Any ladies starting first IUI in January?? Buddies Please..TTC 13 cycles

Definitely intense! I have to take first block off every second morning to go there (the blood work only days do not make me late). Considering I only teach two blocks a day, it is such a hassle. Luckily I have an incredibly understanding principal who told me not to put my life on hold for my job. I have a lot of guilt towards my students, but I have the same supply cover me, so it is working out well.

It is another reason why I want to do IVF in the U.S. if it comes to that. I can monitor here, but in the afternoons which my clinic does not offer. Otherwise I will be off work constantly. The only way it will be worth it though is if my family doctor signs off on the prescriptions so my insurance will cover it (they do not cover U.S. prescriptions), but he will not give me a straight answer about whether he is on board or not. I did a lot of research into this and it is quite common for Canadians to do this and most family doctors are willing to help. I am getting anxious waiting for his answer!
Ange, That has to be rough, but glad your principle is up to date and being helpful. I hope your doctor signs the papers for you.

Welcome back Claircath! Glad you had a relaxing vacation. Hopefully dh can quit smoking for a short period of time and you can get going with an iui!

For the ladies that go in for ultrasounds every other day is this because you are on injectables? I have probably asked people this before, but my memory is terrible! I hope it is ok I only go in for an ultrasound twice, but then again I wouldn't want to go in every other day either! That would be very difficult to juggle.

Jenny, we will be right around the same time. Mine is March 8th. I am actually out of town visiting family and we will only be dtd the night I get back, ultrasound the next day with trigger and then the IUI. I am sure the iui will be enough even if you can't get in enough dtd time. I was just in St. Louis this past December shooting a wedding and I decided to make a mini vacation out of it since my travel and hotel were paid for. I fell in love with St. Louis! I was telling dh that we should move there by the end of the tip haha! It has the city feel that I like, but on a smaller scale and more manageable.

Lasydaisys, that is nice that you have somebody who understands what you are going through and you can spot each other when needed.

Not much going on with myself. I am on my 3rd clomid pill and not had a single hot flash! I am in shock since they were so frequent before. Getting excited to get this 3rd iui underway.

Best of luck to all!
Hopefully our 3rd iui will be THE one :) Third times the charm, right? Lol
Hopefully the third time does it!

I go in Monday for mine. I only have one definite follicle and possibly one more that may have grown but they said not to do another ultrasound. Not sure how I feel anymore considering I am constantly being told that IVF may be our only chance. At my last ultrasound, the intern that I saw afterwards said that my ovaries have aged when I asked why my body wasn't responding well to the injections. I wish someone there would tell me that there is some hope with iui since I am in the middle of it!
Hopefully the third time does it!

I go in Monday for mine. I only have one definite follicle and possibly one more that may have grown but they said not to do another ultrasound. Not sure how I feel anymore considering I am constantly being told that IVF may be our only chance. At my last ultrasound, the intern that I saw afterwards said that my ovaries have aged when I asked why my body wasn't responding well to the injections. I wish someone there would tell me that there is some hope with iui since I am in the middle of it!
That sounds a bit harsh. I would take anything an intern says with a lot of skepticism. I am not getting any reaction on my end other than the nurses saying they are sorry it didn't work. Is your doctor pushing for IVF now? IUI worked for you before so don't lose hope just yet! Good luck on Monday!
Ange I agree with kscar. I'd be drilling them up with questions!!!

AFM IDK what's going on. Woke yesterday with diarrhea (sorry tmi) then had some sharp pains in the right ovary area on and off for some time. Then had diarrhea again this morning. I don't feel bad at all other than a slight runny nose. I'm wondering if it's a cyst.
Thanks ladies:) I do find there is more negativity this time around. My doctor is very good and I do trust her. It seems like the intern I saw and the ultrasound techs are making the comments. She is pushing IVF this time around though because my body is just not reacting to the injections at all. And because my reserve is significantly lower than it was 2 years ago, she said I do not have time on my side anymore. I just wish she had let us do the IUIs and talked to us about IVF after so that it did not taint anything!

fluterby429- are you prone to cysts? Would that affect your IUI next month? Hope you are feeling better..
I've had them twice due to clomid at 100mg. I only took 2 50mg this cycle because of the IUI. I will be on BCP in about a week so if there is a cyst it should clear it up.
I didn't realize the BCP could help clear them up, that is great! Hope you are feeling better today and that the pain in your stomach is gone.
I know of lot of us ladies are on 2nd and 3rd iuis with clomid... has anyone noticed that the later rounds with clomid making you far more emotional than the first iui? Im 2 days into clomid this 3rd cycle. I just want to cry over everything. Happy.. sad... frustrated.. its nuts. Plus one of my husband's friends came over last night with his girlfriend of 2 months complaining the WHOLE time about how she accidentally got pregnant.. and is now 7 weeks. I mean really??? She of course didn't know of our situation but her boyfriend does. It was just so insensitive and made me so mad. Like how come we cant get pregnant for the life of us and have been trying almost 3 years, yet a girl whos been with a guy for 2 months has an accident and now its a burden to her?! Ugh some people! Why does it happen that way?
I know of lot of us ladies are on 2nd and 3rd iuis with clomid... has anyone noticed that the later rounds with clomid making you far more emotional than the first iui? Im 2 days into clomid this 3rd cycle. I just want to cry over everything. Happy.. sad... frustrated.. its nuts. Plus one of my husband's friends came over last night with his girlfriend of 2 months complaining the WHOLE time about how she accidentally got pregnant.. and is now 7 weeks. I mean really??? She of course didn't know of our situation but her boyfriend does. It was just so insensitive and made me so mad. Like how come we cant get pregnant for the life of us and have been trying almost 3 years, yet a girl whos been with a guy for 2 months has an accident and now its a burden to her?! Ugh some people! Why does it happen that way?
I am not sure if I am more emotional or the same as always emotionally. I have noticed the hot flashes have lessened though.

I actually had a crying fit today, but I think anyone in our situation would feel the same way. Anyway, my dad texted me saying my 20 year old step brother got a girl pregnant that lives in California. He lives in Virginia, so it must have been a one night thing. Anyway I lost it and I am still trying to process this information. I guess he doesn't want anything to do with the baby either. So frustrating. I really don't know how to handle situations like this and can't give any other advice than to let your emotions out.
Sorry you are both dealing with these frustrating situations. A few years ago, I was going through the same thing and it is the most awful feeling...I totally get it. There is someone in my life that gets pregnant just looking at her husband, yet complains if takes more than a month, and about every little thing when pregnant. I remember thinking that if I had to sit through one more pregnancy announcement (she got pregnant, had her baby and he was two when we got pregnant) from her I would lose my mind and I started to avoid family get togethers because I was so scared of overreacting in front of everyone. I just wanted to let you girls know that I have been there and I know how much it sucks.
Sorry you are both dealing with these frustrating situations. A few years ago, I was going through the same thing and it is the most awful feeling...I totally get it. There is someone in my life that gets pregnant just looking at her husband, yet complains if takes more than a month, and about every little thing when pregnant. I remember thinking that if I had to sit through one more pregnancy announcement (she got pregnant, had her baby and he was two when we got pregnant) from her I would lose my mind and I started to avoid family get togethers because I was so scared of overreacting in front of everyone. I just wanted to let you girls know that I have been there and I know how much it sucks.
Thanks Ange! I hope I will learn to cope better. I kind of blew up at my dad yesterday and it has nothing to do with him. I'm feeling a little better about it today.

It drives me crazy when people complain how long it is taking after a few months. Although I remember complaining myself when we first started trying lol! This reminds me of something my husband told me the other day. I guess he had a review with the HR manager last week and she asked him if we had 3 kids lol. He said we don't have any and she asked when we plan to have kids and my husband tells her we have been trying for a little over a year without success. She then uses the line we have all heard before I am sure, "sometimes you just need to quit trying for it to happen" haha. Yeah, because not trying will totally work! Makes absolutely no sense...anyway she then says that this worked for her and her husband after 4 months of trying. She said they went on a vacation to vegas let loose and fell pregnant. I don't even know why dh shared this info with me, because it just made me angry.

I just have to remind myself that there will always be things others will not understand, just like I will never understand problems they might have. I am sure I say stupid, hurtful things to people all the time without knowing their feelings/situation.
kscar I hate that saying too!!! Since the chemical in Sept 2012 I quit "trying". There was no opk's, clomid, preseed, timed bd. I constitute that is NOT trying...well here I am a year half later and notta nothing! The week after my chemical, my cousin who is my bff found out she was pregnant and she complained her entire pregnancy! I avoided her A LOT. She ended up giving birth on the very day my CP would've been due (what are the odds??) I couldn't even go to the hospital that day. I made up an excuse. I had to force myself to go the next day, and at that I didn't stay long. I was having a really hard time and felt like crap about it because that's not the person I am
kscar I hate that saying too!!! Since the chemical in Sept 2012 I quit "trying". There was no opk's, clomid, preseed, timed bd. I constitute that is NOT trying...well here I am a year half later and notta nothing! The week after my chemical, my cousin who is my bff found out she was pregnant and she complained her entire pregnancy! I avoided her A LOT. She ended up giving birth on the very day my CP would've been due (what are the odds??) I couldn't even go to the hospital that day. I made up an excuse. I had to force myself to go the next day, and at that I didn't stay long. I was having a really hard time and felt like crap about it because that's not the person I am
I think you handled the situation with your cousin really well. I probably wouldn't have gone at all. I am already trying to come up with excuses to not see my brother and sister in-laws twins that are due in July. It's quite terrible I know, but better than me uncontrollably blubbering like a crazy woman when I see the babies. Hopefully I will have a bump of my own by then though ;)
The things people say are definitely hurtful! But like you said, they probably do not even realize it. The one I got a lot was "you should stop stressing and then maybe it will happen". The first 10 months, I was not stressed at all! Then it hit me like a ton of bricks that something may be wrong and I started to worry (which I was right about), but I did spend a good amount of time not stressed and still nothing. My other favourite was when I saw my fertility doctor and she said getting pregnant naturally would be next to impossible, and then I did but miscarried which I was devastated about because I knew it was amazing that it even happened, and everyone around me said "but at least you got pregnant!". Yes I did...and I would have been so much happier if I still was!

I also think you handled the situation well. I think sometimes you need a day or two to process the news of a pregnancy or birth and then go and face it. My friend and I were both trying at the same time when I became pregnant and she didn't. I made sure to tell her privately first and always offered for her to not come to things if it would upset her. But unfortunately, if the people around you have not been in your shoes, they cannot understand why you would be upset or hurt.
People can be very upsetting. Im trying something new though.. ive always said if I didn't go into health care I wouldve been an English teacher because I love writing, I love reading and I love being creative. So im hoping to put it to use. Im going to write a book. About my journey through all of this. I just started it today. Im pretty excited, I think itl help me cope a bit better. Writing is therapy for me :)
Jenny that's awesome. I'm currently in school hoping to get my RN and I want to work at an infertility clinic. Idk if that will happen because going back to school after being out 15+ yrs is not as easy as I first thought lol
Oh ladies, Life is just crazy isn't it? Sorry you are going through that family stuff with girls just randomly getting preggo and then having it thrown at you! It's very hard not to be emotional, a person's psyche can only take so much! And yes the old...."just quit trying, RELAX and it will happen" LOL Such great advice. Although I do believe if you quit trying so hard, and don't care either way, MAYBE the stress factor would be taken out of the equation and could help something stick. Ugh, who knows??? But sounds like you all have a handle on things now....writing a book Jenny?? Exciting!! And fluterby, going back to school is always a good idea! Best of luck!!! AFM and DH...8 days smoke free, Nic test will be next Wed. So Proud of him!! He's never gone 24 hours without one....and me, I'm just hitting the gym really hard this month, trying to follow the naturopath's recommendations for eating and cleansing. (I'm doing pretty well, no wheat no dairy is hard for me, but the copious amounts of veggies is no problem....) If the IUI works or not, I'll be in better shape inside and out anyway! Take care girls, I probably won't have much news until after march 18th, that's when we start injections, and OH Yeah, Krista....I think the every other day scans from about day6-12 are to monitor how you are responding to injections. It's a sort of play it by ear thing, to adjust the dosage of shots as you go. Thankfully I work afternoons and all my scans will be a.m., otherwise not sure how's I'd get the time off!!
Very exciting about the book Jenny! Definitely something I would be interested in!

fluterby429- how much longer do you have in school? Your future patients will be lucky to have someone who understands:)

ClaireCath- So amazing about your husband being smoke free!!!
Wow Jenny that is great you are writing a book. I am terrible at expressing my thoughts on paper and admire anybody who can do such a thing.

Fluterby, that is such a great way to give back to women and understand where they are coming from. I always wonder if the nurses that are working with me have any idea how important the procedures are to us or if it is just another day in the office to them.

Claire, I am so happy dh is smoke free! Sounds like you are off to a really great start and putting me to shame. Cutting out dairy would be so hard.

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