Any ladies starting first IUI in January?? Buddies Please..TTC 13 cycles

Yep made it to st Louis yesterday late afternoon :) weather was still gorgeous and we walked down to the union station. Had an awesome dinner and even got some pool time in. Anyone know if were supposed to stay out of hot tubs after iui? I didn't think about it til later but I heard its not good because heat can kill sperm?? I hope not :/
Yep made it to st Louis yesterday late afternoon :) weather was still gorgeous and we walked down to the union station. Had an awesome dinner and even got some pool time in. Anyone know if were supposed to stay out of hot tubs after iui? I didn't think about it til later but I heard its not good because heat can kill sperm?? I hope not :/
That is great! Sounds like you had a nice little break.

I am not an expert on the hot tub aspect. I have read men shouldn't take hot baths and women shouldn't get their temperature too high at certain parts of pregnancy, but I don't know about the very very early stages. I wouldn't worry about it, because it would be at such an early stage.
So I did it again and tested early. This time though, to my surprise, it was clearly positive at 9dpiui. This morning at 10dpiui, it was much darker and a digital said "pregnant" (from not pregnant yesterday, so I assumed things were progressing). I was so excited....and then I started bleeding 10 minutes later. I'm so annoyed right now with myself for testing early.
So I did it again and tested early. This time though, to my surprise, it was clearly positive at 9dpiui. This morning at 10dpiui, it was much darker and a digital said "pregnant" (from not pregnant yesterday, so I assumed things were progressing). I was so excited....and then I started bleeding 10 minutes later. I'm so annoyed right now with myself for testing early.
Hmm...I don't really know what to say :(. Do you think it's chemical at this point? I think spotting is ok in early pregnancy, but if you are bleeding I am not sure. That must be so infuriating and confusing. Will your RE give you a blood test to confirm if your numbers are dropping or not? Keep us updated and I hope this is just normal spotting.

This happened last time too didn't it? I would definitely set up an appointment with your RE to discuss why this might be happening.

Sending lots of :hugs: your way.
Thanks:) This did happen to me in my first pregnancy during the 8th week, but that one turned out to be a miscarriage. The second time I had a tiny, tiny bit during the 6th week and it was OK. I guess I just feel like it is way too early for it to be ok. The nurse called me back and said they will take a baseline blood test tomorrow to compare to next Thursday's numbers. I told her that I felt bad about taking the test too early and she laughed and said that most people do and not to worry about it but to prepare for it to be a chemical. I guess only time will tell and I am not a patient person...

How are you doing?
Thanks:) This did happen to me in my first pregnancy during the 8th week, but that one turned out to be a miscarriage. The second time I had a tiny, tiny bit during the 6th week and it was OK. I guess I just feel like it is way too early for it to be ok. The nurse called me back and said they will take a baseline blood test tomorrow to compare to next Thursday's numbers. I told her that I felt bad about taking the test too early and she laughed and said that most people do and not to worry about it but to prepare for it to be a chemical. I guess only time will tell and I am not a patient person...

How are you doing?
Glad the nurse was understanding and I don't think you should feel bad. I would like to know what was happening. I really hope things turn out ok for you. I can't imagine how you might be feeling. All I know is I would be pretty anxious.

I'm good. No symptoms and I honestly haven't had any time to think about the 2ww. I think I am at the point were I just expect it not to work haha. I haven't even been keeping track of how many dpiui I am. Now I am sure I will be a mess next week. I seem to stress more in the second week.
The second week is definitely much harder! It seems like every day just drags while waiting for results. Keeping busy helps though. Not that I wouldn't have tested anyway, I always do no matter how many times I tell myself to relax, but the schools are on March Break here, so I haven't had much to keep my mind occupied with. Hopefully this time is it for you!
Hi Girls, just checking in again!

Jenny~ glad your IUI went well and yes 5 follies is a great number! Sending good vibes to you! Hot tubs I think are bad for spermies still inside him but other than that I'm not sure...
Krista~ Sorry to hear you had such a "clown" for a nurse. But that would be ironic if she was the one who gets it right? lol Oh and I'm not kicking your butt in the nutrition dept, there's no way I can completely give up dairy. I have cut right back though. Running alot right now and yoga in case I have to give up heavy exercise sometime soon.... DH passed the nicotine test with flying colors and did not run out to buy a pack as of yet! So Happy about that!!
Ange~ hope you get some good news soon! I can see how the second half of the TWW would be more draggy. Hoping that spring is around the corner for us here in the great white polar vortex!! I think I heard a robin this morning so that's a good sign!
My doc went straight to injectables due to my age. Success rates much higher than clomid or femura he says. But again, that's only in my case cuz i am older. Puregon to stimulate, orgalutran to stop oving too early and the hcg trigger shot. I start poking on Tuesday. I'm excited and staying positive for this!!!

Praying for a BFP on this thread soon!!
Ange I'm so sorry. Do you take progesterone?

Good luck Claire! I'll be doing Femera and injectables with hcg trigger and prog suppositories in a couple of weeks. I hope it works for you. I'm nervous about the process
Ange I'm so sorry. Do you take progesterone?

Good luck Claire! I'll be doing Femera and injectables with hcg trigger and prog suppositories in a couple of weeks. I hope it works for you. I'm nervous about the process

Hey Fluterby! I'm a bit nervous too but actually the excitement is over riding nervousness. I'm very fortunate to have a DH who is totally supportive and will be doing injections for me (he always wanted to get into the medical field) lol The needles are very tiny and I do have a huge tattoo on my hip so I figure if I can handle hours of torture like that, I'm good to go. Try not to be too nervous, watch some videos on youtube if you get a chance, there are some on there that show how easy it is after awhile. Although, don't watch the Australian girl, she has a hard time and keeps saying how nervous she is!! Poke Poke Poke. I was like~~WHY did you post this?? to make us more nervous??!! hahaha
Anyway, rambling ...sorry. I'll keep you posted and I hope it works too! POSITIVE VIBES AND LOADS OF :dust:
ClaireCath, how did the injections go tonight? Hope all is well.

Ange, how are you holding up?

Jenny, patiently waiting still? When can you test?

Not much going on. I am so proud of myself for not poas just yet. I really want to, but I am going to hold off until tomorrow or Thursday. Saturday is my actual test date, but I like to test before af to lessen the blow. Fingers crossed she stays away and I am done with all this IUI stuff!

I start watching a newborn next week for a friend until they can get him into daycare. It is only for 3 weeks, but will be some extra cash toward our trip in early June. I met him today and I was kind of concerned about how I would react, but I fell in love instantly. I told dh this 3 week sitting gig will either turn me off to babies or make me want one more and I can already tell after hanging with him today that it will most likely make the drive stronger. Things are going to be crazy though, because I have to push all of my clients off to the weekends for this short period of time, so I will be working 7 days a week!
Oh Kscar...hanging with a newborn may be just what you need to get the juices flowing!! And yep, probably make the drive stronger, that makes total sense to me. First injection was last night, nothing to it. Like I said before, DH always wanted to get into the medical field, he is the furthest from nervous or hesitant about it at all. I just looked away just like when i get my blood drawn and it was over in 2 seconds. No biggie, honestly! I did have 2 whopping hot flashes in the middle of the night though...ugh. I had them on the clomid too, I guess that set aside any doubts that the injection actually went in! lol
I don't know if I'll be able to wait for the blood test after all this either. I think it makes sense what you said about POAS to lessen the blow. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Trying to take it all in stride.
What's up with everyone else? Waiting? Testing? Loads of :dust: to us all!!!
Glad the first injection went well ClaireCath! The side effects can be pretty annoying...

Good for you for holding out kscar! You are very patient. Looking forward to hearing your results:)

So I had a second blood test Monday and my levels look OK right now. They think the bleeding could have been from the progesterone irritating my cervix. Apparently that is quite common, so if any of you take that after your IUI, watch how far you inject it so you don't panic like me! Until my first ultrasound though, I'm trying not to get excited. We haven't told ladies know before our parents do lol. I won't even let my husband talk about it to me right now. He tends to get really excited and wants to start planning everything, but I just want to make it through the next few weeks..
Ange, I am glad to hear that your numbers look good, but I understand not wanting to make a big fuss just yet. I too will be telling you ladies first if it happens for us. I actually plan on waiting to tell family when I am just past the 1st trimester. This will be easy to hide since I live so far from family.

I held off from testing this morning, but I might break down and test sometime tonight. I feel more hopeful this round for some reason, but I also have moments of negativity. My heart says that this is it for us, but my brain keeps telling me it isn't very likely haha. Feeling confused and excited.
It's good that you are staying so positive. I really hope this is it for you! How many days past IUI are you now? Are you having any symptoms?
It's good that you are staying so positive. I really hope this is it for you! How many days past IUI are you now? Are you having any symptoms?
Only 11dpiui right now, so I probably should push testing off until tomorrow. I have had zero symptoms though.
Oh that is a little early for symptoms. I keep thinking we're all further along in the month than we are. Time really seems to drag during all of this. I got the positive test 10 dpiui and was surprised because I wasn't feeling anything. In fact, the months that I was not pregnant, I had more "symptoms". Go figure. I will definitely be checking in tomorrow!!!
Ange YAY!! I hope things keep progressing. Super happy for you.

Kscar hoping to see a Bfp From you soon :) FX'd

Claire glad the injections went smooth

Arm 10 more days of BCP. Grrr this is taking foreeevvveeerrrr
Super bummed out today. I took a test this morning and of course it was a blinding negative. I don't know why I give myself hope just to get smacked in the face. I am almost certain I have endometriosis at this point. I can't think of any other reason why an iui wouldn't work if my tubes are open and dh is fine. I seriously don't think I can do any more iui's. I know I had said I was thinking about doing one or two more, but at this point I am done and ready to discuss ivf with my RE on Monday. I have read that iui isn't very successful for women with endo, but ivf is. My doctor doesn't want to do a laparoscopy to confirm endo, because she said it would be pointless and ivf would bypass the endo. I'm just concerned the endo would be creating low quality eggs. I have also read that women with endo produce less eggs for retrieval if they haven't had a lap done before ivf. Ugh....lots to think about.
Thanks fluterby:) I hope the next week or so flies by for you!

So sorry kscar....that must be really tough to take. I really hope your doctor can you help you to make the right decision so you can finally move forward and get what you deserve.

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