Any ladies starting first IUI in January?? Buddies Please..TTC 13 cycles

so i went to the dr yesterday and guess what :bfp: !!!! I can't believe it! I didn't have signs either, but this is my first iui- so I am over the hill.

Good luck to everyone else I hope your :bfp: comes soon!

Omg thats sooo exciting! Congratulations! :))
can I ask a few questions if you don't mind? Did you test at home before going to the doctor? And no symptoms at all? That was my one thing, im 4dpiui and waiting and haven't felt much different except for cramps after iui for 2 days. Didn't know if you could get a positive and not feel anything at all. Glad to know thats not the case :) howmany ffollicles did you have? Sorry about all the questions lol

Thank you so much !!!! For a few days after iui I did have some cramping but that's about it. I did not test at home - boy was that hard ! I was too nervous about a false positive and getting my hopes up , or a negative . I think I am in the minority however because the RE office asked if I knew already and I told them no . They were excited they got to tell me . I only had 1 follicle- 23mm . It only takes one !

Thank you all so much for the well wishes!!!!
Thats so great to hear! :) was it your first iui? Did they do blood or urine test? Do you feel anything yet? Lol
Thats so great to hear! :) was it your first iui? Did they do blood or urine test? Do you feel anything yet? Lol

Jenny, you are asking all the questions I was wondering about too! LOL
Dentl, ya the staff must have been surprised when you told them you hadn't tested. That must be a fun part of their job when they get to tell you.:happydance: Well, I suppose you may move on from the TTC boards now to the expecting boards but keep us posted. Don't forget us little people! LOL Just kidding.:wacko:
I might be in trouble if af shows lol! I caught myself browsing baby stuff on etsy last night. I really need to reign myself in. Testing in less than a week!
It was my first iui . They did a blood test- they said its more sensitive. Once I got home I did a digital and a cheapie . The cheapie because I want to watch the line get darker :blush: and the digital because that's how I told my husband

He knew the results were coming- I told him all day that I hadn't heard yet . I hid the test where he goes to first when he gets home :haha:
It was my first iui . They did a blood test- they said its more sensitive. Once I got home I did a digital and a cheapie . The cheapie because I want to watch the line get darker :blush: and the digital because that's how I told my husband

He knew the results were coming- I told him all day that I hadn't heard yet . I hid the test where he goes to first when he gets home :haha:

That's awesome :) you give us all so much hope!
Update on symptoms!

Cramping came on yesterday - even more today; and my boobs started to get sore today.

How is everyone else doing?
How exciting! All good symptoms to have!

I basically have had cramps everyday since the IUI except for today. Hope that doesn't mean I am out this month. I would have thought the cramps would have started around implantation, but nothing going on. I actually gave in and ran today, because I felt so much better today and it has been 9dpiui.
Congratulations so pleased about the first bfp from iui:)

I've had on and off cramping since iui. Af due in a week! Stay away af!!!!! Xxxx
I feel like I am dragging behind here...AF started today, so I'm picking up my prescriptions and starting injections Wednesday:) This is going to be a long month- I'm already anxious!!

Are any of you testing this week?? Hoping to hear of a couple more BFPs:)
I feel like I am dragging behind here...AF started today, so I'm picking up my prescriptions and starting injections Wednesday:) This is going to be a long month- I'm already anxious!!

Are any of you testing this week?? Hoping to hear of a couple more BFPs:)

I just started a new cycle as well, so you are right behind me.
I feel like I am dragging behind here...AF started today, so I'm picking up my prescriptions and starting injections Wednesday:) This is going to be a long month- I'm already anxious!!

Are any of you testing this week?? Hoping to hear of a couple more BFPs:)
I can officially test on Saturday. Unfortunately I am a moron and took a test today at 10dpiui and of course it was a bfn. I never test early. Usually I will wait for af, but this iui thing is more difficult in the 2ww I think. I really hope it is still too early, but I am feeling a little bit bummed after that test...booo!

Does anybody know how the trigger shot affects af timing? I think my paper work said usually it will start 14 days after the trigger if you have an unsuccessful iui. That would put me on a 28 day cycle, but I am usually on a 30 day cycle.
Hi Ladies. Ange and Beaglemom, I'm right with you....the witch got me yesterday...but it's OK. I am still keeping the faith. I'll start the BC pill tomorrow to "rest" ovaries for this cycle and we will do IUI on the next cycle in March. In the meantime, we will be going to sunny Jamaica for a week to R&R, and honestly not think about the TTC for a bit. It will be back on our plate soon enough. We do have to go for a teaching session at RE in a couple weeks to learn how to do injections and what dates all my appts will fall on.
I have an appt with an acupuncturist specializing in Chinese medicine on Fri, and naturopath to tweak my diet and supplements. All these things will work together and bring the bfp soon!!! Gotta believe!!!
Dentl, all good syptoms...Yay for sore boobs!!! and Krista, don't feel bad about browsing stuff. I already have a whole bunch of baby stuff picked out in my mind! LOL Glad you got a run in, that always makes me feel better too...Are you waiting til Sat to test again? I can imagine this 2WW seems longer than a natural one...I am praying for your BFP my friend!!!
Ah I guess I wasn't keeping up with this thread as well as I thought! I didn't realize there were a few of us just getting started:)

ClaireCath- Have an amazing time! What a great time to get away and relax.

kscar- I am not sure about the trigger and the timing of AF, sorry. 10dpiui is still early, so try to stay positive! It's hard though, I know...especially with all the "build up" of treatment.
Hey ladies,
getting antsy with this 2ww.. I go in Monday to test. Im not going to do a home test, I dont want any chance of wrong results. At this point, im so confused as to what I feel.One day im pretty optimistic it worked, the next day, I have no feelings of it coming out with a bfp.... anyone else feel this way? I feel like my body is starting to make up symptoms just to trick me because of how bad I want this :(
-sorry... was needing to vent..
Hey ladies,
getting antsy with this 2ww.. I go in Monday to test. Im not going to do a home test, I dont want any chance of wrong results. At this point, im so confused as to what I feel.One day im pretty optimistic it worked, the next day, I have no feelings of it coming out with a bfp.... anyone else feel this way? I feel like my body is starting to make up symptoms just to trick me because of how bad I want this :(
-sorry... was needing to vent..
Hey Jenny...definitely a roller coaster of emotions. Hang in there sweetie!:hugs:
I'm 9 dpiui bfn. I know it's early but it's very disappointing:-( xx
Yes Jenny I feel the same way. I am more in the I know I am not pregnant stage now.

I just took a test again today at 12dpiui and it was negative. I am starting to have af like cramps, so I am almost certain I am out this month. I am really devastated right now. They said I could test in two days, so I figured there would be at least a tiny line today...nope. Sorry to be such a downer ladies.
Oh I also forgot to mention that not even 2 minutes after my negative test revealed itself I got a text from my brother in-law with an ultrasound of their twins attached. I lost it and I am still trying to recover from that whammy! I am sorry I am so bitter and I hate what ttc has done/is doing to my mental state. I am such a grouch these days it seems. Pity party over I promise!

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