Dionne said:it was soooo sad!
the mum and dad cant cahnge the babies nappies. but can smoke and drink beer all day
the older girls go to school while the mum and l;'watch the babies. but if a child poohs they have to sit in it all day untill the 12 yr old comes home and changes them. the 5yr old is still in nappies. they sleep on the floor in the most filthy house.
while the mum and dad just smoke round the babies.
i never let tv shows upset me or get to me but that show was something else
Dionne said:sorry yes i forgot to say they are both blind. but blame every thing on being blind. yet they can look after themselves poor themselves a beer. but cannot change bums.
the little boy was crawling round the floor then slept in the middle of the floor every one was just walking over him. the mum said she just leaves him there.
have you ever watched train spotting? the baby that dies? this babies looked in more of a state then that baby.
channel 4 forums are going mad about it, loads of forums are kicking of and social services have been swamped with complaints. the daughters are 8 and 12 and look after all the babies. the 8yr old couldnt cope anymore and even tryed to kill her self put a black bag over her head!
and the mum was preg again with the 7th child but had a m/c but she still said she wanted even more, when asked why she wanted so many she said so they could look after her when she was older