month brings a :bfp: for you! :dust:

Dahlia, how's your body feeling today??

Kelly, been thinking of you. I know this week has been a bummer. :cry: I hope you have a successful TTC month and get that :bfp: once and for all.

As for me....I'm about to head to Wal-Mart, which means I'll probably start POAS today. Feeling extremely hot & flushed today....C'mon :bfp:!!!! I've tried to brace myself for the :bfn: too, so I don't totally break down if it's a no.

I'll post on here to let y'all know what happens either way....If I get a :bfn: I'll keep testing til 15DPO or until AF comes. Hoping for the November baby!
Jenny, I wonder what that hotness is all about? Maybe increased blood flow? ;)
I want I poas again tonight, but I really should pace myself. I need to get a grip. Lol.

I thought AF had started earlier, but it was just an increase in CM- watery. And one glob of creamy cm. Looked at my chart and last month I was dry until AF came. So that's something different I noted. Since AF is due tomorrow, I will consider that good news in itself because that will mean LP lengthened up : )

I'm stupidly watching A Baby Story on TLC. Births are such a true joy!... Hoping we get our beans this month!!!!!
You have shown tremendous will power. I woke up in a hot sweat a couple of times during the 2WW... I take it as a good sign.:headspin:

Ex, I checked my 2WW symptoms list and had that mild cramping on DPO 6 and 7. People implant at different times, so I dont know about your cramps personally. My cramps were for a few seconds. I did read on 2WW that people felt like AF cramps the whole time and did not get AF. Sending you light and patience during this long wait.

Kelly, so sorry for your terrible loss:cry:
KatM: I really hope they are not AF cramps :cry: Thank you for the advice hun, Fingers crossed a FRER will give us a good result in the morning! :dust: Also I have noticed my cervix has been high all day and wet? :shrug:
Thanks for the kind thoughts ladies, I'm glad my post wasn't offensive Dhalia, I wasn't sure how to word it without sounding like I was offended.

So another mystery with me!!!! I'm still bleeding and cramps though the bleeding is light but more then spotting AND I GOT A FREAKING POSITIVE OPK!!!???!!??? WTH??? I got one at 4pm and another around 6pm, I'll keep testing till the positives go away. What sucks is I can't use other signs of impending ovulation because they're all masked... my cm is masked by the bleeding and my temps are all over the place so I won't know if I do ovulate till I start bleeding again in about 2 weeks :wacko: I haven't counted the current bleed as a period in terms of calling the fertility clinic, nor have I marked it as so on my chart just cause my temps are still high like post ov high. I did an hot today cause they were high but it was neg as I expected, I just wanted to be sure. Someone please tell me whats going on with my body!?
10DPO - :bfn: on FRER and IC :cry:
10DPO - :bfn: on FRER and IC :cry:

Aw, sorry Natt. I know you're boohooing : ( , but I do think there's still time for you to get your +. First of all, there is a possibility you didn't implant yet... And maybe if you have already, it could have been yesterday, or the day before, and the FRER just isn't picking up on it yet. Also, maybe even you O'd even a measly 12 hours later than you thought (that could be the difference between of a day even!), so take that into consideration too. I have hope!
I'm trying to give you options so you don't think your out! Because it's a real possibility that you're not out! :hugs:
As for me, I think I may have something here, but I'm not sure if it's a pink line or not..
Also, I can see that the lines are not coinciding directly with the "C" and "T" marks on the test... but I hope that doesn't make a difference

$ store test taken at 3 minutes


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I think i see your lines Dalhia..yeah its weird that lines aren't lining up but that just means they goofed when manufacturing them...line is still a line and I definately feel like a see a second faint but real line...fxed it gets darker
Ex - dont give up until you see the dreaded af until then you have every reason to be hopeful...

Dahlia - i do see them lines and a line is line and that is def a line lol.. I think i am going to go get some of those kind from the dollar store today i think they are more sensitive and show sooner. I am sure your fmu tomorrow will be dark dark : ) but no your not crazy those are 2 pretty lines : ) : )

as for me since i have no idea what dpo i am anymore with the positive opk's over a week apart i am just going to wait longer until my af should be here and see what i get. 2ww suck when you have no idea what dpo you are : (
Dumb question, My af is getting lighter...thought it was going away yesterday til last night when she laughed in my face at my stupidity..haha Anyway will a longer af extend my usual cycle? Just wondering if I should expect a later ovulation. Does anyone know?
Ex - dont give up until you see the dreaded af until then you have every reason to be hopeful...

Dahlia - i do see them lines and a line is line and that is def a line lol.. I think i am going to go get some of those kind from the dollar store today i think they are more sensitive and show sooner. I am sure your fmu tomorrow will be dark dark : ) but no your not crazy those are 2 pretty lines : ) : )

as for me since i have no idea what dpo i am anymore with the positive opk's over a week apart i am just going to wait longer until my af should be here and see what i get. 2ww suck when you have no idea what dpo you are : (

Tabs, yeah that was FMU, but I don't think it will get darker for a few more days, since it's so early.
That OPK situation is so odd, did you ever call your OB to ask about it? When, if at all, do you plan to test?

Dumb question, My af is getting lighter...thought it was going away yesterday til last night when she laughed in my face at my stupidity..haha Anyway will a longer af extend my usual cycle? Just wondering if I should expect a later ovulation. Does anyone know?
I'm not sure about that cycle question. All I know is that if you O later than usual, then you can expect a later period date.

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