Any ladies starting first IUI in January?? Buddies Please..TTC 13 cycles

Hi ClaireCath- for me, the injections are once a day between 4-7p.m. I do them on my own, and I do the trigger shot on my own as well. At my clinic, the trigger shot is 12 hours before the IUI, but it seems like my clinic does it at least 12 hours sooner than anyone else I have talked to. And not dumb questions AT ALL. Believe me, I had a ton last time. And the first time I had to inject myself, I freaked out. Needles don't bug me at all, but for whatever reason, having to give them to myself really bothered me. Once I did the first one though, I realized that it is a piece of cake. Do you know which medication you will be using? I used Puregon last time and Gonal-F this time and I find the side effects to be the worst part. But a small price to pay!

Your trip is coming up so soon!! I'm also in Canada, so I totally understand your need to escape this insanely cold winter we have been having.

Hope you at least some of this covered Jenny! It really is so costly which can be such a stress. My medication is covered, and the procedures are paid out of pocket. Not too bad with the IUI, but if we do IVF, it is going to be awful ($8000 for procedure alone).
Oh my goodness! 8000$? Wow, I hadnt even looked into ivf costs yet.
Hi ClaireCath- for me, the injections are once a day between 4-7p.m. I do them on my own, and I do the trigger shot on my own as well. At my clinic, the trigger shot is 12 hours before the IUI, but it seems like my clinic does it at least 12 hours sooner than anyone else I have talked to. And not dumb questions AT ALL. Believe me, I had a ton last time. And the first time I had to inject myself, I freaked out. Needles don't bug me at all, but for whatever reason, having to give them to myself really bothered me. Once I did the first one though, I realized that it is a piece of cake. Do you know which medication you will be using? I used Puregon last time and Gonal-F this time and I find the side effects to be the worst part. But a small price to pay!

Your trip is coming up so soon!! I'm also in Canada, so I totally understand your need to escape this insanely cold winter we have been having.

Hope you at least some of this covered Jenny! It really is so costly which can be such a stress. My medication is covered, and the procedures are paid out of pocket. Not too bad with the IUI, but if we do IVF, it is going to be awful ($8000 for procedure alone).
yep, those 2 drugs are on the list, as well as orgalutran,cetrotide. menopur and of course the hcg(i guess that's the trigger) We go for our lesson at the Doc's next week. I think I may need to give the shots to myself, I was hoping DH could do it but if it must be in the evening I'm on my own. I work afternoons. Trying not to get too worked up about it. I'd rather have him do it though. I have thought about cost of IVF and I talked to a friend who had it done at same clinic. It was around 9k all in. We haven't discussed if that is a realistic option for us....financially, probably not so hopefully IUI will do the trick!
IVF is so expensive. I think it varies quite a bit though. I know a few people who go to the U.S. to get it done because it is less expensive there, even with hotel costs. I'm not sure what we will do yet if it comes to that, but we have agreed to try it at least once if need be. But I hope, for all of us, that it does not come to that..

I'm not sure why, but I preferred to give the injections to myself instead of having my husband do it. I guess I figured if the clinic didn't do it, then I would rather be in control. Either way, once you get used it, it will be no problem at all:)
Hey ladies- just seeing how you are all doing. Any news?

I have my IUI on Thursday. I have quite a few small follicles and one large one. The doctor said that I pretty much have no chance of getting pregnant naturally, so suggested doing the IUI.
Hey ladies- just seeing how you are all doing. Any news?

I have my IUI on Thursday. I have quite a few small follicles and one large one. The doctor said that I pretty much have no chance of getting pregnant naturally, so suggested doing the IUI.
Good luck with your IUI. I go in for an ultrasound on Friday and most likely the IUI on Saturday. If I have more than 3 follicles they will cancel and if they aren't the right size they will hold off, but I assume everything will still go forward on Saturday.
Wow- that seems quick! Maybe I have lost all sense of time. I will be on CD17 tomorrow when I go in. I guess we will be testing around the same day:)
Yay for upcoming iui's! I go for mine on Tuesday, ultrasound monday. Did my dye test today. The nerves were awful. No pain though. Just a little nauseous after they injected the dye. But good news.. no clogged tubes! :)) so hopefully this time is a winner :) good luck to us all!
Glad your dye test went well!!

Just out of curiosity- how many days after the IUI do you go in for the pregnancy test? I did the insemination today and I go in for the test 18 days later. It will definitely be a certainty either way I guess! But I have no idea how I am going to be that patient...
Glad your dye test went well!!

Just out of curiosity- how many days after the IUI do you go in for the pregnancy test? I did the insemination today and I go in for the test 18 days later. It will definitely be a certainty either way I guess! But I have no idea how I am going to be that patient...

14 days after I do the blood test
Jenny, so glad to hear your test went well and tubes are good.

Ange, I am supposed to take a hpt on cd 14 and once I get a positive they will schedule me for blood work. I wish I had a set date for blood work instead.

Wishing you ladies all the best in this next IUI cycle!

I just had my ultrasound today and I have two follicles on the left ovary this time around. I am so glad to hear this because I didn't think my left ovary worked. I always have pain on the right. Also my cyst is gone! Tomorrow will be IUI #2!
I have a feeling I will be taking an HPT days before the blood test lol.

Good luck tomorrow!!
Good luck ladies!! Looks like you are all around the same time! BFP's all around I hope! I'm still in waiting mode, my ovaries are officially on vacation, as I soon will be today. My last shift today then off for 16 days!!! We went for our Teaching session for injections and DH is all over that. I think he missed his calling, should have been a nurse or something. LOL Injections start mid March and IUI will be end of the month or April 1st. My nurse said they do the blood test 16 days after IUI. OMG, how am I going to wait that long? I am not going to torture myself by peeing on sticks. I'll just let it ride. Also I asked her if My Doc will cancel IUI if there are too many follicles to which she said Nope. So we run the risk of multiples. I guess with my age, doesn't make sense to cancel any chance of a BFP. Yikes!
Wishing you all the best and can't wait for our first of many bfp's on this thread!!!!
Hope you have a relaxing and fun filled trip! Sounds like you have a good plan in place for getting that bfp.

Had my IUI today and for some reason it was kind of painful. I don't remember it pinching so much last time and I didn't have as much cramping last time either. Just laying down and resting the rest of the day.

I think there are really good odds for a second bfp on this thread soon! Keeping my fingers crossed for everyone!
Have a relaxing vacation!! Sounds like things are starting to roll for your IUI:)

That is too bad that the IUI hurt you this time...the nurse who did mine this time would not let me use the bathroom before the procedure. She said that having your bladder a little full helps the catheter slide in a little easier. I cannot remember my last 2 IUIs so I can't say if that worked or not, but it may be worth a try?
Have a relaxing vacation!! Sounds like things are starting to roll for your IUI:)

That is too bad that the IUI hurt you this time...the nurse who did mine this time would not let me use the bathroom before the procedure. She said that having your bladder a little full helps the catheter slide in a little easier. I cannot remember my last 2 IUIs so I can't say if that worked or not, but it may be worth a try?
That is good advice. I tried drinking some water while in the waiting room, but maybe I didn't drink enough. I'll start drinking sooner next time. Hopefully there isn't a next time though.
I had pain with mine last month. The cramps the next two days were brutal. Im hoping my iui Tuesday is better. I go in for my ultrasound tomorrow to check on follicles. Wish me luck! I gotta go by myself this time since DHs boss told him tonight he has to be on day shift for two weeks starting tomorrow. I was livid. Like I really dont need him tomorrow but obviously Tuesday I need him. So he has to explain to his boss now. Which is irritating. But I did not just go thriugh two weeks of hormone hell to not be able to do iui because of his boss lol whew.... sorry for the rant. Hormones are still at it haha
I'm not as nervous this time around about everything but more anxious for it to get under way, if that makes sense. Hope we all get our very much deserved bfps this month! :) ours would be the week of mine and my husband's birthdays. So that would be awesome :) well good luck to everyone this week and keep me updated
I had pain with mine last month. The cramps the next two days were brutal. Im hoping my iui Tuesday is better. I go in for my ultrasound tomorrow to check on follicles. Wish me luck! I gotta go by myself this time since DHs boss told him tonight he has to be on day shift for two weeks starting tomorrow. I was livid. Like I really dont need him tomorrow but obviously Tuesday I need him. So he has to explain to his boss now. Which is irritating. But I did not just go thriugh two weeks of hormone hell to not be able to do iui because of his boss lol whew.... sorry for the rant. Hormones are still at it haha
I'm not as nervous this time around about everything but more anxious for it to get under way, if that makes sense. Hope we all get our very much deserved bfps this month! :) ours would be the week of mine and my husband's birthdays. So that would be awesome :) well good luck to everyone this week and keep me updated
Goodluck tomorrow! That stinks that dh has to tell his boss what is going on just to get the time off. I am sure his boss will understand though.

I am 2dpiui now and I haven't had any cramping since the day of the procedure. Which is strange since I was cramping for almost a week and a half after the last procedure. It's also weird, because this iui was more painful than the last one. Anyway, I think this cycle will be better for me as far as anxiety goes.
I have not had any cramping either at 4dpiui. I have no idea if this is a good sign or not but I am trying so, so hard to not analyse every little thing...
So weird. Iui today and no cramps. Last iui was terrible. I wonder why its so different. On a good note... I had 4 and a half follicles :) half because one was only 14mm and they said it was too small to count. So here's hoping lol my doctor said out of 13 million guys, there's a good chance theyll find 4 eggs. Haha and more chance of multiples. Im completely fine with that at this point.

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