Any Halloween Testers?!

So, how is everyone feeling this fine morning?!??

I woke up to slightly less sore bbs (momentarily sad), but they feel enormous, and I've noticed there is a very sharp pain when they are barely touched certain ways.

Also, last night I cried for a minute when it looked like the room my husband is adding for my cat :haha: was smaller than I had anticipated.
(he is allergic, so kitty's been living with my mom for a few months)

For me sore swollen heavy bb's and the extremely weird twinges/pinching pains in my uterus! and over my ovaries, my left ovarie feels as tho i'm ovulating again , very odd! ... Haven't tested since, but dying too!:haha:

ME TOOOOO!!!! :headspin:
I know Exactly what you mean, I have been getting ovulation-like "pinching" pains off and on in my left ovary!!!
Very strange!
...along with the occasional feeling of pressure in my uterus...
Hoping its a good sign for us!!!! FX!

I also feel endlessly thirsty AND had a temp-rise this morning!!!

This group is amazing, I hope we get to be baby-buddies!!!

Yesss!!! That would be amazing!! FXd for all of us!!! :happydance:
Tankel - I do have some symptoms but I also feel like AF might be coming. Boobs are more sore than yesterday but I'm cramping like I do when I get AF :(. I still tested really early, DPO 7, so who knows? Next time around, DH and I are going to have a talk about how if he really wants a baby we NEED to DTD more often....
So, how is everyone feeling this fine morning?!??

I woke up to slightly less sore bbs (momentarily sad), but they feel enormous, and I've noticed there is a very sharp pain when they are barely touched certain ways.

Also, last night I cried for a minute when it looked like the room my husband is adding for my cat :haha: was smaller than I had anticipated.
(he is allergic, so kitty's been living with my mom for a few months)

My BBs are less sore, but still feeling heavy. Still some random bouts of cramping like I've been having this whole TTW. Increased CM this morning, like lots of it which is super rare for me. Usually the only time I have CM is during O. Sooo... fingers are still crossed! I have friends asking me to go out with them on Halloween and its taking everything inside of me not to tell them "I can't because I'm hoping I'm getting a BFP that day!" LOL no one knows we are TTC, so it's a lonesome journey for me.

This is exactly why we need each other....nobody understands the emotional roller coaster of ttc like those who are in the same boat!

I think that's why most of us found this site, lol, no one I know could really relate to my situation.....and they certainly don't want to talk about aching bbs, temp-rises or cm!!! :haha:

Seems like pregnant women and babies are everywhere too, doesn't it?!
We have to stick together...for our own sanity!!!
I have heard that with the Target tests but Im in the UK and they seem pretty reliable even the really cheap ones.....
It is sounding really good for them temp rises and extra thirst!!
Tankel - I do have some symptoms but I also feel like AF might be coming. Boobs are more sore than yesterday but I'm cramping like I do when I get AF :(. I still tested really early, DPO 7, so who knows? Next time around, DH and I are going to have a talk about how if he really wants a baby we NEED to DTD more often....


When I realized I was ovulating, I straight up ATTACKED the hubby!
He didn't have a chance! LOL

Poor guy was sooooo worn out that night, too...but there are ways to make things happen if they just HAVE to! You GOTTA catch that egg!!!!
So, how is everyone feeling this fine morning?!??

I woke up to slightly less sore bbs (momentarily sad), but they feel enormous, and I've noticed there is a very sharp pain when they are barely touched certain ways.

Also, last night I cried for a minute when it looked like the room my husband is adding for my cat :haha: was smaller than I had anticipated.
(he is allergic, so kitty's been living with my mom for a few months)

My BBs are less sore, but still feeling heavy. Still some random bouts of cramping like I've been having this whole TTW. Increased CM this morning, like lots of it which is super rare for me. Usually the only time I have CM is during O. Sooo... fingers are still crossed! I have friends asking me to go out with them on Halloween and its taking everything inside of me not to tell them "I can't because I'm hoping I'm getting a BFP that day!" LOL no one knows we are TTC, so it's a lonesome journey for me.

This is exactly why we need each other....nobody understands the emotional roller coaster of ttc than those who are in the same boat!

I think that's why most of us found this site, lol, no one I know could really relate to my situation.....and they certainly don't want to talk about aching bbs, temp-rises or cm!!! :haha:

Seems like pregnant women and babies are everywhere too, doesn't it?!
We have to stick together...for our own sanity!!!

Ughhh!! Exactly!! My YOUNGER sister (she's 25, not that it really matters I guess) has a 3 1/2 year old boy, a set of identical twin girls that are 1 1/2, and has her 4th baby (girl )on the way. Like REALLY?? I pretend like i dont want babies when I talk to her... its the only way to break down every time I find out she's expecting. She's over there being fertile mertle and I'm not so patiently waiting for my bundle of joy.

I must say though, being an aunt and being there for her, especially during her 1st pregnancy was fun and exciting. I got to be in the delivery room with her and watch my nephew come into this world... it was pretty amazing. I may or may not have just teared up thinking about it!:cry:
Tankel - I do have some symptoms but I also feel like AF might be coming. Boobs are more sore than yesterday but I'm cramping like I do when I get AF :(. I still tested really early, DPO 7, so who knows? Next time around, DH and I are going to have a talk about how if he really wants a baby we NEED to DTD more often....


When I realized I was ovulating, I straight up ATTACKED the hubby!
He didn't have a chance! LOL

Poor guy was sooooo worn out that night, too...but there are ways to make things happen if they just HAVE to! You GOTTA catch that egg!!!!

Well seriously we've DTD TWICE in the past 22 days and yes I have tried and we had a huge blow out this weekend about it. I actually wanted to have sex with him and wasn't TTC and still nothing.

Sorry it's been an issue with us our entire relationship for 7 years. I'm just ranting but it's getting old and he's wanted a baby for a long time and there's only one way to accomplish that.
Tankel - I do have some symptoms but I also feel like AF might be coming. Boobs are more sore than yesterday but I'm cramping like I do when I get AF :(. I still tested really early, DPO 7, so who knows? Next time around, DH and I are going to have a talk about how if he really wants a baby we NEED to DTD more often....


When I realized I was ovulating, I straight up ATTACKED the hubby!
He didn't have a chance! LOL

Poor guy was sooooo worn out that night, too...but there are ways to make things happen if they just HAVE to! You GOTTA catch that egg!!!!

Well seriously we've DTD TWICE in the past 22 days and yes I have tried and we had a huge blow out this weekend about it. I actually wanted to have sex with him and wasn't TTC and still nothing.

Sorry it's been an issue with us our entire relationship for 7 years. I'm just ranting but it's getting old and he's wanted a baby for a long time and there's only one way to accomplish that.

I hear you, sister. Sometimes a girl just has to get some :haha:
SS! I said I wasn't having an symptoms besides sore bbs...but that was a lie. OMG, all of the sudden, my belly is sticking out so far! It was almost flat and now its like I am Kung-fu Panda! This bloat is normal for af but I am also having weird waves of nausea and a pain in my stomach right below my ribcage. :nope: All because I ate too many olives

Oh and I also am suddenly having a weird back pain, however, its not lower just stupid old, middle of the back pain. :wacko:
Apparently I have more of a libido than him I guess and I've dealt with it for awhile but now it's not just sex. We're TTC!!!! Now our argument this weekend is coming back up.... Maybe I'm just moody lol.
Lets talk about olives...I probably ate just under 3 million olives this week. Green olives, black olives, olive tapenade, olives in oil...even olive oil. I can't get enough! I'm eating olives right now. And no this isn't ss. I just love olives hehehe!
Omg! I LOVEEEEE them:haha:
Apparently I have more of a libido than him I guess and I've dealt with it for awhile but now it's not just sex. We're TTC!!!! Now our argument this weekend is coming back up.... Maybe I'm just moody lol.

I have had that argument the the DH so many times. It was his birthday on Sunday and he didn't even want to BD. It kind of hurts when your hubby doesn't seem to want you especially since guys are always portrayed as thinking about sex all the time.
Apparently I have more of a libido than him I guess and I've dealt with it for awhile but now it's not just sex. We're TTC!!!! Now our argument this weekend is coming back up.... Maybe I'm just moody lol.

I have had that argument the the DH so many times. It was his birthday on Sunday and he didn't even want to BD. It kind of hurts when your hubby doesn't seem to want you especially since guys are always portrayed as thinking about sex all the time.

Yeah it does hurt a lot. Never had any issue with guys before him. I mean it's ok most of the time because I don't want to be hounded but again, we're trying to make a baby here lol.
On another note... is anyone else pinterest crazy?? I have a private board for all my baby stuff. I could pin away allll day!! :wacko:
Apparently I have more of a libido than him I guess and I've dealt with it for awhile but now it's not just sex. We're TTC!!!! Now our argument this weekend is coming back up.... Maybe I'm just moody lol.

I have had that argument the the DH so many times. It was his birthday on Sunday and he didn't even want to BD. It kind of hurts when your hubby doesn't seem to want you especially since guys are always portrayed as thinking about sex all the time.

Yeah it does hurt a lot. Never had any issue with guys before him. I mean it's ok most of the time because I don't want to be hounded but again, we're trying to make a baby here lol.

Is it possible that HE has a low libido issue? I've read that taking maca can help men with low libido... might be worth a try!
So, how is everyone feeling this fine morning?!??

I woke up to slightly less sore bbs (momentarily sad), but they feel enormous, and I've noticed there is a very sharp pain when they are barely touched certain ways.

Also, last night I cried for a minute when it looked like the room my husband is adding for my cat :haha: was smaller than I had anticipated.
(he is allergic, so kitty's been living with my mom for a few months)

For me sore swollen heavy bb's and the extremely weird twinges/pinching pains in my uterus! and over my ovaries, my left ovarie feels as tho i'm ovulating again , very odd! ... Haven't tested since, but dying too!:haha:

ME TOOOOO!!!! :headspin:
I know Exactly what you mean, I have been getting ovulation-like "pinching" pains off and on in my left ovary!!!
Very strange!
...along with the occasional feeling of pressure in my uterus...
Hoping its a good sign for us!!!! FX!

I also feel endlessly thirsty AND had a temp-rise this morning!!!

This group is amazing, I hope we get to be baby-buddies!!!

Its really weird isn't it !,.. It felt so much like ov pains I took a opk!. but I think that was because I really needed to pee on something :rofl:

Finger crossed nmv!!! Not long now !!!!

Being baby buddies with everyone here would be fab!!! Come on :bfp: 's
Apparently I have more of a libido than him I guess and I've dealt with it for awhile but now it's not just sex. We're TTC!!!! Now our argument this weekend is coming back up.... Maybe I'm just moody lol.

I have had that argument the the DH so many times. It was his birthday on Sunday and he didn't even want to BD. It kind of hurts when your hubby doesn't seem to want you especially since guys are always portrayed as thinking about sex all the time.

Yeah it does hurt a lot. Never had any issue with guys before him. I mean it's ok most of the time because I don't want to be hounded but again, we're trying to make a baby here lol.

Is it possible that HE has a low libido issue? I've read that taking maca can help men with low libido... might be worth a try!

He doesn't know this, but at his last check up I had the doc check his testosterone. I'm a bad wife I know but he wouldn't ask for it himself. It came back fine. He's a mechanic and works 10+ hours a day so I get it. But come on!

I have a Baby Hudson board on Pinterest and I pin to it all the time. I spend way too much time on there lol.
Apparently I have more of a libido than him I guess and I've dealt with it for awhile but now it's not just sex. We're TTC!!!! Now our argument this weekend is coming back up.... Maybe I'm just moody lol.

I have had that argument the the DH so many times. It was his birthday on Sunday and he didn't even want to BD. It kind of hurts when your hubby doesn't seem to want you especially since guys are always portrayed as thinking about sex all the time.

Yeah it does hurt a lot. Never had any issue with guys before him. I mean it's ok most of the time because I don't want to be hounded but again, we're trying to make a baby here lol.

Is it possible that HE has a low libido issue? I've read that taking maca can help men with low libido... might be worth a try!

He doesn't know this, but at his last check up I had the doc check his testosterone. I'm a bad wife I know but he wouldn't ask for it himself. It came back fine. He's a mechanic and works 10+ hours a day so I get it. But come on!

I have a Baby Hudson board on Pinterest and I pin to it all the time. I spend way too much time on there lol.

I guess every man and every body is different. Mine also works long hours and has a very physical job, but he's the opposite most of the time. I have to be gentle about turning him down, and I HATE it when I do, I always feel bad. But this lady is tired! lol Full time work and full time school totally drain me. But I try my best to keep in mind his needs.

We both go through spurts though. He has higher than normal estrogen, so he actually will have really low times where he has NO sex drive, then several months of it being super high. Like I can't even walk into the room without being attacked lol. And me, well, I'm just a woman.... so I think that's explanation enough.

I really hope you guys can sort it out though, nothing really hurts more than being turned down by the one you love. I think it's important to remember its not personal. And communication is key to making sure there aren't hurt feelings. :hugs:

Is it possible that HE has a low libido issue? I've read that taking maca can help men with low libido... might be worth a try![/QUOTE]

It helps!! We were BOTH taking it when I got my BFP :thumbup:

Is it possible that HE has a low libido issue? I've read that taking maca can help men with low libido... might be worth a try!

It helps!! We were BOTH taking it when I got my BFP :thumbup:[/QUOTE]

Ok, so that just put a HUGE smile on my face! I've been taking it for about 2 months now, that's why I'm a little more excited this cycle and I feel pretty positive about it. Everything just feels different than it normally does before AF:thumbup:

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