Any ladies starting first IUI in January?? Buddies Please..TTC 13 cycles

Do you ladies use reddit at all? I am addicted, but I recently started going to the subreddit group r/infertility and I read nearly every post and can really relate in a lot of ways. I just haven't had the courage to post yet. Just thought I would share if you were looking for more support or just to read what other ladies journeys are. I also enjoy some of the more comical stuff that pops up on there.

Here is an good example I read today.

This was added a while ago, but I found it funny
Good luck on your next IUI Claire

K never heard of it. Gonna give it a read
Sorry ClaireCath :hugs:

They say most of the time it takes multiple iui cycles before a bfp. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way for iui cycle #2!

Thanks hun, that's what the nurse said too. "don't worry, we'll gwt you there. It rarely works on the first try" so ya, I am still hopeful! She made me feel much better actually. All the staff there is very caring I find, and that helps.:thumbup:
Do you ladies use reddit at all? I am addicted, but I recently started going to the subreddit group r/infertility and I read nearly every post and can really relate in a lot of ways. I just haven't had the courage to post yet. Just thought I would share if you were looking for more support or just to read what other ladies journeys are. I also enjoy some of the more comical stuff that pops up on there.

Here is an good example I read today.

This was added a while ago, but I found it funny

I never heard of it either but will check it out for sure. It's always good to keep your sense of humor during the more stressful moments!!
LMFAO Kscar!! The facebook one was hilarious!!! I have sooooooo wanted to post comments like this on peoples' walls when they are over sharing about their new baby! I have also promised myself NEVER to do this because I may be hurting someone's feelings inadvertently. Also made sure to tell DH, if you see me doing this PULL IN THE REINS!! WHOAAAAA! Hahahaha thanks for the chuckle! ;-)
I love how the infertile friend is holding a dog in her profile pic haha! That is me! Any of you ladies have pets? I have a dauchshund/terrier mix.
I have a dog, two ferrets and a African Sulcata tortoise

Here is a pic of my last three days of testing out the trigger. I'm annoyed that it's 9 days after and it's still in my system


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That is a long time. I think mine was out of my system after about 6 days.

So af arrived last Friday. Two days early. I am never early, so I think my body is a little wonky after 3 iui rounds. I actually wasn't bummed that this natural cycle didn't work, because it was expected. Ready to start IVF asap!
Hey, I've been hovering after my first iui after christmas which seems ages ago. My second in march failed as well. On to 3rd iui in May. Loved the link too, especially the Facebook one. I fee like I'm on that shitty plane journey, it's so accurate. Xx
welcome lazeydaisy! Sorry about your failed iui cycles but hey 3rd charm could be the charm! Good Luck!

K - bummer about AF but IVF is going to be so exciting!!!
Hey, I've been hovering after my first iui after christmas which seems ages ago. My second in march failed as well. On to 3rd iui in May. Loved the link too, especially the Facebook one. I fee like I'm on that shitty plane journey, it's so accurate. Xx
Sorry to hear your past 2 iui cycles failed, but keep positive for this 3rd one.

I thought the plane analogy was perfect for what I have been feeling throughout this journey. I just hope I get to my destination soon!

:dust: for all of us ladies!
Progesterone level came back at a low 11...feeling really doubtful now. Have to up the suppositories to two a night ugh!!!
I am not really sure what the progesterone levels mean since I never had mine checked, but keeping my fingers crossed for you.
I keep reading it needs to be above 15 for a medicated cycle
Last night I had the tiny of tiniest red fleck on the tp along with light pink cm (or progesterone cream). I freaked out, but nothing since
2 Cats here...they are my fur babies for sure. Hi Lazydaisies, good luck to you dear with #3! I am onto IUI #2 end of May. He's got me on BC for now intil we start up again. I thought we would go right in and try again now but that's just the way this office does it. I think with injectables it may be best to take a month in between so your body can reset. So :sex: just for fun this month! YAY! That and just trying to take care of my health, eat cleaner, run etc... Fluterby, I never even tested the trigger out, I would have made myself POAS cray cray so I just waited til the end to test. Hope this is your month! And Kscar, my friend, sounds like your attitude is spot on. hang in there! IVF soon come. ;-) Loads of :dust: to us all!! Can't wait for a :bfp: on here!! :hugs:
Last night I had the tiny of tiniest red fleck on the tp along with light pink cm (or progesterone cream). I freaked out, but nothing since
I'm not sure about the progesterone levels either. I actually did not have any blood work during the 2ww so...sorry no help here. just go by dr's orders I suppose. Could the speck have been IB? What day are you?
Fluterby, I hate to get your hopes up, but it could be IB. The 2ww is the worst, but you are almost to the end. When do you go in for beta or do they just want you to take a test at home?

ClaireCath, I am pretty sure that is how they do injectables with bcp. I am supposed to take bcp soon before we start IVF. I have read the bcp resets your system and improves chances.
Still nothing since last night and I've checked several times. I'm not trying to get my hopes up but I'm not going to lie, since it hasn't come back I'm hopeful. However, I had a negative test today at 10dpiui on a Walmart $.88 test. I'm supposed to test on Monday 4/28 and call the office

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