Any ladies starting first IUI in January?? Buddies Please..TTC 13 cycles

Oh boy. Hopefully that is the last bump in the road for you. Now you can just take it easy!
OMG Fluter~~ you poor thing!!! What a ahve to laugh so as not to cry!! I would have broken down in tears miles before you! Let's all pray you are through all the hurdles here and the rest of the steps will come much easier for you. I really feel for you hun! How are you doing now?
I am getting a little excited about the acupuncture haha! I am certain you are clothed. I guess I will just wear a loose fitted shirt and shorts.

Sorry to hear that ClairCath. I hate hpt's so much! I refuse to poas this month. Are you planning on doing another IUI in the future?

I started taking my supplements, but I am concerned about one of them, DHEA. I can't find anything regarding DHEA in women with a good amh level, but everything I read about it claims to help egg quality. My amh is good, but my fsh is kind of sucky, plus my RE thinks I have poor egg quality. I am also taking Royal Jelly and CoQ10. I need to get a pill box labeled with the days of the week like my grandparents use lol.
I totally use one of those Gramma pills boxes. It's a double so one side is mine and one is Mark's. lol but it is easier than opening up every single damn bottle every day!! I can't say i know much about DHEA but i do know it is not allowed here in Canada so...i am going back on the Royal Jelly, Ubiquinol, EPO, D3, Omega 3, B12. Geeeez, it's just endless and some days i wonder if it even makes any damn difference. 44 is 44. But i will carry on. :witch: got me on Sunday so here I am CD2 again...i did have a 14 day LP though so that's encouraging. Either my eggs suck or my lining. Anyhoo, I will have my laporoscopy in 3 weeks Aug 20th then maybe I will get some answers. I am worrying though that when i have it done i will be around 7dpo...they will do a blood pregnancy test before the procedure but what it the little eggie is just fertilized and not yet implanted? I know i am worrying for nothing cuz it's a one in a million shot for me anyway but....that's what i do i guess. Blah!!! The nurse said it didn't matter where i am in my cycle the day of surgery. Hmmmm. Well, i hope you like the acupuncture. I always like to bring my phone and do a little mediation music while i lie there. Deep breathing too. Let us know how you get on! Oh yea, as far as another IUI, we will most likely try one more after lap. IVF we have not decide yet. It's so much $$$ but i would love to do one. We'll see what develops after lap.
CC I use one of those pill boxes too lol

Tomorrow is a scan to check follies and probably get more meds.

I made it to the beach two days in a row. It takes about two hours hoping buses


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Sorry af got you ClairCath! Could lap hurt implantation? I wouldn't think so since they are usually going in through little incisions and not the uterus. I am sure you will be fine. Keep me updated on the lap though, because I may force my dr. to do one. She said she would do one if I want, but they don't usually do them anymore. DHEA banned in Canada! Yikes! Maybe I shouldn't be on it!!!! Although my acupuncturist said it is good to take for egg quality.

So I had acupuncture today and I am not sure how I feel about it haha. A part of me was sitting there thinking why the heck am I here as I laughed on the inside with a needle sticking out of my forehead. I am skeptical of anything that doesn't have a scientific basis. I just had to keep telling myself over and over to be open minded, relax and imagine healing thoughts. I think positive thinking can go a long way even if the acupuncture doesn't do a darn thing. I felt absolutely nothing during the session, but I did feel relaxed and I think that is a good thing for me. After the session I felt rejuvenated and very happy, so I will continue going and see what happens. Maybe I will be won over by ancient Chinese medicine. I was also given some herbal pills called nuan gong yun zi pian.

On Thursday we will be doing a general adoption class. I still keep wavering back and forth about the adoption idea. Sometimes I don't want to do it, because I want to experience being pregnant and looking at my child and seeing a little bit of me and a little bit of dh. Other times I am so fed up with this infertility stuff that I want to give up and pursue adoption. I know I would immediately fall in love with any baby I am given and love it like a biological child. It is just an information class so I figure it will just give us options.

Fluterby that is awesome that you made it to the beach two times. I wish I were at the beach with you! How are you doing on the meds?
Adoption is a good choice. I adopted my daughter. She is dh's biological child but I've had her since she was 13mo old. It's a beautiful thing really.

Had a follicle scan today. I have 5 larger follicles and several smaller ones. I have to do another 300iu pen of Gonal-f between tonight and tomorrow and then an injection of Centrotide tomorrow night as well. Centrotide keeps you from ovulating on your own. I will go back on Friday morning for a follow up scan and hopefully know when I will have retrieval. Mind you this IVF is meant to get quality over quantity. I was hoping for 8 to be retrieved so hoping at least 4 make it. That is my goal. We shall see.
That is awesome Fluterby! 5 large follies already!

Are you enjoying your stay? Are you bored or do you have plenty to do in the area?
That's great Fluter and good you got to the beach too..beautiful. Will keep sending posuitive vibes out to you for nice big follies! Keep us posted. Krista, i've heard of those tcm pills too. Supposed to help "warm" the uterus and increase blood flow I believe. Also in Chinese medicine they say not to drink anything cold...all warm and hot liquids and food too. Goes with the "cold uterus " thing i guess. Who knows, but at this point I am willing to believe just about anything even if not based in science! lol Can't hurt at any rate....glad you felt relaxed after the acupuncture, that's what it does for me too. Adoption is a wonderful thing and I feel exactly the same as you do...would love to have our own with our genes but to be able to provide a loving home for a child who otherwise wouldn't have one would be awesome too....there's definitely no harm in exploring that avenue. And you know what they say(whoever THEY are lol) as soon as you start going down that road ...bang! You'll get knocked up. We are thinking of getting a puppy instead. ;-) LMAO
Thanks ladies!!! I'm happy with the 5. I'm hoping for 8 by retrieval.

I'm bored a lot. The past two days going to the beach takes up a lot of my time because it takes almost two hours to get there hopping the bus systems. One bus is a $1 and the other two are free so that's good. There is a mall in walking distance, so I go there of I'm too bored and if I want food that I don't have to cook. There is a movie theater there and I've gone to see a movie to pass time. There are lots of shopping and what not to do and RE bus system runs everywhere. I'll feel better when dh gets here tomorrow night.
I was reading a lot about warming of the uterus. I will say I was super worried last night after I took the herbal medicine they gave me, because I seriously though af was going to start and I am only mid cycle. So the herbs definitely do something. I will keep taking them and hopefully the cramping and back ache goes away. I was also told not to eat dairy and I am a big milk drinker. I go through one gallon a week all by myself. I don't think I can give that up :(

I am sure you will feel better once dh is here. Are you supposed to have the retrieval while he is there or will the freeze the swimmers? Hopefully he doesn't have as bad of a trip as you did getting there.
Retrieval should be while he's here.

Ok so another lady that went the same place as me for IVF said she ended up with 21 eggs, 14 fertilized and 4 made it to too quality blasts. Is my 5 bigger follies and several smaller ones a bad sign?
I was told its different for everyone. I was looking into this as I have a track record of poor response. I believe it's quality Over quantity. I saw a story on here where a lady had 3 eggs retrieved and got pregnant. Hopefully you have at least 5 good eggs:) xxx
I really am not sure. After my failed IVF I asked my RE if we should aim for less eggs next time and she said their clinic likes to go for more eggs, but I am starting to question some of their decisions. I am getting a second opinion at another clinic next week. I got 14 eggs, 12 mature, 10 fertilized and only 2 made it to 5 day blasts. That is a terrible fertilization rate apparently and the RE suspects my egg quality is bad. I suspect maybe if I had fewer eggs the quality might have been better. I also had barely any follicles a week into stims and then bam the last two days of stims they exploded! I was on stims for 12 days total before the egg retrieval :(

I think your 5 are awesome and I bet you will have more by the day of retrieval.

21 eggs!! Yikes!! That is scary in my opinion. I had 14 and I was very very uncomfortable. They even were concerned I was developing OHSS, so you don't want to have a lot.
Definitely try not to compare yourself to other ladies' journeys..Everyone is different and i suppose every clinic is as well. You will probably have more than 5 by retrieval, and 21 is just a crazy amount!! Quality over quantity girl. DH will be there soon so that is going to help I bet...just not being alone there will help calm your mind. :)
K~~I'm not sure about the cramping mid cycle on those herbs. I would think you would not take them if you go through another ivf cycle with stims. And Yes, my naturopath also suggested no dairy, no gluten....I did cut back alot(but I love my cheese) especially with wine! Hmmmm, if only we could figure out what the magic bullet is....
I have two Grade A, 8 cell embryos transferred and two more just like it growing. If those two make it to Sat morning they will be froze.

I'm so excited!!
That is wonderful! I was wondering when you were going to update us. 4 is a perfect number in my opinion. Let's hope the two stick!!
Excited for you Fluter!! Sticky vibes coming your way!!!
Thanks ladies. I was so worried when I went in for transfer because I had no idea how many had survived. I assumed something, since I was sitting in a gown drinking water. Since this was a min-Ivf I only had 4 eggs at retrieval. I was supposed to know yesterday if the other two made it to freeze but I could never get the clinic to answer. I will call tomorrow morning and check. Tonight I tested to see if trigger was still there and it is. It's very faint but I still noticeable. I'm 8 days post trigger and 3dpt. I'm so nervous
I really hope this is it for you! Hopefully they made it and you have some frosties. Stick baby stick!!

As for me. I saw a new RE for a second opinion and she was the complete opposite of my current RE. She thinks I should be tested for immune disorders, look more into endometriosis (possibly though surgery), told me about supplements I can take to help egg quality and is overall very positive, sweet and informative. My current RE is smart and I just think she likes to stick to one plan and not stray. She didn't want to look into anything else for me and suggested we go straight into another fresh IVF cycle. This new RE is on board with doing some more tests before our next cycle. I think we might do our second round of IVF in the fall with this new RE. I have a consultation scheduled with a doctor that only does laps dealing with endo. I am still really unsure about the surgery. I have read so many differing opinions about it and even the two RE's I have seen have opposing views. I would hate to do the surgery and then find out they hurt my reserve or that more adhesions were formed due to the surgery. This is very frustrating. ClaireCath, I know you are doing the surgery soon. What does your RE have to say about the risks involved. I just can't seem to make my mind up, but maybe this consultation will help.

I also have our adoption registration papers all filled out, but I think we are going to put them on hold until I do some more testing. I don't know if you ladies knew this or not, but I have struggled with depression all my life and the fertility stuff has made it worse. My psychiatrist even thought I may be borderline bipolar!! Yikes. Anyway I am a little irritated by my new psychiatrist (last one left a month ago). I was telling her about the failed cycle and then our exploration with adoption and she goes on to tell me "you don't want to adopt, because you will never have the same connection that you would have with a biological child. It's a different kind of love." I tried so hard to contain myself after she said that. She is of a different ethnicity, so I don't know if there is some cultural stigmatism related to adoption I may not understand, but I was very irritated by this statement and I am pretty certain I need to look for another psychiatrist.

I also had my second acupuncture session last Tuesday. Again I didn't really notice any thing different. I did fall asleep and start snoring in unison with the old lady next to me. I woke myself up with a jolt several times once I noticed I had dozed and was snoring hehe. So they don't put any needles in my stomach. Is this normal or does it depend on where you are in your cycle?

Overall I think I am doing better since the failed IVF cycle. I think that was the hardest thing I have ever had to overcome. I am feeling hopeful again and that is a very good thing. No matter what happens we will have a baby at the end of this journey, whether it be biological or adopted and that is so very exciting to think about :)

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