I'm not on anti-ds but similar - I have to take sleeping medication due to long term insonia realted to a health condition. I've weened down a lot under guidance of my speicalist but am kept on maintenace dose as without I only sleep for 2hrs. It's a hard balancing act when on medication. If it's making you feel anxious, see if you can reduce your dose. For me i've managed to reduce whilst knowing the full dose is there in the drawer if I need to take it. My med can also cause low birth weight so I had a 28 week growth scan today and baby is measuring bang on. They do see gorwth scans are only helpful with two together so having another at 32 weeks but it made me feel better.
I'd say stay on them if you feel the benefits are outweighing risks but if you can see if you can reduce as much as possible (while not putting pressure on yourself to do so). I started off at 20mg of my med thru first tri, and am now on 2.5mg but take 5mg if I feel really bad. Of course get advice but rest assured there are many women that don't have perfect helath and have to take meds. Just do what you are comofrtable with. When i was on anti-ds my speciliast told me to try without them and see if I managed ok (luckily i did..but i think cos' i knew i could take them if i had to, that was pre-preg,). xxx