Any ladies starting first IUI in January?? Buddies Please..TTC 13 cycles

Good luck Jenny! I too am having issues with cramping, but so far I feel much better today at 5dpiui. That is great the dh's number were better when the moment counted most.

ClaireCath, it would be really awesome to get your bfp this month and skip the assisted conception route. Keep positive! Also I paint, too! What are your favorite mediums?
Good luck Jenny! I too am having issues with cramping, but so far I feel much better today at 5dpiui. That is great the dh's number were better when the moment counted most.

ClaireCath, it would be really awesome to get your bfp this month and skip the assisted conception route. Keep positive! Also I paint, too! What are your favorite mediums?

When do you find out results? Are you doing a home test, or going in for blood work?
My official test is on the 25th (2 weeks after IUI), but I may just wait until the 27th when af should be arriving. If I get a bfp I am supposed to call the RE and schedule a blood test. If af arrives I am supposed to call them on the first day she shows. Hopefully she doesn't! When do you test?
kscar- I'm not sure exactly how long it takes for the trigger shot to leave your system, but I took a test last time at about 6/7 days post ovulation and it was negative also. The second time around that negative turned into a positive a few days later:) Fingers crossed!

ClaireCath- I'm also still waiting for AF to arrive (hoping it doesn't but trying not to get my hopes up). Hope this natural cycle is it for you!

jennymae222- Great news about your husband's number:) Hope this is the first of the positive results this month!
Hey Krista...I usually work with acrylics on canvas. I like doing abstracts... But I also make hand painted glassware. I have a little side business. If you are on FB Search Luna Selene Creations. That's me! How about you? What kind of mediums and style for you?
Testing tomorrow. Fingers crossed for the :witch: not to rear her ugly signs as of yet...
Ange...hope this is your bfp month too!
Hi Jenny!
Hi ladies...sorry I am not sure how much I have been in the loop on this thread. I am on 2 IUI threads & another very active TTC thread. So AF showed for me today which is exciting because I was on a natural cycle after 3 clomid cycles. So I am now counting down to my first IUI. We have low count issue. 1st analysis was 12 million second was 29 million...count went up but motility went down :( so really hoping IUI is our answer. No known issues with me. I will be on clomid cd 5-9...I am unmonitored so I will just call the office when I get a pos opk. As far as I know there will be no other drugs. I am so excited for this. Last night I dreamt I had the IUI, 2 eggs, both fertilized, so I was pregnant with twins a boy & a girl.
Hey Krista...I usually work with acrylics on canvas. I like doing abstracts... But I also make hand painted glassware. I have a little side business. If you are on FB Search Luna Selene Creations. That's me! How about you? What kind of mediums and style for you?
Testing tomorrow. Fingers crossed for the :witch: not to rear her ugly signs as of yet...
Ange...hope this is your bfp month too!
Hi Jenny!
I use mostly acrylic and oil. Just depends on if I am in a hurry or not, otherwise I prefer oils. I don't really have a specific style. I paint mostly as a hobby, but my husband wants me to start selling my paintings, because we are running out of space in our condo, but I just can't seem to part with them. They are kind of a piece of me and I want to keep them all haha! I am actually a professional photographer and photograph weddings, family and children. This time of year is pretty much dead though, so I spend my days working on advertising ideas and search engine optimization lol. I have cabin fever bad! I am not good on the business end of things, but try my best.

I checked out your Facebook page and love your glass work. I feel like I could easily see your glasses for sale in a wine shop or gift boutique. Do you work with etsy at all? I have a Facebook page for my photography, but can't really share it on here since it reveals my full name, but if you are interested you can pm me and I'll share it with you.

Fingers are crossed for you. Hopefully af won't show!
Hi ladies...sorry I am not sure how much I have been in the loop on this thread. I am on 2 IUI threads & another very active TTC thread. So AF showed for me today which is exciting because I was on a natural cycle after 3 clomid cycles. So I am now counting down to my first IUI. We have low count issue. 1st analysis was 12 million second was 29 million...count went up but motility went down :( so really hoping IUI is our answer. No known issues with me. I will be on clomid cd 5-9...I am unmonitored so I will just call the office when I get a pos opk. As far as I know there will be no other drugs. I am so excited for this. Last night I dreamt I had the IUI, 2 eggs, both fertilized, so I was pregnant with twins a boy & a girl.
Best of Luck hun!! Let's hope that dream comes true! Twins would be amazing eh??:flower:
Hi ladies...sorry I am not sure how much I have been in the loop on this thread. I am on 2 IUI threads & another very active TTC thread. So AF showed for me today which is exciting because I was on a natural cycle after 3 clomid cycles. So I am now counting down to my first IUI. We have low count issue. 1st analysis was 12 million second was 29 million...count went up but motility went down :( so really hoping IUI is our answer. No known issues with me. I will be on clomid cd 5-9...I am unmonitored so I will just call the office when I get a pos opk. As far as I know there will be no other drugs. I am so excited for this. Last night I dreamt I had the IUI, 2 eggs, both fertilized, so I was pregnant with twins a boy & a girl.
Best of Luck hun!! Let's hope that dream comes true! Twins would be amazing eh??:flower:

At this point, twins don't even scare me anymore!
Hey Krista...I usually work with acrylics on canvas. I like doing abstracts... But I also make hand painted glassware. I have a little side business. If you are on FB Search Luna Selene Creations. That's me! How about you? What kind of mediums and style for you?
Testing tomorrow. Fingers crossed for the :witch: not to rear her ugly signs as of yet...
Ange...hope this is your bfp month too!
Hi Jenny!
I use mostly acrylic and oil. Just depends on if I am in a hurry or not, otherwise I prefer oils. I don't really have a specific style. I paint mostly as a hobby, but my husband wants me to start selling my paintings, because we are running out of space in our condo, but I just can't seem to part with them. They are kind of a piece of me and I want to keep them all haha! I am actually a professional photographer and photograph weddings, family and children. This time of year is pretty much dead though, so I spend my days working on advertising ideas and search engine optimization lol. I have cabin fever bad! I am not good on the business end of things, but try my best.

I checked out your Facebook page and love your glass work. I feel like I could easily see your glasses for sale in a wine shop or gift boutique. Do you work with etsy at all? I have a Facebook page for my photography, but can't really share it on hear since it reveals my full name, but if you are interested you can pm me and I'll share it with you.

Fingers are crossed for you. Hopefully af won't show!
Thanks girl....I know how you feel about your art being like a piece of stuff is all just for here, the house or friends....I don't work with etsy but I do ahve alot of orders just word of mouth. It's not my "real" job so I have to squeeze it in when i can. lol I'll inbox you more...
tested today with a cheapie....bfn but :witch: not due til tomorrow....who knows ? fingers still crossed:wacko:
Hi ladies...sorry I am not sure how much I have been in the loop on this thread. I am on 2 IUI threads & another very active TTC thread. So AF showed for me today which is exciting because I was on a natural cycle after 3 clomid cycles. So I am now counting down to my first IUI. We have low count issue. 1st analysis was 12 million second was 29 million...count went up but motility went down :( so really hoping IUI is our answer. No known issues with me. I will be on clomid cd 5-9...I am unmonitored so I will just call the office when I get a pos opk. As far as I know there will be no other drugs. I am so excited for this. Last night I dreamt I had the IUI, 2 eggs, both fertilized, so I was pregnant with twins a boy & a girl.
I have trouble keeping up sometimes too, but I like that this thread doesn't have tons of ladies. I kind of give up when threads get too big and I have to read through 5 pages in one day to catch up.

Sorry to hear that af showed, but it is good news that you are moving onto the IUI. I think my RE said that IUI will help bring us up to the normal pregnancy rates of natural rates, but she could be just saying this to make me feel better lol.

Dh I believe is borderline with his numbers. I was actually really disappointed with his washed numbers prior to the IUI.

Will you have back to back IUIs?

It seems I have baby dreams every 2ww and it drives me nuts. I think my brain is just too baby focused. I wish I could shut it off. I always dream about giving birth to a baby boy, so we will see!
Beaglemom, I was super afraid of twins starting this IUI process, but the idea of twins is growing on me each day. I know if that is the end result I will be jumping with joy! We may have to change our lifestyle some though. I would hate having to carry two babies up and down a flight of stairs. Plus our neighbors might throw a fit if we have 2 crying babies or keep a twin stroller in the entry. We would also have to buy a large car, which isn't suited for city living, but at least we have a parking space! Oh my goodness just typing this is making me anxious lol!

Twins would solve our problem though! We only want two and it would be nice to go through this process once.
Hi ladies...sorry I am not sure how much I have been in the loop on this thread. I am on 2 IUI threads & another very active TTC thread. So AF showed for me today which is exciting because I was on a natural cycle after 3 clomid cycles. So I am now counting down to my first IUI. We have low count issue. 1st analysis was 12 million second was 29 million...count went up but motility went down :( so really hoping IUI is our answer. No known issues with me. I will be on clomid cd 5-9...I am unmonitored so I will just call the office when I get a pos opk. As far as I know there will be no other drugs. I am so excited for this. Last night I dreamt I had the IUI, 2 eggs, both fertilized, so I was pregnant with twins a boy & a girl.
I have trouble keeping up sometimes too, but I like that this thread doesn't have tons of ladies. I kind of give up when threads get too big and I have to read through 5 pages in one day to catch up.

Sorry to hear that af showed, but it is good news that you are moving onto the IUI. I think my RE said that IUI will help bring us up to the normal pregnancy rates of natural rates, but she could be just saying this to make me feel better lol.

Dh I believe is borderline with his numbers. I was actually really disappointed with his washed numbers prior to the IUI.

Will you have back to back IUIs?

It seems I have baby dreams every 2ww and it drives me nuts. I think my brain is just too baby focused. I wish I could shut it off. I always dream about giving birth to a baby boy, so we will see!

I haven't really put much thought in the back to back IUI. I think the first time I will just go with the flow...see what happens. I also plan to use my cm more as a clue & BD anytime I see it. My husband has been on night shift so it's hard to just go at it whenever. He is coming off though so BD will be less stressful & just easier in general. So I want to put in a few natural BD around the IUI...but I need to wait until my dr talks to me about how long we need to abstain before IUI. I think the next couple of weeks are just going to KILL me! Then follow it with a traditional TWW...AHHH!
I'm also sorry about the bfn, but glad that you can get the IUI process started.

I've often thought about twins. I was terrified the first time around, but this time I am definitely less afraid. Not sure why, because that would mean having 3 kids, but I think it would be great! Well, hard and tiring, but great:)

Good luck to those who are testing this weekend!!!
so i went to the dr yesterday and guess what :bfp: !!!! I can't believe it! I didn't have signs either, but this is my first iui- so I am over the hill.

Good luck to everyone else I hope your :bfp: comes soon!
so i went to the dr yesterday and guess what :bfp: !!!! I can't believe it! I didn't have signs either, but this is my first iui- so I am over the hill.

Good luck to everyone else I hope your :bfp: comes soon!

Wow that's great news!! Congrats!! Worked the very first time? Let's hope you have started the ball rolling on this thread! WooooHoooo!!!
Twins would be amazing...hard, but amazing. I only want to go through this once also. I am not against only having one, but being raised with a brother and sister, I am lucky enough to have felt that "sibling love" and would love to have 2. One step at a time I suppose! AFM, :witch: due today. So far she's a no show but BFN on the cheapie again this a.m. Have a great day all. :)
so i went to the dr yesterday and guess what :bfp: !!!! I can't believe it! I didn't have signs either, but this is my first iui- so I am over the hill.

Good luck to everyone else I hope your :bfp: comes soon!

Omg thats sooo exciting! Congratulations! :))
can I ask a few questions if you don't mind? Did you test at home before going to the doctor? And no symptoms at all? That was my one thing, im 4dpiui and waiting and haven't felt much different except for cramps after iui for 2 days. Didn't know if you could get a positive and not feel anything at all. Glad to know thats not the case :) howmany ffollicles did you have? Sorry about all the questions lol
Oh wow! Congratulations Dentl. I wasn't expecting to pop on here today and see our first BFP! I really hope your luck rubs off on us! Congrats! You must be over the moon.

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