Any ladies starting first IUI in January?? Buddies Please..TTC 13 cycles

Thanks ladies for the condolences. Yes it has been pretty bad, but one of the twins is doing really well and just had surgery a couple of days ago. I am sure he still has a long road ahead but we are just taking it a day at a time.

Lazydaisys so sorry you had another canceled cycle! You must be beyond frustrated!

Fluterby that is also frustrating. I was always on edge when af would be late, but it was never 9 days late!

Sorry I haven't been on in a while. I have been in a funky mood and just trying to avoid all things baby related to help keep my stress levels down while starting my IVF cycle. I think I am on my 9th day of injections now. Had a bit of a rough start, because my follicles weren't growing and then all of a sudden on the 8th day of injections they exploded and I am on track. I still don't know when my egg retrieval will be I am guessing Wednesday or Thursday. I think I had about 13 follicles in the 10-13mm range on my 8 day scan. I had another scan today but they didn't tell me the follicle sizes, just that my E2 increased from 1021 to 2020. I am starting to get impatient to get this egg retrieval going. I am a bit uncomfortable right and have had a constant headache. Been drinking tons of water and that seems to help.

Wishing all you ladies the best of luck!
I'm very excited for you!!! Kup!! Glad the other baby seems to be doing well.

Today is day 11 and no AF. I don't what the deal is.
Lazy~~ Sorry about this cycle being a bust. Definitely a frustrating process but hang in there! We will all get there somehow!! xo
Fluter~~ did you not go to Mex then? 9 days late is crazy. I hope you get some answers soon!
Krista~~ good idea to stay off the boards sometimes...but happy to hear your follies are getting nice and big! Sending you so much love and baby dust for this ivf girl!! Believe it is your time and put it out there to the universe! And BREATHE!! lol Keep me posted. :)
Nope I can't go until next month. Today is 11 days late for no reason. I need to take birth control for 21 days before I go so I can time my period but I have to get this one first. I'm very annoyed
Ugh crazy frustrating. Hang in there hun....our time will come. :)
I think AF will be here today after being MIA for 12 days. I had pink yesterday and a tiny bit of red today plus I'm cramping bad! If it comes, I will book my flight and leave July 23 in the evening!!
Glad AF is finally arriving and you can get on with IVF!

So a lot has happened in the last couple of days. My E2 rose from 2826-4000 over night and they are worried about OHSS so they put me on Cabergoline. I am very very sore, but have been chugging gatorade and eating a ton of protein in hopes of avoiding OHSS. My egg retrieval is scheduled for tomorrow morning! I really hope that they don't cancel the transfer due to OHSS so hopefully I can get over this and have a fresh IVF cycle. As of yesterday I had about 11 follies.


I am not sure why I would be at risk for OHSS with only 11 follies, but I am glad they are taking precautions to avoid it. I guess since my E2 is so high they are worried. Anyway I am so ready to suck these eggs out and move on to the next phase!

All the best to you ladies wherever you might be in your cycles!
How exciting! I hope all goes well today and in a few days you have some sweet good looking embies to transfer. How many are you going to transfer?

No AF took this answer brand test yesterday and then it drove me nuts. But BFN this morning on FRER


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Still no af!!! Have you made your flight reservations yet? I only want to transfer one at a time. Plus after all the issues my brother and sister in law went through with having twins it has kind of scared us.

So the egg retrieval went very well! I thought I would be feeling bad, but I actually feel pretty good. They even got more eggs than they thought, 14!!! I think my transfer will be on Sunday.
OMG that's awesome!!! Grow grow grow!! Hopefully you'll have several frosties or later too :)

Bleeding started today. It's light but there. I'm starting BCP tonight and we booked my flight. I leave July 24th! IVF should be first week in Aug.
Yay! Glad things are finally moving along for you!
Oh my goodness I am so pleased! We got the fertilization report today and of the 14 eggs 12 were mature and 10 fertilized! Transfer is still scheduled for Sunday, but could change to Tuesday if they want to do a 5 day transfer. The one thing I am concerned with is that they ended up using ICSI for some reason. I will ask why on Sunday, but I guess this is usually used for male factor and they were only supposed to use it if it was needed. My dr. always said that dh had great numbers so I am a little confused as to why they used icsi. I am also worried because I have read there is a chance for more birth defects with icsi. I just need to focus on the fact that we have freaking 10 embies growing! So happy!
That is absolutely amazing!!! So happy for you.
Don't worry yourself with the ICSI. The place I'm going uses ICSI as standard procedure now. I think it's pretty common.

May I ask you what your age and AMH level is. I'm just really nervous about my age factor
Thanks! I am so thrilled!

I am 28 and dh is 30. My AMH was 5.2 and my FSH was 11.7 at its highest (scary) and 9.7 at its lowest. They don't know what our issue was. Possible endo, but it sounds like dh may have had a bad batch of sperm this round.
Well I'm much older than you. I'm 36 dh just turned 34 last week. His swimmers are fine. We assume our issue is my tubes since they have been repaired from a tubal ligation. However I had an hsg and a lap that says they are fine. My AMH in March was a 5.1
I think I remember you having the same amh as me, which is good! My doctor wasn't worried about my high fsh because my amh was so high. I am sure you will do well with IVF!
Hey Krista, that's awesome! So happy for you...what a great # of eggies!!! 10 out of 14 fertilized?? sooooooooo terrific! Sorry I'm not familiar with that where they actually inject the spermies into the egg because the outer shell too hard? or is that something completely different? Fluter, glad AF finally showed and you can get a move on with your plan. And you are a mere babe at 36...says the 4o something year old....(ie. ME!!) Best of luck. :happydance:
Thanks! Yes that is what ICSI is used for, but I don't know about it being used for hard shell eggs, but that sounds like it could be a possibility. I will ask them on Sunday why they had to use ICSI. It probably will help us understand what our problem might have been. Should be interesting. I am so fascinated by all of this and very fortunate. I hope everything goes well over the weekend and the embies keep multiplying.

Wishing you ladies all the best and really appreciative of your support through all of this!
I know at my clinic they have started to do the isci as pretty much standard. I suppose it's a great way of getting more eggs fertilised. Pleased that things are working out well. I don't comment much but I'm often lurking x
Hey Lazy~~ How are things going for you these days? Krista~~ absolutely excited for you! And we are all here to support each other, I often feel I can't talk too much about TTC to friends as they are all busy with their own lives. of course my closest ones and my sister know everything but not everyone knows of the IUI journey...glad you ladies are here! :hugs:

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