Any ladies starting first IUI in January?? Buddies Please..TTC 13 cycles

Two follicles is great ClaireCath! Hope everything goes smoothly Tuesday:)

When do you start your injections fluterby? You must be getting excited after all the waiting you have done!
Yay for 2!!!

My results are in. Free T is <.15 and total is 33. Needed to be 45 or under so I'm good to go. Just waiting on AF now
That is awesome fluterby! I bet you have never been so excited for AF in your life:)

I am doing OK...trying not to think about things too much. Must sound a little crazy eh?
Yay for 2!!!

My results are in. Free T is <.15 and total is 33. Needed to be 45 or under so I'm good to go. Just waiting on AF now

Fluterby those numbers are great! WooHoo! Bring on AF. LOL I hope this is going to be your month!
My follies were up to 21 and 19 yesterday and doc wanted to give them one more day of growth so....TONIGHT WE TRIGGER! IUI WED. morning! I also have 2 more around 7 but he's saying those won't come into play. Numbers are all good and with DH totally quitting smoking his ":spermy: :spermy: :spermy: should be excellent! I'm curious to see that result actually. His numbers were good even before he quit so....
Have a great day all!
Yay Claire!!! FX'd for you. An exciting time.

I started spotting and cramping this morning, so idk if I should call and tell them or wait for tomorrow to call it CD1. I usually never spot I just start so I'm confused
Well they threw me for a $305 curve ball at my appointment. That pissed me off. I have no idea how much this array of meds is going to cost today. On the upside my right ovary has 4 follicles and left has one so I'm in good shape there. Femera pills start Thur and Gonal-F injections start Saturday. U/S on the 12th with trigger hcg if all goes well and then IUI will be 14th. Blood hcg check on the 28th (day before my bday so I'm hoping for a present )
I'm about to blow up. I'm so upset. These meds are $575. I still have to pay $198 u/a fee then $400 for the IUI. We were originally quoted $400 IUI, $198 u/s and $298 in meds. I've already spent just about that much today and still have $600 to go. I want to send him an unpleasant email but I'd be worried he'd botch my IUI or something. I had to take the $ out of the IVF fund. I'm just beside myself. I don't understand why this is so difficult for me. $871 spent just today! He quoted me $700-800 total.
Wow- that is expensive, especially when you are not expecting it. Sorry this is becoming so frustrating for you:(
After spending $871 today with $800 more to go my 14 yr old son took two of my Femera pills by accident thinking it was his antibiotics that I also filled today. He's going to be fine but will have high T levels for a couple of days....shew BUT now I have to buy two more pills. Grrrr. This was supposed to be a happy day and now it has ben stressful
I was in the worst mood yesterday. The doctor called an entire new script in. I guess I'm not picking it up bc that's almost another $100 and I only need two pills. this is so screwed up
I've missed a lot! Been super busy, plus not much going on in the ttc department. I think I should be ovulating soon, but I am debating if I should use opk tests or not this month. I kind of think I need to take a complete break, but at the same time I want some control and there is a little part of me wanting to remain hopeful that we can do it the old fashioned way.

I've been waiting to get a call back from the IVF financial advisor for almost a week now. I can't do anything until they call me back. They said it would be up to 3 business days. I think I will be calling them tomorrow to see what is up. After I get this call I then have to take a shots class, go through a physical, genetics testing, see a psychologist and another official ivf consultation where we sign waivers and such. I'm kind of worried to see the psychologist. I have currently been seeing one for about a year now and was recently given a possible diagnosis of bipolar II. They still aren't sure if it is depression or bipolar. I guess I am on the border. The only mania symptom I exhibit is going days without any sleep, but I think that is due to stress. They put me on antidepressants to treat my depression, but I guess the antidepressants can cause mania in people with bipolar so this is a trial run. So far I have done just fine and I really hope that I just have depression and it isn't the bipolar diagnosis, but I am concerned about the infertility clinics psych exam. I hope they don't find me unfit to go through IVF. I can get very depressed about our infertility.

Fluterby, I am so sorry you are having such a difficult time. I would be in a bad mood too. I can't believe how expensive all these treatments are. It really is a shame that only a handful of states require infertility treatment coverage. Hopefully things smooth out and fall into place for you.

ClaireCath, that is such good news and I am wishing you all the best.

Jenny, How are you doing?
Bipolar II is the lesser of the bipolar diagnosis and is pretty treatable from what I understand (I've taken some psych classes lol) plus I have a cousin with severe bipolar. She won't take her meds so she's a mess. Sounds like to me you may just have stress or anxiety disorder. It might take a few months to get your correct dose. I've had anxiety and depression issues and been medicated for it at certain points and it did help. Just be yourself, I'm sure they understand that TTC is stressful especially once you get to IVF.
Fluterby, that sucks! The added stress of financial concerns doesn't help us much in the de-stressing dept. I completely understand. I hope things fall into place for you soon and the quotes you get are actually accurate in the future!
Kscar...Glad you are taking a little break. Try not to be nervous about the psyche eval. etc. Fluterby is right, just be yourself. The stigma of BP or anxiety issues are lessening i believe as society and esp the medical community become more aware. We have some experience with the BP issue, PM me if you want more details or want to vent ok? I have a different opinons on how psychiatrists and the pharmaceutical companies work hand in hand and over-medicate, but that's just me....
I'm sure everything will go fine for you if you can take it one day at a time. :) I'm really rooting for you kiddo!! Try the yoga or mediation to calm your mind. It takes a while to get the hang of it but really helps to keep racing thoughts down. AFM, our IUI was Wed. All went well, DH's numbers were awesome, and now we wait!! I am totally waiting for the blood test, I wouldn't trust the stick if I pee on it anyway. LOL
Any news from anyone else?
I'm pretty certain I don't have bipolar, but was freaked when they said it could be a possibility so they wanted to keep a close eye on me when taking antidepressants. Bipolar runs in my family and I have seen how bad it can get and don't think I am anywhere near that level. I do have trouble sleeping (I have gone 3 days without sleeping at a time), but I am certain it is from anxiety and stress. I am sure this psych evaluation is more for us to learn how to cope with the stress of ivf and hopefully not an evaluation of my mental state! I would say I have been depressed for about 15 years now. I was on medication a long time ago, but went off of it and tried to eat better and exercise. That seemed to help my mood for a short period of time, but since we started ttc I have had a major relapse. I have only been on the antidepressant for about a month, but I feel it is helping. If anything it has a placebo effect haha! Plus the fact that spring should be right around the corner is helping.

I don't like taking medication if I can help myself by another means, but I have been seeing my therapist for about a year and she agreed she wanted me to work through my issues with the therapy, but this past winter I just broke down and told her I have to go on meds. I am really happy I have done so at this point.

ClairCath I am so excited for you and hope this iui works for you!
I'm pretty certain I don't have bipolar, but was freaked when they said it could be a possibility so they wanted to keep a close eye on me when taking antidepressants. Bipolar runs in my family and I have seen how bad it can get and don't think I am anywhere near that level. I do have trouble sleeping (I have gone 3 days without sleeping at a time), but I am certain it is from anxiety and stress. I am sure this psych evaluation is more for us to learn how to cope with the stress of ivf and hopefully not an evaluation of my mental state! I would say I have been depressed for about 15 years now. I was on medication a long time ago, but went off of it and tried to eat better and exercise. That seemed to help my mood for a short period of time, but since we started ttc I have had a major relapse. I have only been on the antidepressant for about a month, but I feel it is helping. If anything it has a placebo effect haha! Plus the fact that spring should be right around the corner is helping.

I don't like taking medication if I can help myself by another means, but I have been seeing my therapist for about a year and she agreed she wanted me to work through my issues with the therapy, but this past winter I just broke down and told her I have to go on meds. I am really happy I have done so at this point.

ClairCath I am so excited for you and hope this iui works for you!

I totally understand hun! You have to do what works for you, and yes, SPRING being here (almost) will certainly help! And thanks, I am excited too, thinking positive thoughts. At the very least I know i have done and am doing all I can for this little bean to stick. The rest is in a higher power's hands and when it is meant to be it will come. I am just impatient! lol Take care girls, sorry fluterby i are starting injections this weekend?
Hey ladies!

I realize this thread has been going for quite awhile but I'm trying to find some buddies for encouragement. It sounds like I am in a similar place as many of you.

TTC #1 for 14 months now. Have previously done 4 cycles of Clomid due to irregular cycle and got 4 BFNs. Took a break and went back to naturally trying with acupuncture.

I am now on CD 8 and back on Clomid. Schedule for an ultrasound on Saturday to measure/look for follicles and then hopefully move forward with trigger shot and IUI. I'm anxious and excited. Clomid has me feeling like a hot mess - hot flashes, insomnia, crazy emotions. Hoping for IUI one to be a success. Thinking about you girls!
Hey ladies!

I realize this thread has been going for quite awhile but I'm trying to find some buddies for encouragement. It sounds like I am in a similar place as many of you.

TTC #1 for 14 months now. Have previously done 4 cycles of Clomid due to irregular cycle and got 4 BFNs. Took a break and went back to naturally trying with acupuncture.

I am now on CD 8 and back on Clomid. Schedule for an ultrasound on Saturday to measure/look for follicles and then hopefully move forward with trigger shot and IUI. I'm anxious and excited. Clomid has me feeling like a hot mess - hot flashes, insomnia, crazy emotions. Hoping for IUI one to be a success. Thinking about you girls!
Hi Emi and welcome! Good luck with your journey, let us know how you make out at the ultrasound!:flower:
Welcome and good luck!!!

I called the pharmacist about the two pills. She said she WOHKD change my Rx and I could buy those. So went to pick those up yesterday. Paid the 10 dollars and change but it was the entire Rx of 10 pills in the bottle when I got home with 2 refills. Idk. Oh well I got my meds I needed.

One week from today is IUI eeekkk

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