Any ladies starting first IUI in January?? Buddies Please..TTC 13 cycles


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2013
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Hello!! :wave:

I'm Krista. I am looking for some ttc buddies, because most of my buddies got their bfps or had babies at this point and I am the only one left!! I feel a little lost on this forum at the moment, because I don't seem to fit in anywhere at this stage. I will be starting clomid for the first time in January and moving onto IUI. I just want to find some ladies who are starting the same process, have started, been through or feeling the same way I am as far as being a little lost and trying to find where you fit in.

Here is a little info about me. Dh and I have been together since 2005 and were married in 2009. I am 27 and he is 29. Last October (2012) dh surprised me with the baby talk. I honestly was not thinking about ttc as I was trying to start my own business and didn't think a baby would fit in the picture, but I thought about it and the idea quickly grew on me. At this point the idea has turned into a monster and ttc consumes my every thought it seems.

Well I guess that is it for now. Wishing you all the best and :dust:
Hi Kscar-
I am not new to the IUI process, but I do understand feeling like you don't fit in anywhere, or that your buddies have got pregnant and moved on. I really hope clomid and IUI does the trick for you! So I'll just put it all out there.. I am a lesbian and my wife and I are now about to start our 11th IUI. Don't be discouraged though, I am 35 and we only recently added meds and monitoring to mimic what people do at home that first year. Turns out, I needed the help and we will start our 2nd month of injectables in a few days. There are many IUI threads in assisted conception, but there are so many people on each thread that it doesn't feel very personal. I'd be happy to share this journey with you. :)
Thanks for sharing and sorry to hear the IUI process has taken 11 cycles. That must be very frustrating. I wasn't sure if I should join the assisted conception threads or not yet and I totally agree that most threads feel like they aren't very personal. I have trouble following threads with more than 5 or so women haha!

I think our plan so far is to do one more test on dh. That will be this Friday, but can take up to a week for the results. If he is all clear we will do the IUI along with clomid starting in January. My RE said she wanted to try IUI for 3 cycles I believe and then we may have to move onto IVF. I really hope it doesn't come to that. In fact I am really hoping that we just conceive naturally this month. I should be entering the 2ww today or tomorrow.

Were you ever on clomid or just injectables?

Wishing you all the best and thanks for responding!
I did try clomid, twice. I ovulated 2 eggs but neither were fertilizated. So frustrating! I've seen a lot of people on here have success with it though, so stay hopeful!
I hope you get your BFP this month and never need to move onto meds!
I'm a little freaked out about throwing in the twins aspect. I think that is one thing that really scares me being on clomid. I believe the re said there is only a 10% chance though. I'm just trying really hard to see the positive side that we would be finished trying for kids afte that and kill two birds with one stone.

How often do you have ultrasounds for the iui around ovulation? I tend to o on cd 16-20 but they have asked I come in on cd 13. I know that is way too early for me. Sorry if I ask silly questions.

Thanks for the kind wishes and keeping my fx'd for your bfp soon!
They will do an ultrasound to see how the follicles are growing. They probably will do blood work too to see if you are starting your LH surge. I usually have an ultrasound every couple of days until they are ready to do the IUI. It's a lot of info, but you'll get the hang of it. Hopefully this is a mute point though! I understand the fear of twins, but the risk is relativly low. I love the idea of twins, but I know it can be risky.
Hey ladies,

Hope you don't mind me joining. I am hoping to try iui for the first time in January or December. Dh has low motility and ivf is financially out of the question right now. I am ok fertility wise so hopefully we have a good chance. We have been ttc for over a year it is one of the most frustrating processes I have ever experienced. Facebook is horrible. Really hoping this will be it so any tips and advice I would appreciate that greatly
Welcome Bordeaux!

I'm supposed to start taking clomid sometime early January then the IUI soon after, so it sounds like we are at about the same stage. And yes this really has been a frustrating experience. I am kind of at the point that I just expect af to show up every month and have lost all hope. At least I am past the stage of being devistated when she arrives though. I really hope that my RE can help us along. We really don't have an explanation for our infertility yet. Dh has only had sperm count done ( my last doctor was a moron), so my new RE is testing him Friday for motility and morphology. My FSH is a bit high at 9.2 and this is kind of scary for my age. I am only 27, but at least I have a good AMH of 5.2 and the RE doesn't think the FSH will be a problem since my amh was good. I hope she is right. Other than that everything else checks out, but I am really hoping dh has good results on Friday.

Facebook is the worst when ttc. I actually just found out a really good friend from high school is expecting her first just yesterday on Facebook. That was pretty tough, because she is in the same social circle as me still and I know I will have to hear about it often. I feel terrible that I can't feel happy for friends that become pregnant and go straight to jealousy and anger at my own body.

I can't offer any tips and advice yet, but I really hope this works for you as well!

gingmg: I need to have your attitude about twins haha! I think I am just fearful of the delivery and taking care of them in the newborn stage. I may have to pay my mom to move in if this were to happen lol.

I think once I start the IUI process in January I will start an assisted conception thread.

Wishing you ladies lots of luck!
kscar...I amy have already responded to another thread of yours...not sure. Anyways, let me say I LOVE LOVE that I found this one. The assistaed & LTTC threads have been around TOO LONG. There are like 2,000 replies & just don't even get into it. I just finished 3 unmonitored cycles of clomid. I have an appt on the 6th to see what's next. Husband has low count so IUI & IVF are definitely our options. I am currently on vitamins & fertilitea this cycle until we move on. Basically because of the timing, this cycle is a "natural" one.

I am technically LTTC, I have been off bc for 10 years. First 3 years are considered us "trying". Then we had about 7 years of just saying whatever happens & it was truly an awesome time in our lives. We just really enjoyed life & each other & never thought about children. Then I turned 30 & BAM! It hit me again. Took me a year to get my husband on board. We have been actively trying this time since about July I think.

I think this is the perfect time in our lives for this & am actually happy we did not conceive the first go around. We are better off financially. We are loving our jobs. We feel established & comfortable in life. I have very high hopes with 2014. We never had anything done the first time except a semen analysis that we were told was normal. Now the analysis is low. Husband is on supplements.

Personally, I can go either way on twins. It is scary, but also very exciting to think about.

Anyways...sorry for just rambling I just feel so excited to have found this thread. It really fits my situation. Please let me know if you do start an Assisted Conception thread. Even though I have not started IUI or IVF yet, I would love to keep following.
Hello Beaglemom!!

I am glad you found this thread, too! I just wanted to start a thread that seemed more personal and easy to follow. I was trying to follow some threads and I just felt like I got lost and couldn't keep up. I would log in and there would be 4 pages to read and I don't have time for that lol. Most of the time I only log in once or twice a day and other times I only get on here once a week if I am having a rough week or just plain busy.

I am surprised my RE didn't have us start off with 3 unmonitored clomid cycles. Maybe she is more aggressive than I thought with starting us straight out with the IUI plus clomid. I guess I am ok with that though if it gives us better chances, but I really need to talk with my insurance company and see what is covered. I have been lazy about this.

How have you felt on the clomid? I always have achey ovaries around ovulation. I can't imagine what it will be like once I start the clomid. I might be laying in bed all day.

We haven't been trying nearly as long as you. Only a year and this is why I feel strange in the LTTC threads and annoyed in the TTC circles. I feel like women just complain constantly about not getting pregnant after 2 or 3 months of trying in the TTC threads and it gets old after a while. But like I said I don't have much room to talk, because one year isn't long either! I just want to start getting the ball rolling with the RE.

Speaking of twins! My brother and sister in-law just found out they are having twins and announced it on Christmas. This was kind of difficult for me, but I truly am happy for them. They too have infertility issues. They had their first about a year and a half ago through IVF and the twins are IVF babies as well. My sister in-law is more concerned about her first not getting the attention she deserves when the babies arrive and less concerned about issues dealing with a high risk pregnancy and such.

Update: I am currently waiting for af to arrive or not :) I really have high hopes this cycle since it is our last natural cycle before fertility treatments become my 2nd job. Plus I think it would be awesome if I am pregnant the same time as my sister in-law, but timing hasn't been on our side, so I am really trying to hold back. Dh also had his second SA and we are waiting on those results. I think I am going to have Dh call the RE tomorrow and see if the results are in. I know this sounds terrible, but I am kind of hoping they find something wrong to explain our issues. I just want to know what is wrong with us so we can focus on fixing it. I feel awful saying that, but I almost feel like knowing what is causing the problem is better than not knowing anything. I was talking with my aunt the other day and she asked what our problems were and I told her it is unexplained thus far and she kept saying "oh so you can still get pregnant naturally." I kept explaining that isn't what it means and she kept rambling about how there isn't an explanation so there is no reason why we can't lol. She kept saying it just takes some people years and years, but they eventually conceive. I know this happens, but honestly we don't have time to wait that long. Plus I can't hadn't the stress any longer. Oh boy!! Anyway...I just would prefer to know what is up!
I feel O as well naturally. On my first round it was very intense. I think round 2 for me was just an odd cycle. And round 3 was not that bad. I was very hormonal at the end of round 1. And I had had hot flashes during the days I took the pills. Overall not a bad experience for me.

There are 2 sides to finding out issues. On the one side yes it feels good to know and start conquering. On the other you just pray it is something you can fix. When we first started I never wanted treatment or to know what our issue was. I thought it would be easier to handle just knowing it wouldn't happen. I had fears of one of us being blamed. Now I am more secure. Still nervous about everything but ready to move forward.

One year is a good point to start getting help. We looked and I have $5k in coverage. But I think some of the meds are covered outside of that number. My clomid was only $10 a month.
Hopefully the clomid works well with my body. I called the doctor today asking if I could take start taking it without going in for an ultrasound on cd3 because I am out of town visiting family. Thankfully they said that is fine. Did you start out on 50mg? Did they move up to a higher dosage? I am just starting with 50. I should be starting the clomid sometime around new years.

We got the results back today for the SA and everything checked out. So we still don't have an answer. Maybe I just have lots of crappy eggs. The only thing scary is my high FSH level. There is a chance I have endo, but the doctor doesn't want to do exploratory surgery and I really don't want her to either. She said that it can sometimes cause more harm than good and the technology today is so good that surgery is unnecessary. Hopefully she is right.

I am not sure what our coverage is and really need to figure this out soon. I think we get so many cycles of ART in one lifetime and after that we have to cover the rest, but I don't know what the number is. My clomid was about $10 as well, but the ovidrel shot was expensive $65.
I was on 50 mg. She only gave me 3 months. She didn't want me on it longer than that. I wish she had let me up it. But that is one of the things I plan to talk to her about.
Hey. Can I join you? Just done my last natural cycle and af has just got me:-(. This cycle me and my dh are trying our first iui with clomid. Will be counting tomorrow as my day one:-/ x

We have being classed as unexplained fertility.

We have been told to go for scan day 8 and blood tests and then be monitored from there on.

I usually ovulate day 13 but I have a feeling the clomid with effect things anyway. I will be taking 50mg of clomid day 2,3,4,5,6
Hey Ladies,

I am starting my first Follistim shot for IUI tomorrow! I am feeling a lot of different emotions as I'm sure you all can imagine! My husband and I have been trying to 15 months now. I am 36 and he is 35 so as soon as the wedding was over we started trying. I'm new to this site but I think it will be good for me! I need to get a different attitude with the IUI, just really wish it happened naturally, but so don't we all!
Oh and it is unexplained infertility, we tested great on everything! I think this makes it even harder, not knowing "why" it won't happen!
I think the unexplained is hard. I wonder if it's really unexplained or they just don't know what it is? X
Hello ladies! I am so happy to see some more ladies joining. I actually am going on my third day of clomid at cd 5. I am not sure if the clomid is making me feel bloated or just all of the junk I have eaten over New years hehe! I can't wait to get back into my exercise routine. Dh and I have been visiting family in the midwest for two weeks now (this is why I haven't been updating) and I am really getting the itch to hit the gym when we get home. I hope I can still exercise after the IUI, but I have a feeling the RE will say no exercise for a while after.

Anybody else felt bloated and like your ovaries were hard as rocks on clomid? I'm also having lower back pain like I get with PMS.

I think we have unexplained infertility too. Dh just got his SA back and his morphology was 2% below the normal range and the doctor said that wasn't a big deal. I have a high FSH of 9.2 (highest 11.7), but my AMH is 5.7, so the doctor isn't worried about the higher FSH number. My RE really hasn't sat us down and said this is the problem. I don't think she knows to be honest. Maybe a combination of things.

I go in on cd13 for my scan and was told to bring my ovidrel shot with me just in case. Do you think cd 13 is too late? I usually o between days 15-20. My main concern would be that the clomid would cause me to o earlier than usual.

Wishing you all the best and Happy New Year!!
kscar- CD 13 seems perfect timing to check the progress. I went for my first scan on CD 11 and eneded up needing to go back on CD 13. Clomid made me O on day 15, I usually am 13/14. Good luck!

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