Any ladies starting first IUI in January?? Buddies Please..TTC 13 cycles

Welcome Emi and wishing you the best with this upcoming IUI!

Fluterby I am glad to hear your doctor is rewriting your prescription for the two pills. That must be a huge relief. I guess now you have some extras left over in case something else happens. Good luck!

So I finally got everything schedule for our IVF. I am getting very excited! Also thanks ladies for the kind words. I am also excited that my indoor bulbs have started sprouting! I need to see some green. This winter has been brutal!
Hi girls. Krista, that's great that you have everything set up for IVF. When will it be? Are you still going to be able to chill for a bit before it happens? And AGREED this never ending winter may have finally ended! I see some things poking out in my garden that are green too!! lol
Fluterby~~ so it's Monday for you then? Good luck and loads of :dust: to you!! How are the injections going for you?
I'm in the middle of the longest 2ww. LOL Taking the progesterone pills 3x day and estrace(not orally) sorry if tmi. Waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiting. I fel ok. a bit emotional/bitchy/tired but being pumped full of hormones will do that obviously. No spotting, which I was hoping for... maybe a sign of implantation, but I know not everyone gets that. Tomorrow is day 28 of this cycle , which in a normal cycle would be the day AF arrives( I don't feel she is coming) but being that this was all controlled and I didn't ovulate til day 18, will i go 2 weeks from there? the time I get my bloodtest next Thurs it will be Day 33.
Well, as always, I am trying to take it all in stride.
Have a great day all!! :hugs:
We most likely will start IVF in June or July, but that depends on if they have openings. So 3 cycles to rest! I am currently in the 2ww as well, but not very hopeful since this was all on our own. Maybe we will be one of those lucky couples that get pregnant right before ivf!?!

I think everybody is different, but when I did my IUIs and triggered af would start exactly 14 days after the trigger, but I was also on clomid. It may be different if you are on injections. Hang in there. The 2ww is the worst, but I really hope this works for you!
Claire you'll more than likely have a delayed period. Hopefully not one at all ;)

Kscar hopefully you are one of the "lucky" ones. We plan on IVF late July.

HELP! I had my scan this morning. I had 3 BIG follies. 25, 27 and 21. The nurse said they could be cyst but no way of knowing. Waiting on a call from the doctor. She said we may IUI tomorrow. Idk if I should. What if they are all cyst? Any suggestions or experience?
Claire you'll more than likely have a delayed period. Hopefully not one at all ;)

Kscar hopefully you are one of the "lucky" ones. We plan on IVF late July.

HELP! I had my scan this morning. I had 3 BIG follies. 25, 27 and 21. The nurse said they could be cyst but no way of knowing. Waiting on a call from the doctor. She said we may IUI tomorrow. Idk if I should. What if they are all cyst? Any suggestions or experience?
I don't know what to tell you. Why do they think they are cysts? I doubt they would all be cysts after the meds you have taken. Hopefully your doctor will be able to give you good advice.

Best wishes!
The doctor said he feels it's fine. So trigger tonight and IUI Monday. The nurse said that sometimes they over mature or become cyst when they are that large. Internet has conflicting info on size. Most said 20-30 mm was good. Idk. I'm kinda bummed
He had over 20 million (that's all they look for) and over 90% motility. So it looks good! A little crampy
Kscar. That would be AWESOME if you were "one of those couples" lol Good luck and enjoy these 3 months of just letting nature take it's course. Wishing you all the best in all things my friend! Fluterby, not sure about those cysts/follicles but if the doc said it was a go, it must be ok! Take it easy the next two weeks! I am nearing the end of my long wait. Wasn't feeling anxious but now blood test is so close i am a bit...
Symptoms...... Boobs seems bigger, heavier. Moody, tired. Lower back is sore. Also last night I had a road map of blue veins very prominent the whole length of my arms and some on chest. weird. No cramping or spotting. Like I said I would not have a clue if these are pregnancy symptoms or side effects from hormones(estrace and prometrium until blood test Thursday). I peed in my little dixie cup this a.m. but am waiting for DH to wake up before I do the dropper test(cheapie from dollar store) I am expecting nothing but found it in the cupboard so.....
Today is CD31, but only 13 Days past IUI so I gues I am not really "late" yet.

Huge hugs girls :dust: to us all!!!
Woohoo Claire. Super excited for you.

I've read that some say my follie says could
Be cysts and some say they are good size because I took femera. I've read that clomid and femera cause larger follicles than gondatropins alone. I even read this medical study that said with femera, my size of follicles and the mm of my lining that it was optimal. Idk. I think my small one is good no matter what, so hopefully it took. It makes me sad to think we wasted all that time and $ to be over mature for all of them
Did a clearblue digital this morning even though I said I wasn't going to. BFN and now I am bummed. Blood test tomorrow. Trying to get the pity party over in a hurry. :-(
Did a clearblue digital this morning even though I said I wasn't going to. BFN and now I am bummed. Blood test tomorrow. Trying to get the pity party over in a hurry. :-(
Sorry to hear about the bfn. Maybe you will still have a surprise tomorrow, but if not at least you are letting yourself down easy. I think getting bfn's prior to af gradually lessens the blow.

Hang in there! Sending :hugs: your way!
I haven't had much going on recently in the ttc department. Still in our 2ww of a natural cycle, but I am certain it didn't work. I have been super sick the past two days. I think I might have food poisoning or something. I went to bed at 8pm last night and woke up around 8am! I hope this passes soon!

I also just found out a good friend is pregnant and I have been pretty down on myself because of that. I want to have a surprise and feel that joy, but I need to get over that dream. At least when we do ivf we will get pictures of the embryos. Who gets to see what they looked like as a 5 cell embryo!
Aww Claire I'm sorry sweetie. You never know though.

Kscar it is a really cool thing to be able to see baby from start to finish. Never really thought of it that way

Afm forgot to take the prog suppository last night. Oops. I'm sure one day isn't a big deal
Aww Claire I'm sorry sweetie. You never know though.

Kscar it is a really cool thing to be able to see baby from start to finish. Never really thought of it that way

Afm forgot to take the prog suppository last night. Oops. I'm sure one day isn't a big deal
I doubt missing one pill will make any difference. Women who conceive naturally don't take it. I doubt it would be any different.
Thanks girls and yes that is a good way to think of it..seeing baby start to finish! I'm hanging in and will keep you posted on blood results. Fluterby, I agree with Krista. I wouldn't worry about missing just one. Sending you good vibes! :hugs:
during sex last night it was uncomfortable at times. When he'd hit my cervix it was slightly painful. I'm scared it's cyst. DH called the nurse this morning while I was still sleeping. She said she can't guarantee that it's not cyst but more than likely tenderness from ovulation due to meds. Idk if I buy that
I was very tender because of the clomid I was taking, but I tend to always be kind of tender around ovulation. I have pretty painful ovulation and periods :(

Try not to be too anxious. I know that is easy to say. I am trying to do the same at the moment.
I agree with Krista, try not to read too much into it and take it as it comes. Yes easier said than done, just go day to day and see what it is. Definitely could be from the meds.
In my world, bfn on the bloodtest but we will do another cycle right away. I am not even close to throwing in the towel. Big hugs girls. xo:hugs:
Sorry ClaireCath :hugs:

They say most of the time it takes multiple iui cycles before a bfp. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way for iui cycle #2!

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