another ADHD post! adhd mum and 4yr old!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2010
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im new to this i have come to terms that my 4 yr old daughter faith has ADHD, i well and truely know this as I have ADHD!! she is showing all signs that i did as a child and is behaving exactly the same i can name eveything she does,

dosent sit down formore then 10 mins
screams when told off,
cant concerntrate,
runs off in the shops and gets lost CONSTANTLY
she has pooed in her bedroom,
weed on a pile of clean clothes,
behavior is terrible,
when told off she laughs
ive taken away all her toys and she didnt care, she even told me i had missed some
ripps of the wall paper i told her not to put her on time out then she ripped more off infront of me,
time dosent mean a thing to her, i can say we will go park tomorrow and she gets her shoes on and insissts shes going now!
instead of eating her dinner she hides it!
she emptied tooth paste down the loo,

the list goes on and on! how do i go about getting her diagnosed i was diagnosed late at the age of 13 after i had gone off the rails and fallen pregnant with faith! i struggled at school people knew i was "diffrent" and it drove me crazy knowing i was "diffrent" and i just wanted tobe "normal" i dont want my little girl suffering like i did i had a horrible child hood because of my ADHD, i was put on ritalin and it did me the world of good, i could concerntrate, get on with people, got good grades and felt "normal"
i live in enfield, can i get intouch with the mental health trust straight or do i need to go to my GP first, please help im scared for my little girlshe needs help!
hi ya hun x x i have a son who has just turned 7 when reading you list of things it all hit home on how bad my son was before he was medicated x my son was reffured by his doctor who his school nurse contacted x who then refured us to an adhd trained pead x who sent cononars reports to me and my sons school who had to fill theres in and i filled mine in each was compared and each question had a score from 1 -5 and then there is like a list of severitys on how your child is marked x my soon was off the scale after bieng told by the same doc three months before that he was a normal 5 yr old x but once we had a diagnosis we could then go about treating himx as he was only five when diagnosied they refused to medicate him as they will not medicate a child under the age of 6 ( was crap as we then had to deal with it for a yr ) but they made sure he had an appointment a few days before his 6th birthday to sort his medication out x up until now my son has never seen the mental health unit so dont actually know if they are the ones who deal with it xx hope this helps xx but i would certainly get in touch with docs as adhd is prone to travel in familys via the mother x although it travels more on boys than girls xx
thanks for telling me ur story, i dont know if i can cope till she is 6 she has only just turned 4! i really need her medicated now!! i know i sound terrible but she is getting worse day by day, yesterday she pooed over a towel in the laundry room and put shampoo all over my new sofas and when i asked her why she said she dosent know why she did it! i dread taking her out anywhere, we cant go out as a family to nice places as she screams and crrys when we have to go or if she dont get her own way! she completely embarsses me and my partner while out with her hissy fits i dread walking out the door with her knowing its going to be another day with crying fits and running around like a lunatic! ive tried putting a wrist strap on her to the buggy (i havea 9 week old baby) and she drags her self on the floor, she even once ran for the road pulling my babys buggy with her! she has no awareness of danger, crossing a road is a huge task! im at my wits end, ive tried everything, soft approact, harsh, using time out, spanking her bum, taking all toys, refusing to let her go anywhere fun, bribing her, i feel house bound at times and people constantly stare at me when she has her crying fits and screams and runs around like crazy!
i know exactually how you feel hunx we felt isolated to the house had no friends really as ppl didnt understand why he was like it as they never had a child like it x and ppl look down on you as if your a bad parent when really it has nothing to do with our parenting skills x x
go to your doctor and tell them 'you know' she has adhd they should be aware you are adhd and be sympathetic in you knowing first hand x i did this with my 6 yr old son recently as i knew from the minute he walked he displayed all the symptoms my now 13 yr old displayed at that age x we were given the connors report to do straight away and one sent straight to school which confirmed he has adhd. the most unbearable for me is no sense of danger and the impulseivity, same as your daughter, not being able to explain why they did something they just did in the heat of the moment. meds with my 13 yr old have helped greatly with this and 'he has had a GREAT week at school this week' WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO :0) but like someone else has mentioned they are reluctant to medicate my 6 yr old until he is 7 :0/ roll on october

i am positive i have it :0/ although i dont know how to go about diagnosis as an adult ? as long as my kids are sorted i dnt mind, i'll cope i have done so far ;0)
i would make an appointment with your gp and go from there

how is she at school/nursery i would get a feedback from them b4 going to the gp as im sure ur aware a child needs to have the problems in 2 settings not just at home.

my son is 6 and has ADHD hes medicated but it took until he was at school to get referred and diganosed.

since hes been on medication hes alot more able to concentrate at school.

good luck
well its our 3rd week at school, she was going from 8.50 till 12.30 but as of tomorrow its till 1.30 then on wednesday full day! 8.50 till 3.10!!!! i am finding her more challenging in one way and easier in another i guess the break is doing us good! i have spoke to her teacher and she agrees she is definatley challenging compaired to everyone in her class and does recieve many warnings and time outs, she says shes exessively hyper and does not pay attention constantly fiddles and wont eat snack at snack time she just plays then complains shes hungry when she feels like eating (she can have her snack when she feels like) i made an appointment with the head master to ask to get the teacher to see me as its so packed at the gates and i dont want other mums hearing faith may have (most likely 99% has ADHD) as people only have 2 views on children with ADHD which is spiteful horrible and dont listen and do as they feel or that they are just "bad" children and their parents cant control them! which is not true faith has wot i would say exactly the same form of adhd as me! now i remember pooing weeing and doing most of the things that faith does! which makes it easier to deal with in one way but in another i feel complete sympathy for her as i know how horrible it is to just want to be like everyone else "normal" i spoke to the head teacher who made me so angry his reply to me saying im waiting for a ADHD assesment was "well normally children dont get diagnosed with ADHD at our school and u will find school will settle her and make her socialised!" oh i was so angry faith is socialised she is very ougowing and will play and talk to anyone i just looked at him and said well i am having her assessed as i know my child and i have worked with children and she is defenitly not normal. i hate saying that she is normal shes just diffrent in other ways but for people like that they have no respect for ADHD and the problems it causes when un diagnosed! ive been waiting 7 weeks now and not even a letter for an appointment so the battle begins! i feel like crying as i now know my poor little girl is going to suffer as i am 18 and people are just going to think i cant cope but i will bet my life she has ADHD and she needs help asap and the same day this happened on the news they proved some cases of ADHD are passed through genes! thanks for reading xxxx
Aw hun. Dont listen to the stupid head teacher, my sons call said they were 100% sure he didnt have autism!! Idiots. The diagnosis proved he did. Dont worry about what they say, They are not medically trained to give an input really.

Hugs and Stay strong xxxx

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