Any ladies starting first IUI in January?? Buddies Please..TTC 13 cycles

Claire I feel the same way about people looking at their SO and getting pregnant. I just found out over xmas break that 5 people I know are preggers! When af showed a week later I was a mess. I actually started crying at a pizza place I had met family at the day af started. It was really awkward. My 18 year old cousin was talking about her other cousin that just had a baby and how cute and sweet it was. I just lost it and started bawling my eyes out and ran to the bathroom as quickly as I could. This has happened a few times to me. Once at a festival when 3 pregnant ladies strolled by and another time in Target when a baby waved at me. I am fearful of how this clomid is going to affect my PMS. I have a feeling it is going to be worse than usual.

Jenny, I have never used them and can't say how they are supposed to be used. Sorry for the non advice.

Update: I may be triggering tomorrow if all goes as planned and I am so ready to! My ovaries feel very heavy and I am super crampy. I assume this is related to the clomid.

Yes the clomid did that to me first cycle...I could barely have sex.
Hope its ok i chime in ! My DH and I have been TTC naturally since June and I found out recently that I have a mild form of PCOS so it was off to a fertility DR we went. My Dr prefers letrozole to clomid so I started that in December, had my trigger shot of the 1st and went in for my IUI on the 3rd ( right when a big snow storm hit :wacko: )

Now I am just waiting- I have an appt tomorrow for blood work, ultrasound and another shot the dr says helps with implantation. Then the following week I can go in for blood work.

Trying to keep positive!
Hi ladies, I need some advice lol I just started my vaginal estrogen tablets this morning. The directions stated to "place one tablet in vagina daily" uhmm.. any of you know how "far" its supposed to go? Do they dissolve? Anyone ever had them come out? Haha i just want to do it right. Doc didn't give specifics. Thanks in advance!
Oh My. sorry no advice, but i can imagine it can never go too far in! Funny the doc or nurse didn't specify....there's always google I suppose hun. :thumbup:
Hope its ok i chime in ! My DH and I have been TTC naturally since June and I found out recently that I have a mild form of PCOS so it was off to a fertility DR we went. My Dr prefers letrozole to clomid so I started that in December, had my trigger shot of the 1st and went in for my IUI on the 3rd ( right when a big snow storm hit :wacko: )

Now I am just waiting- I have an appt tomorrow for blood work, ultrasound and another shot the dr says helps with implantation. Then the following week I can go in for blood work.

Trying to keep positive!

Welcome dentl Good luck!:flower:
Claire I feel the same way about people looking at their SO and getting pregnant. I just found out over xmas break that 5 people I know are preggers! When af showed a week later I was a mess. I actually started crying at a pizza place I had met family at the day af started. It was really awkward. My 18 year old cousin was talking about her other cousin that just had a baby and how cute and sweet it was. I just lost it and started bawling my eyes out and ran to the bathroom as quickly as I could. This has happened a few times to me. Once at a festival when 3 pregnant ladies strolled by and another time in Target when a baby waved at me. I am fearful of how this clomid is going to affect my PMS. I have a feeling it is going to be worse than usual.

Jenny, I have never used them and can't say how they are supposed to be used. Sorry for the non advice.

Update: I may be triggering tomorrow if all goes as planned and I am so ready to! My ovaries feel very heavy and I am super crampy. I assume this is related to the clomid.
Whew! I'm glad it's not just me!! and ya the clomid made the emotions run a bit high. It passes rather quickly at least and I keep trying to send my positive vibes to the universe and be mature!! As for the triggering, FX'd for you! When I was on the clomid i swear I felt my ovaries vibrating shooting out the little sucker.....keep in touch! :thumbup:
Just back from my appointment - didn't get to make the blood run this morning so I won't have a full report until tomorrow . They did an ultrasound and a lepron shot . Ultrasound went well - said my lining was doing well. As long as my blood level comes back ok then I continue until next Friday .

It's such a long wait :shrug: let's hope for :bfp:!
I would choose at the doctors. I just think its fresher :) I'm no expert though.

I had 8 day scan on Tuesday.(50g clomid) One dominate follicle on the left, lining very thin:-( I was given estrogen tablets to thicken up the lining. I'm going back for day 10 scan tomorrow am.

They gave me 100g clomid, I start the estrogen tablets tomorrow. Hopefully it helps, you'll have to let me know if they made a difference for you. With 100g clomid it makes me nervous about making it too thin as well, but trusting my doctor knows what she is doing lol

My lining was 3mm at day 8. Started taking estrogen tablets and it went to 4mm at day 10. Started taking double the amount of tablets and it was 5mm today at day 11. Been eating Brazil nuts, had Acupunture last night. Been drinking raspberry tea and pomegranate juice to help and lots of water. Not sure if it helps but it makes me feel better. Hoping my lining will increase to 6mm tomorrow.

Clinic are happy to go ahead with iui, but ideally it would be thicker.

Checked with my clinic and it is open Saturday but closed Sunday. If I get positive opk test tomorrow I will have iui. If I get positive on Sunday I will have to wait for iui on Monday.

Hope you ladies are getting on ok?
I would choose at the doctors. I just think its fresher :) I'm no expert though.

I had 8 day scan on Tuesday.(50g clomid) One dominate follicle on the left, lining very thin:-( I was given estrogen tablets to thicken up the lining. I'm going back for day 10 scan tomorrow am.

They gave me 100g clomid, I start the estrogen tablets tomorrow. Hopefully it helps, you'll have to let me know if they made a difference for you. With 100g clomid it makes me nervous about making it too thin as well, but trusting my doctor knows what she is doing lol

My lining was 3mm at day 8. Started taking estrogen tablets and it went to 4mm at day 10. Started taking double the amount of tablets and it was 5mm today at day 11. Been eating Brazil nuts, had Acupunture last night. Been drinking raspberry tea and pomegranate juice to help and lots of water. Not sure if it helps but it makes me feel better. Hoping my lining will increase to 6mm tomorrow.

Clinic are happy to go ahead with iui, but ideally it would be thicker.

Checked with my clinic and it is open Saturday but closed Sunday. If I get positive opk test tomorrow I will have iui. If I get positive on Sunday I will have to wait for iui on Monday.

Hope you ladies are getting on ok?

That's good news! :) fingers crossed for you! Glad the tablets worked!
Welcome Dent!

Lazydaisys: I think either way if you do the IUI tomorrow or Monday will be perfectly fine from what I have been reading. In fact doing it two days later may be best. I am a little concerned, because ours will be about 26 hours after the trigger shot.

Just had my cd13 ultrasound and I have two follicles on my right side. I was hoping for one on the left and one on the right. Oh well. They gave me the shot and we are scheduled for the IUI tomorrow morning!

I do have some questions though that I forgot to ask about today at the appointment. Maybe some of you can help me out.

1. Can you still take an opk after the trigger and get a true positive or does the trigger shot mess that up? I took an opk after the appointment today and had a +opk. But I have had +opks on cd13 for the past 3 cycles. That is the norm for me.
2. Can you do your normal activities after the IUI, like exercise, work? Or should you stay in bed for the day?
3. Does the trigger shot make both follicles release eggs or just one follicle (the bigger one)? They didn't tell me the sizes, just that there were two on the right and I responded well to clomid. I also wasn't told how my lining is doing. I am concerned about this.

I may have more questions later, but wishing you all the best and have a wonderful weekend ladies!!!
To answer some of your questions ( although I am by far no expert )

I don't think the opk will be a true positive . Usually they message a lh surge which happens right before ovulation . If you do the trigger it should cause the ovulation and set up you are set up with an iui i don't think there so any point. Is your dr going to do a ultrasound prior to iui ? Mine did . They said they check to see if it's released. If not they do the iui and then a follow up iui .

I was told we can resume normal activities after iui however I took it easy . I also don't think aerobic exercise to exertion is the best idea .
Im in the same boat, im supposed to do the trigger on monday at 9am, our iui is is Tuesday at 8:45, not even a full 24... :/ ive been reading up, and I see alot done 36 hours out. Im concerned about that. -another concern/question.. I usually ovulate on the 15 or 16 day. Does the trigger shot over power my normal ovulation? Because my iui is being done on the 14th day. Maybe im just over analyzing and being nit picky, but I guess this is a good situation to be that way in. Lol
Dentl, thanks for the info. I do not know if they will perform an ultrasound tomorrow morning or not before the IUI. That would be nice, but I have a feeling they won't, because they didn't mention it.

Jenny, I have wondered the same thing. Most of the time I o cd16-20, but the past few months it has been more like cd15 I think. I assume the shot will override natural o. I figure our doctor knows what they are doing. I am going to one of the best fertility clinic in Chicago and they have high success rates, so I figure if they want to do it after 24 hours then they probably know their stuff. I am just a very anxious person and google everything. I need to stop lol!
Dentl, thanks for the info. I do not know if they will perform an ultrasound tomorrow morning or not before the IUI. That would be nice, but I have a feeling they won't, because they didn't mention it.

Jenny, I have wondered the same thing. Most of the time I o cd16-20, but the past few months it has been more like cd15 I think. I assume the shot will override natural o. I figure our doctor knows what they are doing. I am going to one of the best fertility clinic in Chicago and they have high success rates, so I figure if they want to do it after 24 hours then they probably know their stuff. I am just a very anxious person and google everything. I need to stop lol!

You and me both! Haha Google is horrible when you spend hours on one subject and still in the end you haven't accomplished anything and you usually end up with more questions lol
The nice thing is his little swimmers last a few days in our body so they have some time to make it to the egg. I was at 36 hours but I ovulated by that point ( per my ultrasound). I hear depending on your dr regimen its anywhere from 24 -36 hours.

good luck!
Good luck kscar. If you find any answers to your questions let us know. I had very faint on opk this morning so really don't think I will be ovulate for a few days. Poor dh he doesn't know whether to save his spermies or free them! He hasn't said this but I can guess that he is agitated.

Google is a terrible thing. I've been googling... Womb lining thickness success. Can folicles be too big? What does triple striped mean? Are my estrogen tablets making my boobs bigger!!? Will drinking pomegranate really help me improve my lining? Best time to perform iui.
I'm putting my computer away now. Good luck ladies xx
Yes Jennie. I agree on the googling everything. There is so much information and alot of it i find to be ambiguos or contradictory!! It's enough to drive you crazy. Our bodies are such a mystery really. I'm glad we have the science on our side to help us along and putting trust in our RE's is a big step. I am doing that. The Doc I am seeing is the top in our area, so I am following his instructions....Krista, how did it go today?

AFM, I will have to go on the pill if the :witch: doesn't show next week. Did any of you ladies have to do this? It's to "rest" the ovaries before the injections for stimulation take place. IUI in March. I guess it will be a nice break mentally too esp for my hubby. Planning on not mentioning any TTC stuff to him until after we get back from vacation next month....
Claire, I have not had to go on the pill to reset yet, but I have heard of doctors doing this.

Lazydaisys, that is too funny! Sounds like we have the same problem.

Oh boy!! Where to begin! So yesterday I had the ovidrel shot at 7:30am. Around noon my hand felt tingly and was bothering me a little, but I just ignored it and thought it was just asleep. As the day progressed it got worse, but I kept ignoring it. By 11pm my entire arm was tinging and cold to the touch. I finally said something to dh and we went to google lol. I looked up side effects of ovidrel and one of them was blood clots that can cause numbness in an arm or leg. I kind of freaked, but didn't want to go to the er and wait for hours before our IUI in the morning. Dh said we had to go, so we get to the er and they are packed. We waited until 4am and never had my name called, so I went home with a numb arm and not clue what was going on. Tried to sleep before our 8am IUI, but that was difficult. I also forgot to mention that I called the RE on call for the night prior to going to the er and she was less than helpful. She said that wasn't a symptom of ovidrel when I found it all over the internet and she said she didn't know how to help me. So I have decided I will never again step foot in an ER, even if I am dying, because dying at home is better than dying in a waiting room! Sheeesh!!

Anyway, that was last night and I woke up this morning feeling a little better. My arm is still slightly tingly, but feeling better than last night. I think things are on the upswing and I am less anxious. We had the IUI this morning and it went really well. Now I just have to wait it out. The nurse that performed the IUI basically told me the only exercise I can do for the next two weeks is walking...bummer! I am an exercise nut. I have to work out hard to help with my mood. Especially in the winter. This will be hard for me to change. I guess I will just walk on the treadmill at an incline. I think that is pretty low key.

Well that is all for now. I am taking a nap after getting very little sleep last night!

Best of luck ladies!!
Hi Ladies- hope it's OK to join!

My husband and I did IUI to conceive my son after 16 months of trying (one miscarriage in between at 13 months of trying). DH has lower motility and now I have a lower ovarian reserve (did not have this problem last time). Our fertility doctor suggested trying 3 rounds of IUI but then immediately starting IVF if it doesn't work. Last time we went through this, she was very positive and did not even mention IVF, but now she is talking about us having no time to waste (we are both 34) because of my eggs. Even though I have my son, I took this pretty hard. We really want three kids and I am worried about this not working or having another miscarriage if it does work. How negative am I???

I am in the TWW with my last natural cycle right now and seeing the doctor Tuesday to sign consent forms so we can start. We were going back and forth about possibly freezing my eggs instead of IUI but depending on what she says this week, I think we are going to just start IUI right away and see what happens. Although, I am a little more nervous now after reading that you doctors do the procedure 24-36 hours after the Ovidril shot. Mine does it 12 hours after!

Good luck to all of you who are currently doing IUI! It is so tough to wait for the results...I look forward to hearing about your BFPs!!
Claire, I have not had to go on the pill to reset yet, but I have heard of doctors doing this.

Lazydaisys, that is too funny! Sounds like we have the same problem.

Oh boy!! Where to begin! So yesterday I had the ovidrel shot at 7:30am. Around noon my hand felt tingly and was bothering me a little, but I just ignored it and thought it was just asleep. As the day progressed it got worse, but I kept ignoring it. By 11pm my entire arm was tinging and cold to the touch. I finally said something to dh and we went to google lol. I looked up side effects of ovidrel and one of them was blood clots that can cause numbness in an arm or leg. I kind of freaked, but didn't want to go to the er and wait for hours before our IUI in the morning. Dh said we had to go, so we get to the er and they are packed. We waited until 4am and never had my name called, so I went home with a numb arm and not clue what was going on. Tried to sleep before our 8am IUI, but that was difficult. I also forgot to mention that I called the RE on call for the night prior to going to the er and she was less than helpful. She said that wasn't a symptom of ovidrel when I found it all over the internet and she said she didn't know how to help me. So I have decided I will never again step foot in an ER, even if I am dying, because dying at home is better than dying in a waiting room! Sheeesh!!

Anyway, that was last night and I woke up this morning feeling a little better. My arm is still slightly tingly, but feeling better than last night. I think things are on the upswing and I am less anxious. We had the IUI this morning and it went really well. Now I just have to wait it out. The nurse that performed the IUI basically told me the only exercise I can do for the next two weeks is walking...bummer! I am an exercise nut. I have to work out hard to help with my mood. Especially in the winter. This will be hard for me to change. I guess I will just walk on the treadmill at an incline. I think that is pretty low key.

Well that is all for now. I am taking a nap after getting very little sleep last night!

Best of luck ladies!!
Very strange about the ovidrel and really? the nurse said this was not a known side effect but it was all over the web? Very odd. Well, I'm glad it turned out for you but what a bummer to sit in the ER that long!! I know our wait times here in Ontario SUCK for ER treatment!!
I am wondering after reading this if it's recommended to avoid too strenuous of exercise while one is in a natural 2WW also? I want to start this T25 (like P90X but only 25 minutes) But it's really intense....I will most likely stick to yoga and incline treadmill too. If and when I have to go on the pill pre IUI, then I will really kick it up a notch!!
Enjoy your 2 ww, try to chillax and think positive!! I'm excited for you and a :bfp:. fingers, toes and everything crossed!!:hugs:
Hi Ladies- hope it's OK to join!

My husband and I did IUI to conceive my son after 16 months of trying (one miscarriage in between at 13 months of trying). DH has lower motility and now I have a lower ovarian reserve (did not have this problem last time). Our fertility doctor suggested trying 3 rounds of IUI but then immediately starting IVF if it doesn't work. Last time we went through this, she was very positive and did not even mention IVF, but now she is talking about us having no time to waste (we are both 34) because of my eggs. Even though I have my son, I took this pretty hard. We really want three kids and I am worried about this not working or having another miscarriage if it does work. How negative am I???

I am in the TWW with my last natural cycle right now and seeing the doctor Tuesday to sign consent forms so we can start. We were going back and forth about possibly freezing my eggs instead of IUI but depending on what she says this week, I think we are going to just start IUI right away and see what happens. Although, I am a little more nervous now after reading that you doctors do the procedure 24-36 hours after the Ovidril shot. Mine does it 12 hours after!

Good luck to all of you who are currently doing IUI! It is so tough to wait for the results...I look forward to hearing about your BFPs!!
Hi Ange. Welcome! 34 is not old at all! Sorry she is telling you your reserve is limited. That sucks... Just do what feels right for you. and believe :dust:
I can't wait to see all the :bfp:s on this thread!

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