Any ladies starting first IUI in January?? Buddies Please..TTC 13 cycles

Thanks ladies! I think the many bfn tests leading up to af brought be back to reality and was a much easier let down than waiting for af. Before we started iui I would hold off till af showed and I would be a total wreck for about a week. I actually think poas before is good for me haha!

I scheduled my day 3 ultrasound for tomorrow. Hopefully there are no cysts and if there are a few they are so tiny I can still continue this cycle.

Ange what cd are you? I think we might be about a week a part. My next IUI is March 8th.

Jenny I am anxiously awaiting your results! Keeping everything crossed for you!
I am cd 7, so we are very close this cycle! I am not sure when my iui will be. Last month is was on cd 17 which was too late since my cycles are only around 26-27 days. I'm hoping it is earlier this time.
cd 17 does sound late for an iui, but if they were watching the follicles then maybe that was the best time for the iui? Our clinic doesn't seem to care what my natural cycle length is for some reason. They always do the iui on cd14. I am concerned this is too early, because I naturally o on cd 16 or 17, but I guess the trigger shot should take care of that.
I think they let it go for a few days last cycle hoping that one of the smaller follicles would start to catch up. Hopefully this cycle they will trigger me earlier. I've often wondered about natural ovulation with this or why some people get theirs done a certain day no matter what. I never know when my iui will be until they call to tell me to take the trigger. Do you go for ultrasounds every couple of days to check the follicles?
Bfn :(
I dont freaking understand it!! I'm not in a good place tonight. This second failure is hitting me much harder this time :( I had 4, almost 5 follicles! How the hell did not one of them take? 13 million sperm really cant find 4 freaking eggs?? Omg I want to pull my hair out! I cannot stop crying. I just wanna crawl in a hole. I feel like I have no hope for any other rounds because if it didn't happen with my good numbers this time, then whats going to be different? Sorry for the rant ladies, im just so angry. I didn't want to have to go through this hell a third cycle. The hormones make me so emotional. Ive gained 15 pounds since I started treatment. Its terrible.
Im going to go ahead and do the 3rd round I guess. But im definitely going to need a month off after that. Im just at a loss. :'(
I am so sorry Jenny:( It makes absolutely no sense that it would not work this month for you. I hope you feel better in the morning..
I think they let it go for a few days last cycle hoping that one of the smaller follicles would start to catch up. Hopefully this cycle they will trigger me earlier. I've often wondered about natural ovulation with this or why some people get theirs done a certain day no matter what. I never know when my iui will be until they call to tell me to take the trigger. Do you go for ultrasounds every couple of days to check the follicles?
I only have two ultrasounds prior to the iui. Day 3 to check for cysts and one ultrasound on cd13 to check follicle size. Both times the size was good so they gave me the trigger there in the office and sent me home. They trigger around 8am and then my iui is on cd14 around 10am.

I go to a really large facility and that kind of worries me. They herd you to the ultrasound rooms like cattle. I get a number and sit in a waiting room between 7 and 8am. Then they call about 10 ladies to the front and walk each of us to a long hallway and assign rooms. It is insane how impersonal it is. The ultrasound tech comes in and wands me for a few seconds then leaves. She never talks or says a word during the entire thing. I don't think this is typical, but I think it is normal in Chicago since there are so many people packed into one city. I haven't seen my actual RE in about 3 months. I only deal with the ultrasound techs and the nurses do my IUI. It is interesting how each clinic has their own way of doing things.
Bfn :(
I dont freaking understand it!! I'm not in a good place tonight. This second failure is hitting me much harder this time :( I had 4, almost 5 follicles! How the hell did not one of them take? 13 million sperm really cant find 4 freaking eggs?? Omg I want to pull my hair out! I cannot stop crying. I just wanna crawl in a hole. I feel like I have no hope for any other rounds because if it didn't happen with my good numbers this time, then whats going to be different? Sorry for the rant ladies, im just so angry. I didn't want to have to go through this hell a third cycle. The hormones make me so emotional. Ive gained 15 pounds since I started treatment. Its terrible.
Im going to go ahead and do the 3rd round I guess. But im definitely going to need a month off after that. Im just at a loss. :'(
Jenny my heart is breaking for you right now. I seriously don't get it either. Everything seems to be perfect, so it makes sense that the odds would be in our favor.
It really isn't fair and I am so sorry you are having a tough time with this round :(
I have never heard of it being done that way, but I live in a smaller town. I never really see my doctor either, but we are called in one at a time and the ultrasound techs and nurses get to know you over time and it feels more personal. The one thing that bugs me about that though, is that the people in the waiting room seem to be the same women over and over. It's hard not to notice at a small clinic, especially when they do ultrasounds every second day and blood work every single morning! Sometimes it can feel like we are all trapped there and will never "get out".
I have never heard of it being done that way, but I live in a smaller town. I never really see my doctor either, but we are called in one at a time and the ultrasound techs and nurses get to know you over time and it feels more personal. The one thing that bugs me about that though, is that the people in the waiting room seem to be the same women over and over. It's hard not to notice at a small clinic, especially when they do ultrasounds every second day and blood work every single morning! Sometimes it can feel like we are all trapped there and will never "get out".
So you get an ultrasound every second day and blood work every morning?!? That seems very intense. I have yet to see a familiar face in the waiting room. I just assume everybody is getting bfp's except me haha!
Definitely intense! I have to take first block off every second morning to go there (the blood work only days do not make me late). Considering I only teach two blocks a day, it is such a hassle. Luckily I have an incredibly understanding principal who told me not to put my life on hold for my job. I have a lot of guilt towards my students, but I have the same supply cover me, so it is working out well.

It is another reason why I want to do IVF in the U.S. if it comes to that. I can monitor here, but in the afternoons which my clinic does not offer. Otherwise I will be off work constantly. The only way it will be worth it though is if my family doctor signs off on the prescriptions so my insurance will cover it (they do not cover U.S. prescriptions), but he will not give me a straight answer about whether he is on board or not. I did a lot of research into this and it is quite common for Canadians to do this and most family doctors are willing to help. I am getting anxious waiting for his answer!
Hi Ladies. Just catching up on here after a lovely bit of R&R in Jamaica. It was really awesome to take a month of and not even give it a thought while we were away! I highly recommend taking a break from ttc and get back to just having sex for fun. LOL
Sorry to see there was no luck for you all this month, I feel your frustration! It really shouldn't be this hard! And also welcome fluterby! Congrats on the weight loss, that's awesome for you!
We will be doing our first IUI at the end of March. Currently on the pill to 'rest' my ovaries and I will stop them March 13, go for day 3 ultrasound March 18th, and start injections. My biggest concern is DH is havng a hard time stopping smoking(I know it's hard, I quit) and on March 13 the Dr. will do a urine test to check for nicotine. If it is positive, the treatment will be cancelled for this cycle! I keep telling him it's only for a couple weeks and he can have one right after the pee test if he wants!! Well, I can't control that so I have to only encourage him. From what I've read, the nicotine only stays in urine for about 5 days so I still have time to work on him. I'll be pissed if we have to postpone again....
I've been seeing the naturopath, she has me on a hormone balancing eating plan, various supplements and drops to help detoxify, and acupuncture.
I'll be checking in with you girls to see how everyone is feeling. Hang in there!! Lots of love and :dust: going your way!
My clinic scan every other day from day eight and no blood tests. I waiting for natural ovulation on my last cycle with clomid. I'm a teacher and being late in for work every other day is a bit of a nightmare.

Can't believe that they test dh's urine of nicotine, I hadn't heard of that.
I'm just waiting for AF so I can start march iui. My AF is two days late and bfns. Wondering if the previous cycle of clomid has changed my cycle cycle slightly as AF feels like its on its way.
Hoping march is our month:) x
Glad you had a great vacation ClairCath! It must have felt so nice to get out of the cold for a bit. I've also never heard of testing for nicotine. Hopefully he can make it through for those days so you have the treatment next month! I would love to know what you think about the acupuncture. One of my co-workers swears by it for fertility.

laisydaisys- do you call in a supply teacher for your ultrasound days or does someone help cover you until you get in? When I did IUI a couple of years ago, my principal told me to call in a quarter day supply (did not have someone already at the school who could do it like this time) and it was brutal trying to get someone to come in.
Welcome back from the vacay! :)

Af showed up today. At least something showed up right. I was worried itd be late and throw my treatment off a few days. Im going on a trip with my mother in law and she already booked it. We leave Wednesday the 12th, and ultrasound is monday the 10th iui Tuesday the 11th. So was worried it wouldn't work out time wise. But now im just worried we wont be getting the deed done for a few days. We have Tuesdays night and I guess Wednesday morning but get back Saturday. Im losing out on some crucial days :/
Welcome back from the vacay! :)

Af showed up today. At least something showed up right. I was worried itd be late and throw my treatment off a few days. Im going on a trip with my mother in law and she already booked it. We leave Wednesday the 12th, and ultrasound is monday the 10th iui Tuesday the 11th. So was worried it wouldn't work out time wise. But now im just worried we wont be getting the deed done for a few days. We have Tuesdays night and I guess Wednesday morning but get back Saturday. Im losing out on some crucial days :/
Hang in there jenny! Try not to stress about it and maybe the IUI is all you need.(Although, I am a fan of DTD. LOL) Enjoy your trip with your MIL! Where are you going?
Just a short road trip to St. Louis. Its about4 hours away. Were taking my 2 & 5 year old nieces to an indoor waterpark, the science city, a couple of aquariums and somd other places. Low key trip but it should be fun :)
I have a teaching assistant and who covers my class luckily and she's just been through ivf so we are on the same page. At one point we were going for scans on alternative days. X
Have fun on your trip Jenny!

That is great that it is a little less stressful for you at work laisydaisys, but it is too bad that your co-worker is also going through fertility issues. It sometimes surprises me how many people seem to need treatment to get pregnant..

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