Any ladies starting first IUI in January?? Buddies Please..TTC 13 cycles

kscar- I don't think 2 follicles is bad at all! In fact, 2-3 is what they told me is perfect. If I get more than 4, they cancel. Sounds like this is a great cycle for you! The unexplained thing is awful..I am sure you just want answers, but are only ever told that "they don't know". Hopefully you will not have to worry about it for long!
I am sure it is fine. We may have a bit lower chance, but I have read lots of stories about women only having one follicle getting bfp's through IUI. I think I remember my RE saying she would cancel if I had 4 or more. My doc is more conservative than some and I like the slower approach. For example she said I have symptoms of endo, but didn't want to do a laparoscopy. She said today's technology is so great that even if I had endo they could work around it. I hope she is right, but I prefer not going under the knife. My last doctor (gyn) actually wanted to do a laparoscopy (she found a complex cyst). I decided to get a second opinion with a specialist in reproductive endocrinology (current dr.) and there was no cyst on my ovary! So the last doctor could have hurt my ovarian reserve for no reason! So glad I got a second opinion!
I only had 1 follicle - and they did my iui . Not sure if it will go in my favor :/ trying to keep positive thoughts. I haven't noticed many symptoms so who knows ! I am 10 after iui ... And get to do my blood test on Friday. They did get my labs back on Saturday and said my progesterone was 19 and estradiol was 90- they said that was where they want it to be. ( I have no idea so I guess I will take their word on it )

My nerves are starting to get the best of me though !
I only had 1 follicle - and they did my iui . Not sure if it will go in my favor :/ trying to keep positive thoughts. I haven't noticed many symptoms so who knows ! I am 10 after iui ... And get to do my blood test on Friday. They did get my labs back on Saturday and said my progesterone was 19 and estradiol was 90- they said that was where they want it to be. ( I have no idea so I guess I will take their word on it )

My nerves are starting to get the best of me though !
I am only 2dpiui and I am already going nuts lol. Hang in there you are so close to testing! I wish my dr. would test my progesterone and estradiol.

Wishing you the best!
Omg this is going to be the longest two weeks of my life. IUI today and im already anxious for January 28th! Lol anyone else have iui today or this week?:wacko:
Omg this is going to be the longest two weeks of my life. IUI today and im already anxious for January 28th! Lol anyone else have iui today or this week?:wacko:

I think you are in like company on this thread. I am still waiting out my last natural cycle. Crossing fingers for a pos but got a neg this AM at 13 dpo. I really doubt we did it this time, but I can hope. Otherwise I am in the IUI boat next cycle.

Good luck to you!
Wow- good thing you got a second opinion! You were smart to do that. I'm sure a lot of people (me included) would have panicked and just done what she said.

The wait for the pregnancy test is awful! I'm hoping this is my last natural cycle before starting iui later this month. We saw the doctor today to sign consent and we just have to wait for the nurses to call with an online program we have to do. They said they usually call within the week but sometimes it takes a little longer, so I'm really hoping they call soon so I don't have to wait another month.

I also asked her about her comments last time about my reserve and not having much time because of it and my "age". Today she took a lot of time with us and went through what she meant and it really calmed me down. Although she did start the appointment with the wrong chart and told us that we have no follicles! I knew that was wrong, but I had that moment of panic before she realized what was going on...
Wow- good thing you got a second opinion! You were smart to do that. I'm sure a lot of people (me included) would have panicked and just done what she said.

The wait for the pregnancy test is awful! I'm hoping this is my last natural cycle before starting iui later this month. We saw the doctor today to sign consent and we just have to wait for the nurses to call with an online program we have to do. They said they usually call within the week but sometimes it takes a little longer, so I'm really hoping they call soon so I don't have to wait another month.

I also asked her about her comments last time about my reserve and not having much time because of it and my "age". Today she took a lot of time with us and went through what she meant and it really calmed me down. Although she did start the appointment with the wrong chart and told us that we have no follicles! I knew that was wrong, but I had that moment of panic before she realized what was going on...
There were a lot of warning signs with my last gyn and I just wasn't comfortable with a gyn doing surgery. I felt I should talk with an RE about it and glad I did since there wasn't a cyst there. I have had several ultrasounds since and still no cyst in sight, so I know it wasn't and oversight on my RE's part.

I haven't had much difficulty in the 2ww on natural cycles, but after this IUI I am more hopeful and anxious to find out if it worked. I know that I will be more disappointed this time around if af arrives.

Glad your doctor was able to make you feel better about everything. I too would have had that moment of panic after being told that! Good thing she figured it out quickly.
Clair, thanks for sharing. I am certain at this point it is just an irritated nerve. I am having much less tingling today. It only tingles when I pick up small items now (fine motor use). Before it was a constant tingling. Kind of like when you hit your funny bone. Also that is wonderful that you responded so well!

I've been wanting to start taking a yoga class at my gym, but I have a lot of social anxiety issues and have put it off. I prefer working out alone, but I think a yoga class would really help my stress levels. In fact one of my new years resolutions is to go to a yoga class. I know it sounds really silly, but that is how bad my anxiety is! I figure a yoga class would be an easier first step, because there is little interaction with others and more self focused. If I can get past this then I can try some of the other classes my gym offers.

Beaglemom, good luck. Only a few more days!

I guess I am 2dpiui and it is already driving me crazy. This is going to be a long 2 weeks.
Oh Hun, sounds like yoga could be exactly what you need! All the classes I have been to, whether at the gym or independant yoga studios. There really is NO JUDGEMENT. Everyone is focused on their own practice and you make it your own....If you can't do certain poses or feel overwhelmed you can always always always go into child's pose, and stop and rest. There really is no right or wrong. I may even suggest if you can find a class that teaches YIN style Yoga. Very meditative and deep tissue stretching. My DH has anxiety as well, and finds when he is practicing yoga he feels better, more calm, quiets his racing thoughts. You can always find classes on you tube to try at home alone before you venture to a class. If you are interested, inbox me and I can email you some links to check out.
And yes, OMG. This TWW may feel like a long one! keep positive thoughts and I will too for you!! :dust: I wouldn't worry at all about 2 follies. It only takes one!!!!
Glad the arm is feeling better too. :thumbup:
ClaireCath I am currently 12 dpo...getting some light cramping & a small amount of brown mixed with cm. I am not sure which way to go this month. I normally get this a few days to a week before AF. So this can be typical for me. Still hoping, but as I have said before, this cycle is a long shot. I will be glad to start over if I have to because I will be on the IUI train next cycle.

I have decided to wait on testing. I was going to do it 14 dpo. But since that only puts me at about CD 25, I am holding out. I know you should get AF 14 days or so after O but I o'd so early. I never have shorter than 28 days. But after 3 rounds of clomid, who knows what my body will do. We are going on vacation starting the 19th. So I think the first morning we wake up, I may test if AF has not shown up.
Hey Beaglemom....ya i agree, waiting for the :witch: to show up may be the way to go...esp if your cycle is messed up by the clomid. Maybe we will be on the IUI train together. Hope it has a Bar Car!!!...(JK LOL)
I did test yesterday and got a big fat screaming stark white negative on the FRER. I'm waiting until she's due Sat. to test again. Keep us posted!!:flower:
kscar- I would not worry too much about the progesterone tablets. They check your levels before they start the procedure, so it should come naturally. My doctor said there is no evidence that shows progesterone definitely helps, but they give us the option to use it. I choose to do it because I tend to have short cycles and it can help lengthen it. I'm glad you figured out what was wrong! Too bad that you are in pain though:( Hope you feel better and that your doctor can treat it quickly.

ClaireCath- That is AMAZING!:) My doctor did say that a lot of this is genetics and that is why I am having problems with my eggs now at my age. Sounds like you have great genes!! I certainly was not expecting my problems...I was going to wait an extra year before going to the fertility clinic because I figured we had time and then of course panicked when we got the results. I will keep my fingers crossed for you tomorrow. I can't wait to hear your update!

beaglemom- Good luck to you too! So exciting!

Jennymae- Good luck! I also remember some cramping after the shot. I'm sure it is normal.

Hey Ange...thanks for the vote of confindence! Seriously, I do think my genes may end up being my champion in all this. My Gramma had my Mom at age 40 in 1939 when there was basically NO prenatal care whatsoever. My Mom was told she could not have kids due to endometriosis (they operated on her at age 20 and left ridiculous scar tissue etc back in those days) She went on the have three of us all very healthy pregnancies (albeit we were all born 4 years apart) So I keep those facts tucked in my heart for the sake of positivity!!!
I'm glad you took the step to see the RE sooner than later!

Jennymae! How did it go? Best of luck in your 2WW!!! about you? IUI was yesterday right? Oh and yes Poor Hayley....I can't even watch it now without crying....
I only had 1 follicle - and they did my iui . Not sure if it will go in my favor :/ trying to keep positive thoughts. I haven't noticed many symptoms so who knows ! I am 10 after iui ... And get to do my blood test on Friday. They did get my labs back on Saturday and said my progesterone was 19 and estradiol was 90- they said that was where they want it to be. ( I have no idea so I guess I will take their word on it )

My nerves are starting to get the best of me though !
It only takes one hun!!! And your numbers are right on @ doc so stay positive!
ClaireCath I am currently 12 dpo...getting some light cramping & a small amount of brown mixed with cm. I am not sure which way to go this month. I normally get this a few days to a week before AF. So this can be typical for me. Still hoping, but as I have said before, this cycle is a long shot. I will be glad to start over if I have to because I will be on the IUI train next cycle.

I have decided to wait on testing. I was going to do it 14 dpo. But since that only puts me at about CD 25, I am holding out. I know you should get AF 14 days or so after O but I o'd so early. I never have shorter than 28 days. But after 3 rounds of clomid, who knows what my body will do. We are going on vacation starting the 19th. So I think the first morning we wake up, I may test if AF has not shown up.
Hey Beaglemom....ya i agree, waiting for the :witch: to show up may be the way to go...esp if your cycle is messed up by the clomid. Maybe we will be on the IUI train together. Hope it has a Bar Car!!!...(JK LOL)
I did test yesterday and got a big fat screaming stark white negative on the FRER. I'm waiting until she's due Sat. to test again. Keep us posted!!:flower:

Well I broke down yesterday :( Negative.

We did a follow up SA with my husband's urologist today...the count was up to 29 from 12 which is good, but then he had abnormal heads & I think motility low. So Neither test really matches & are good & bad in their own way. Nothing new as far as very excited to start IUI if I have to.
Thanks for the update hun. sorry about bfn and the swimmers results being meh....Onward and upward!! Hang in there!!! ;-)
Sorry about the bfn's ladies. I too hope the IUIs will give you guys that extra boost toward a bfp!
So I know I am going to get yelled at, but I took an hpt test today. I know it is way too early and I only took it to see if the trigger shot has left my system. I had been using my opks and they have all been positive since the shot last Friday, but I ran out and took an hpt today and it was negative. I am only 6 days past the trigger, so I am concerned the trigger shot was a dud and didn't work. Shouldn't still be in my system? I thought it stays up to 2 weeks past the shot. I am also having bad cramps still along with ovulation like pains off and on in my right ovary. I hate how anxious I get, but I honestly can't help it! Sorry I am such a worrywart!

Also I couldn't resist and went to the gym the past two days. I was a good girl though and didn't let my heart rate get past 150 beats per minute. I just walked on the treadmill at an incline. It was super boring and I didn't get my usual runners high, but it will do for now. I am thinking about looking into swimming. Do you ladies think swimming would be a good low impact sport for the 2ww? My only issue is I can't swim or at least I have terrible technique and look like a goober lol.
I WON'T YELL AT YOU!! lol Actually I don't know enough about it to say whether you should or shouldn't have it in your system....maybe if you called your drs office and spoke to the nurse??...I went to the gym too. Incline treadmill...blahhh I did that but i did run a little like 4 minutes doing the marathoner's shuffle. But I am still waiting out the natural cycle. The :witch: may come by Sat....nothing yet. Not feeling it one way of the other. Just waiting....I'm just staying POSITIVE!!! Swimming would probably be a great alternative. Obviously NO impact, and who cares if you look like a "goober" . Hahaha Life's too short to worry what ANYONE thinks !!
ClairCath, thanks for asking. Im doing okay, I believe the iui went well, when DH gave his SA for the the procedure, his results of it actually came back good. He had been having bad numbers. So thats a positive. Im now 2dpiui and the cramping is getting a little better, yesterday sucked though. Im just so anxious and over think things, like it if worked, would I feel different? Or can it work and I not feel a thing? Uhg...
-not so patiently waiting
ClairCath, thanks for asking. Im doing okay, I believe the iui went well, when DH gave his SA for the the procedure, his results of it actually came back good. He had been having bad numbers. So thats a positive. Im now 2dpiui and the cramping is getting a little better, yesterday sucked though. Im just so anxious and over think things, like it if worked, would I feel different? Or can it work and I not feel a thing? Uhg...
-not so patiently waiting
Glad the swimmers were good to go hun!! I know it's so hard not to overthink things...I usually try to distract myself with something creative (i paint) or even organizing things around the house when I feel anxious about these things...something totally NON TTC related. Have you ever tried mediation? There's some great guided ones on Youtube. Stay positive that the IUI was a raving success and this is the month! :hugs:

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