Any ladies starting first IUI in January?? Buddies Please..TTC 13 cycles

Ange I am so sorry you had that experience today with the ultrasound tech. Sounds like she was in a bad mood if she typically isn't like that. Don't let it get you down. It worked for you the first time so why would she have any reservations this time. So weird of her to be so negative with a patient.

I am going to start the 2nd IUI this month hopefully. I am actually supposed to get a day 3 ultrasound tomorrow to make sure everything is ok and I can start the clomid tomorrow, but I can't get a hold of the clinic at all! This is so frustrating! I have called 4 times today and have got the hospitals answering service, because they are experiencing an overload of calls. I really hate going to a huge facility, but I like my doctor. I may have to think about changing clinics if they can't be there for me when I need them. I guess I am just going to have to drive there tomorrow morning and demand an ultrasound since I can't get a hold of anybody to schedule the damn thing. What is the point of an answering service anyway, if they can't leave messages for the clinic.
Ange, that tech needs an attitude adjustment. Don't worry about her or let her negativity bring you down! Glad you are feeling better. :) Krista, I hope you got a hold of the clinic for your ultrasound. Definitely makes it frustrating but hang in there girl!!!
That definitely sounds frustrating! Were you able to get a hold them and get your ultrasound??
That definitely sounds frustrating! Were you able to get a hold them and get your ultrasound??
I did get a hold of them finally, but they couldn't fit me in today. Today is day 3 and the nurse said it would be ok to come in tomorrow on day 4. She just told me to take my clomid tonight anyway and if they find a cyst tomorrow they will tell me not to take anymore of the clomid and skip IUI this month. Hopefully there aren't any cysts! I don't want to cancel a cycle and wait an entire month.

On a side note, my spirits are much higher now. It is always rough when af shows, but I can usually get over pretty quickly. Sorry I was such a grump for a few days there. On with IUI #2!!!

I am also getting really excited, because dh and I planned our 5 year anniversary trip. It just stinks we had to plan it a month earlier due to the ttc stuff that may not even work haha. We are doing a mediterranean cruise and I guess you can't be on a cruise if you are more than 23 weeks pregnant. So if it works this month I would be about 20 weeks. Hopefully I don't have issues with being sea sick! I am sure that would be awful combined with pregnancy. It is crazy how anything we plan has to revolve around ttc...blah!
Not very happy this morning. Went in for my ultrasound and they said I have a 27mm cyst on my right ovary. So they took some blood work and will call me later today to let me know if this iui cycle will be canceled. I guess if the cyst is producing estrogen then they will cancel. Now I nervously wait for that phone call...blah!
That sucks to hear about your cyst :( hopefully things will work out okay.
Sorry for the late update, but it was a bfn for me this month. :( I hekd out til the blood test but no luck. So doing the dye injections in my tubes next week. Af started this morning. But im okay. I'm actually doing alot better than I thought I would. I was actually excited for it to start cuz it means I can start my clomid in 3 days lol
oh well.. on to the next.
Btw, anyone done a metformin treatment? A nurse I work with was telling me about it. I guess sometimes its used in cases like these and she said her friend got pregnant quickly after. The nurse herself had troubles too. She had clogged tubes, and fixed that then just did clomid and ended up with Triplets! Lol
That sucks to hear about your cyst :( hopefully things will work out okay.
Sorry for the late update, but it was a bfn for me this month. :( I hekd out til the blood test but no luck. So doing the dye injections in my tubes next week. Af started this morning. But im okay. I'm actually doing alot better than I thought I would. I was actually excited for it to start cuz it means I can start my clomid in 3 days lol
oh well.. on to the next.
Thanks Jenny. I hope it works out, too, but if we have to cancel this cycle I guess that may not be all bad. I kind of need a break from ttc. We will see though. I still haven't heard from the nurse.

I am sorry to hear that af arrived, but it sounds like you are handling it really well and staying positive.

I have never heard of the metformin treatment before. I looked it up and only found stuff dealing with diabetes. What is it exactly?

Best of luck with the dye test.
Yay! I heard back from the nurse and they said my estrogen levels were not high enough to cancel this IUI cycle. So it is official that I will be moving on with IUI #2!
Sorry to hear about the bfn Jenny:( Your attitude is awesome though!

Glad you can move onto IUI#2 kscar! Your cruise sounds amazing! The perfect anniversary trip:)

Had another ultrasound today. Had a much nicer technician, but she did tell me that my follicles were not developing the way the doctor would want to see, but when I saw my doctor afterwards, she said I had more follicles than she would want and they may lower my dosage. I am so confused!!
Sorry to hear about the bfn Jenny:( Your attitude is awesome though!

Glad you can move onto IUI#2 kscar! Your cruise sounds amazing! The perfect anniversary trip:)

Had another ultrasound today. Had a much nicer technician, but she did tell me that my follicles were not developing the way the doctor would want to see, but when I saw my doctor afterwards, she said I had more follicles than she would want and they may lower my dosage. I am so confused!!
I am not familiar with injections. What the nurse vs the dr said are confusing. Will you still be able to trigger this month?

Did you do injectables with your first child? Sorry about all the questions.
Thanks guys.
im still not sure what the metformin does. Im gonna ask about it at the next appointment. Speaking of, my dye test is the 5th, ultrasound 10th, iui 11th.. hoping for good results on everything. The tube test kinda scares me. Anyone ever done it?
Sounds like we will be iui buddies again. My iui is on the 8th.

I had the dye test done about 3 months ago. I had made the mistake of reading all the horror stories online. Don't do it! It will work you up over nothing. I am not going to say it isn't painless, but I don't think it was as bad as some women were making it out to be. I mainly just felt a lot of pressure and then a brief period of pinching. I honestly was in shock at how easy it was. I did have some problems about 15 minutes after for some reason. I almost passed out when walking back to the waiting room, but I have a history of fainting, so I am pretty sure I am an anomaly. I sometimes faint when I am on my period for no reason and this is going to sound really weird and too much tmi, but I feel faint a lot of times when I wear tampons or have cramps. I have suspected endo is the cause for my fainting spells for years, but my doctor isn't interested in doing the laparoscopy just yet.

I think what really helped me through the dye test was going into the xray room with a very calm and peaceful mind. I also made sure to concentrate on my breathing during the exam and that really seemed to help redirect my thoughts from what was going on. It seriously wasn't that bad, so relax and try not to worry about it. It will be over before you know it.
I think tomorrow will be the test of whether this IUI goes forward or not. I'm still pretty hopeful that it will as the doctor was more positive about it, so I am going with her opinion. I did do injections with my previous three IUIs, so this shouldn't be anything new to me! Maybe I missed it, but what are you doing for the IUI if you are not injections?

I had the dye test as well, and I totally agree with kscar. It was not that bad at all. A little pressure and maybe a pinch, but nothing that I couldn't take. In fact, the first time I had the dye test, the ultrasound tech told me a lot of women get pregnant naturally afterwards, although she didn't know why (said something about "cleaning out the tubes"), and that's exactly what happened to me. It did end in miscarriage...but for whatever reason, that was the only month I got pregnant without help!
Krista, Yay on moving on to IUI#2~~!!! That's great news! And a cruise sounds wonderful right about now too! counting down to Jamaica myself...11 days! MUST get out of this COLD!!!!
Jenny, is the metaformin treatment something like the dye that blows the tubes out? A friend of mine had that done and BAM got pregnant right after too. I guess the tubes were clogged...
Ange, that is confusing! Who to listen to Doctor or nurse??? I have decided when we go next time to see doc I am bringing a pen paper and my list of questions cuz I tend to forget half of them when I am there. Overwhelming...
Keep on keepin on ladies! Peace and :dust: all around!
Sorry, just caught up, my computer wouldn't load the last page of thread before... Good luck on the 8th krista and the 11th jenny!
Question for you far as injections. How many and when are they done? I have to do my own, but I assume the trigger shot is done my the nurse. is that right?? That is 24-36 hrs before iui? Sorry if these are dumb questions :-/ but it will be my first time.
Okay, good to know some of you guys have experienced the dye test. Makes me feel a little better. Its so nice to have iui buddies close to the same time :) I wont be the only crazy one lol the clomid made me an emotional mess! I go pick it up from the pharmacy today. I feel like the only thing standing in my way this time is the question of and not knowing whether my tubes are clogged. Anyone ever have surgery or anything like that to unclog them? We're paying out of pocket for everything so im really worried about expenses. Im hoping that my insurance will at least cover the dye test. I believe thats sometimes viewed as medically necessary.
P.s im jealous of this cruise!
haha its wayy too cold in missouri right now. You both will haveto let me know how the vacations go! :)
I never did the injections, just the nurse doing the trigger shot 24 hours before and in the butt lol I cant remember the last time I had a shot there. But it wasnt too terrible
Okay, good to know some of you guys have experienced the dye test. Makes me feel a little better. Its so nice to have iui buddies close to the same time :) I wont be the only crazy one lol the clomid made me an emotional mess! I go pick it up from the pharmacy today. I feel like the only thing standing in my way this time is the question of and not knowing whether my tubes are clogged. Anyone ever have surgery or anything like that to unclog them? We're paying out of pocket for everything so im really worried about expenses. Im hoping that my insurance will at least cover the dye test. I believe thats sometimes viewed as medically necessary.
P.s im jealous of this cruise!
haha its wayy too cold in missouri right now. You both will haveto let me know how the vacations go! :)
I had clear tubes so I can't say anything about surgery to remove anything. I believe my sister in law had a polyp in one tube and it was easily removed. I don't know about costs either.

Clomid made me an emotional mess as well. I was crying nearly everyday over nothing. I never get weepy, so I know it was the clomid.

We don't go on the cruise until early June. I am a little nervous that I might get preggers beforehand and have miserable trip, but I am not going to let ttc get in the way of our life. It already does enough. So if I get preggers and I'm sea sick the whole time then I'll just have to deal with that when the time comes. I have decided that if the next two iui's aren't successful then we will hold off on ivf until after the cruise.

Update: Took my second clomid pill last night and boy did the hot flashes come back in full swing. I don't think I slept more than 4 hours.
Oh man the hot flashes are no joke!!
I was having hem like every five minutes! But hey, if you do get pregnant for the cruise and have to get sick over board its going to be one of the best moments ever when you can be like, oh, sorry, MORNING SICKNESS! lol

the doctors office called me about an hour ago. Apparently my insurance does cover it, but I have a deductible. So I gotta bring $695 to the hospital! Thank god for credit cards! Dh is gonna freak! Thats just as much as we've shelled out so far for all the meds ultrasound and iui. Craziness! Cant a girl just get pregnant without going broke?! Thats supposed to be after their born! Haha
Oh well... at least my good mood continues :)

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