hi thanks for your reply to my post, ive not done the egg sharing before but have done ivf in febuary, and it really wasnt as bad as i had feared, when it failed it took a long time to get over and i still think about my lost embies, but as far as the actual ivf process it wasnt too bad at all, I am really hoping they will let me egg share, i fit the criteria under 35 good amh fsh bmi etc but i have a long term illness and im not sure if that will rule me out so i will have to wait and see although im pretty sure its not hereditary, my bloods were all done in feb for my last ivf so im hoping if they will let me that i can start asap if not and we have to fund ourselves again it wont be until next year, good luck for your upcoming appointment and if you have any questions regarding ivf or icsi just ask and il try to help x