Any ladies starting first IUI in January?? Buddies Please..TTC 13 cycles

Thanks ClaireCath! You're right, it's not old...I guess I was feeling a little "up there" after our last appointment lol.

I just reread your post about birth control. I did not have to do that when I went through it a couple of years ago, but I made the mistake of doing two IUI back to back and it was horrible. After our first one did not work, they let me immediately try again and I ended up with one massive egg instead of several normal sized ones. It was so huge, it actually gave me stomach cramps and the procedure had to be cancelled. A month off would have done me some good, both physically and mentally. I hope the month helps!!:)
Claire, The nurse told me I couldn't even do yoga! This next two weeks is going to be rough if I can't even do that. I guess she said they don't want me doing anything that works the abs. I thought about weight lifting, but even then I always tighten my core. So walking it is. I might try the stair climb though. I don't know if that would work my abs or not and I need to work on my tush anyway haha!

I don't know about exercise when trying naturally. I have always stuck to my normal routine. I think they are telling me to slow down this 2ww mostly because they want us to have the best of odds and don't want me to beat myself up for exercising if it doesn't work? I don't know, maybe not. Thanks for the well wishes and I send mine as well for you this month!

My arm is still a little numb today. Something major is going on with me. I have no idea if it was the ovidrel shot and I am really scared to try it again next month if this 2ww doesn't work out. I did find that doing some stretches I found on youtube for arm numbness helped bring more blood flow to my arm, but I have to keep doing them throughout the day for some relief. Maybe I just pinched a nerve, but it is super scary still. Do any of you ladies know if there is another drug out there besides ovidrel that triggers ov?

Hello Ange!! By the way 34 is not old! I hate this age thing. Either you are too young or too old it seems. Nobody is ever happy with the age that any woman starts trying it seems.
I'm 34...:-/

I'm going to ring my dance teacher and tell her I can't go dancing for while. What shall I tell her? She is a friend but I don't want her to know my personal business.It's a tricky one.. Any suggestions...
Was thinking of just saying I'd been advised not to excersise for a while due to health reasons but I don't want the poor woman thinking I'm dying. Ttc really is a bloody nightmare. If I don't turn up she will think I'm rude as if you are not going to attend the rule is you should let her know .. I usually dance every Tuesday for and hour and half with quite a bit of chatting in between, nothing hardcore.

No ovulation for me this weekend. Day 13, achey ovaries and stomach. Going for a scan tomorrow am. Xx
I'm 34...:-/

I'm going to ring my dance teacher and tell her I can't go dancing for while. What shall I tell her? She is a friend but I don't want her to know my personal business.It's a tricky one.. Any suggestions...
Was thinking of just saying I'd been advised not to excersise for a while due to health reasons but I don't want the poor woman thinking I'm dying. Ttc really is a bloody nightmare. If I don't turn up she will think I'm rude as if you are not going to attend the rule is you should let her know .. I usually dance every Tuesday for and hour and half with quite a bit of chatting in between, nothing hardcore.

No ovulation for me this weekend. Day 13, achey ovaries and stomach. Going for a scan tomorrow am. Xx
Hmm....I would see what your doctor says about dancing. The nurse that did our IUI basically said no bouncing up and down (from running), because the ovaries are swollen from clomid and could twist. She also said nothing that works the abs. It just depends on the type of dancing you are doing. I would think ballroom dancing would be fine, but something like hip hop not so much. It also depends on how comfortable you are with going about your normal activities. If you decide you are going to lay low for the 2ww I don't think that would raise too many alarms with your dance teacher since it is only 2 classes. Maybe say you will be out of town and miss the classes that way she isn't worrying about your health or call in sick.

Good luck tomorrow with your scan!
I decided to text her and say I would leave my dance classes for while. I do ballet, tap dancing and modern dance.With the concerns I have about my lining being thin and implantation I think it will just put my mind at ease to relax for a while.
Been googling and it said its worth giving up excerise in some respects after iui so you don't blame yourself if it doesn't work. Who knows...

To all English ttcers. I know it's really low level television -but I am loving big brother at the moment. X
Hi kscar! Sorry to hear that you are having trouble with the ovidrel shot. That is crazy! I hope they can give you something else if you do iui again. When is your testing date to see if this one worked? I will keep my fingers crossed for you:)

Lazydaisys- I hope I didn't offend with my comment about being 34! I never thought of it as "old" until my doctor told me I had no time to waste because of my age and decreasing fertility. Worried me a little until the rational side of me told me to get over it. I definitely see why you would want to slow for the tww. My doctor told me the same thing as kscar (about the twisting because of medication). I just went for walks, or hopped on an elliptical instead. Good luck at your scan!
Hi kscar! Sorry to hear that you are having trouble with the ovidrel shot. That is crazy! I hope they can give you something else if you do iui again. When is your testing date to see if this one worked? I will keep my fingers crossed for you:)

Lazydaisys- I hope I didn't offend with my comment about being 34! I never thought of it as "old" until my doctor told me I had no time to waste because of my age and decreasing fertility. Worried me a little until the rational side of me told me to get over it. I definitely see why you would want to slow for the tww. My doctor told me the same thing as kscar (about the twisting because of medication). I just went for walks, or hopped on an elliptical instead. Good luck at your scan!
Thanks Ange. My testing date is January 25th I believe. I think they said two weeks after the IUI. Does that sound correct? Af is due on the 27th though, so I may wait until the 28th to test if af hasn't shown. I really hate getting BFNs and prefer af to let me down, but I think I may be a little more anxious this time around since it is our first assisted cycle. Who knows...I may test on the 25th.
2 weeks does sounds right. It is a verrrrrrry long two weeks! I never waited to test though and it was a bad idea. I got a negative test and was so upset. Turns out I was pregnant on that cycle and by the time I did the blood work, my levels were very high and it looked good. I'm hoping I have more patience this time around like you do! Are you on progesterone tablets during the 2 weeks?
I am not on progesterone tablets and I am kind of worried about this, because I know a lot of women are. I was thinking about buying some progesterone cream and putting it on my wrists lol.

I also think I figured out what the heck is going on with my numb arm. I think it is called ulnar neuropathy or cyclist palsy. I guess bikers get it from gripping handle bars. I usually spend about 20 minutes on the rowing machine and I think my ulnar nerve had enough and is inflamed. I can't believe I spent 4 hours in the ER for this on Friday lol. I think I am going to make an appointment with a dr. this week to get confirmation and figure out how to treat it. I am almost certain now it had nothing to do with the ovidrel shot and was just a coincidence that it happened the same day.
Krista, it could definitely be a pinched nerve. I got that once when after a chiro adjustment, and it was very strange. Glad it was not the ovidral though....Try not to overgoogle though,esp web MD it will have you believing you are on your way out!!! LOL
I'm going to a slow flow yoga this morning. I figure why not? I know how to modify my practice so....I've been feeling some weird twingy pangs in my abdomen these last few days. Hoping it is a good sign but not testing til tomorrow. 11dpo...
As far as age, I'm going to make you all feel very young right now. I'm 44! (ahem) But the RE says I responded to the clomid like a 32 year old and from my SIS scan he told us my insides have no right looking as lovely as they do at my age. LOL We are giving it a shot during this small window of time we have been given. :) I pray alot!
I was in a previous relationship with a man who did not want children, hence the delay in trying. I truly believe what's meant to be will happen. But alittle assistance from the top RE in our area can't hurt! Have a great day all!
Thanks ClaireCath! You're right, it's not old...I guess I was feeling a little "up there" after our last appointment lol.

I just reread your post about birth control. I did not have to do that when I went through it a couple of years ago, but I made the mistake of doing two IUI back to back and it was horrible. After our first one did not work, they let me immediately try again and I ended up with one massive egg instead of several normal sized ones. It was so huge, it actually gave me stomach cramps and the procedure had to be cancelled. A month off would have done me some good, both physically and mentally. I hope the month helps!!:)
Hey Ange, I have heard of some drs cancelling treatments if you have too many eggs...I hope this doesn't happen if it comes down to it! I really responded like crazy when we did the clomid and he scanned me so....fingers crossed! Have a great day "youngster" lol :haha:
I'm 34...:-/

I'm going to ring my dance teacher and tell her I can't go dancing for while. What shall I tell her? She is a friend but I don't want her to know my personal business.It's a tricky one.. Any suggestions...
Was thinking of just saying I'd been advised not to excersise for a while due to health reasons but I don't want the poor woman thinking I'm dying. Ttc really is a bloody nightmare. If I don't turn up she will think I'm rude as if you are not going to attend the rule is you should let her know .. I usually dance every Tuesday for and hour and half with quite a bit of chatting in between, nothing hardcore.

No ovulation for me this weekend. Day 13, achey ovaries and stomach. Going for a scan tomorrow am. Xx
You could always tell her you have bunions and are having an operation! And I love BB. lol It's good trash TV. Do you watch Corrie as well?
ClaireCath I am currently 12 dpo...getting some light cramping & a small amount of brown mixed with cm. I am not sure which way to go this month. I normally get this a few days to a week before AF. So this can be typical for me. Still hoping, but as I have said before, this cycle is a long shot. I will be glad to start over if I have to because I will be on the IUI train next cycle.

I have decided to wait on testing. I was going to do it 14 dpo. But since that only puts me at about CD 25, I am holding out. I know you should get AF 14 days or so after O but I o'd so early. I never have shorter than 28 days. But after 3 rounds of clomid, who knows what my body will do. We are going on vacation starting the 19th. So I think the first morning we wake up, I may test if AF has not shown up.
Clair, thanks for sharing. I am certain at this point it is just an irritated nerve. I am having much less tingling today. It only tingles when I pick up small items now (fine motor use). Before it was a constant tingling. Kind of like when you hit your funny bone. Also that is wonderful that you responded so well!

I've been wanting to start taking a yoga class at my gym, but I have a lot of social anxiety issues and have put it off. I prefer working out alone, but I think a yoga class would really help my stress levels. In fact one of my new years resolutions is to go to a yoga class. I know it sounds really silly, but that is how bad my anxiety is! I figure a yoga class would be an easier first step, because there is little interaction with others and more self focused. If I can get past this then I can try some of the other classes my gym offers.

Beaglemom, good luck. Only a few more days!

I guess I am 2dpiui and it is already driving me crazy. This is going to be a long 2 weeks.
Hey ladies! I just got back from my ultrasound to check on my follicles, and there were 3 lovely large one on the right, couldn't see the left so going with 3 total which im completely happy about. I was so nervous thinking nothing would show up. I got my trigger today and go in tomorrow morning for iui! Sooo happy, this is truly the most hope ive had yet. My husband has been so supportive and were really optimistic. Hopefully not too much lol fingers crossed! :happydance:
did anyone get a little crampy the day of the shot?
kscar- I would not worry too much about the progesterone tablets. They check your levels before they start the procedure, so it should come naturally. My doctor said there is no evidence that shows progesterone definitely helps, but they give us the option to use it. I choose to do it because I tend to have short cycles and it can help lengthen it. I'm glad you figured out what was wrong! Too bad that you are in pain though:( Hope you feel better and that your doctor can treat it quickly.

ClaireCath- That is AMAZING!:) My doctor did say that a lot of this is genetics and that is why I am having problems with my eggs now at my age. Sounds like you have great genes!! I certainly was not expecting my problems...I was going to wait an extra year before going to the fertility clinic because I figured we had time and then of course panicked when we got the results. I will keep my fingers crossed for you tomorrow. I can't wait to hear your update!

beaglemom- Good luck to you too! So exciting!

Jennymae- Good luck! I also remember some cramping after the shot. I'm sure it is normal.
I do watch a bit of corrie too. Poor Hayley!!

Love the bunions idea.. Lol

Today I went for scan (day 14) I have 20 mm folicle on the left and two right folicles af 12mm each. Positive opk test so iui tomorrow x
I do watch a bit of corrie too. Poor Hayley!!

Love the bunions idea.. Lol

Today I went for scan (day 14) I have 20 mm folicle on the left and two right folicles af 12mm each. Positive opk test so iui tomorrow x

That is awesome! Good luck!
Jenny, yes I had cramping after the shot. I actually felt kind of tight, too. I am still feeling cramps at 2dpiui.

Ange, I may have egg problems also, but we aren't sure. I just had high FSH numbers. My highest was 11.7 and lowest was 9.2, but my doctor says my AMH is really good so she isn't concerned with the high FSH. Usually high FSH and low AMH go hand in hand, but I am a freak and have high FSH and AMH. I worry about it in the back of my mind, because the dr. said she didn't know why I would have those numbers together and I am young (so the higher FSH is a bit odd). I just want to know what is going on. I hate all this unexplained "i don't know" stuff.

Is it bad that I only had 2 follicles? I am worried now! They said I responded well to the clomid, so I guess it is good. I was on 50mg.

Good luck ladies! It will be very exciting to hear about future bfps!

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