it depends how many dpo you are. if you are 14dpo+ it's unlikely. happened to me the last 2 cycles. i was 3 days late one cycle and getting all bfn's. af just showed late.
if you are before 14dpo, you could still be pregnant.
oh, also should add, some people DO get positives later than 14dpo. it's not unheard of.
good luck!
oh, only 12dpo! your bfp could still be coming up yet. that's still pretty early. you will implant anywhere from 6-12 dpo, so if you only implant today, you wouldn't get a +hpt till 14dpo.
Your LP doesn't change, it will always stay the same in a normal cycle. Do you normally only have a 12 day LP? If it is usually longer and you ovulated late, then you might not be late yet. Say your LP is usually 14 days long and this month you ovulated 2 days late. your period would be due 2 days later than it would be on a normal cycle. If that makes sense
If you have a short LP there could still be time for a BFP at 12 DPO. I wouldn't count yourself totally out yet, but pregnancy tests are considered 99% reliable from the day of your missed period so the odds would be it would be positive by now. Like I said though, maybe your days are off. Or you're the other 1% FX for you hun
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