Any other CBFM users starting TWW?


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Feb 15, 2013
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TTC #1 and first month using CBFM - am on peak day 2, so one more high tomorrow fx. Just wondering if anyone else doing the same fancies symptom spotting/keeping each other company waiting for the BFP!
TTC #1 and first month using CBFM - am on peak day 2, so one more high tomorrow fx. Just wondering if anyone else doing the same fancies symptom spotting/keeping each other company waiting for the BFP!

Hey MsCC,
Am on DPO 3 and would love to keep you company during the long wait! :) How long are your cycles usually? It's my first month using CBFM too (alongside OPKs on a few days in the afternoons, tracking my BBT, and charting on FF). Also ttc #1 , second month ttc :)
How did you find using the monitor? Did you get many Highs before the Peak?
Feel free to have a look at my chart and compare :)
Hi Elise!

Great! Sounds like we are at same point - I'm on 2nd month TTC too!

My cycle is usually around 29 days - although 27 last month!!

Treated myself to monitor as wanted to take guess work out of when O day might be.

Found it easy to use (who knew POAS could be so addictive?!). I started getting highs from CD6?! So total of 7 highs and then got my peaks on CD13 & 14.

How about you?

Looking forward to giving it another go tomorrow if I get another high!

Have set up my ff account but not started temps yet. Are you finding temps are matching what monitor is saying?
Chart looks great - let's hope those temps stay nice and high!!
Hey MsCC :)
Wow your cycles sound very similar to mine! Mine last usually 28 days, but last one was 32 days and then ended in 3 days slight spotting and less than 2 days AF,at which point I panicked and got the I also started getting "high"s from CD6! The monitor estimated my peaks on CD13 and 14,just like you. Judging by the mindblowing ovulation pain I ov'ed late on CD13.
I believe the second peak and subsequent high are automatic,however you know how sometimes women report that the first ovulation fails...and a second follicle gears up to mature and release,so I would keep covering my bases if I were you lol :) Shame I can't as OH works abroad...
Yes, tracking the BBT was very useful! As I started cramping late on CD13, my temp fell to 36 C! Then the following morning it shot to 37,where it remained. I am scheduled for a CD21 blood test next week,to check if ive really ovulated..
The high t means I'm quite swollen,achy and sometimes nauseous now.. How about you,any symptoms?
Hope you are having a lovely weekend!
Ahh - we are cycle twins!

Weekend is great although missed our chance to BD yesterday - why is it when you know you have to BD something always gets in the way?!!!

How often is your OH away?

Fx for your blood test next week.

I'm def going to start temps next cycle - although hopefully won't need to!!

I no real symptoms yet - quite crampy yesterday and feel like I've started a cold today.

When will you start testing? I got a faint positive test last month (sooooo excited!!) but turned out to either be a false or cp :sad1:

I think I'll spend nex two weeks obsessessing over any tiny symptom but will try to hold out testing till 1st which is when AF is due.

My DP wants to start testing now though! Bless him!!!
Hi, can I join you? It's my first month using cbfm, I got my first peak on cd21. I'm now 5dpo, tick tock tick tock. Just want to test already!!
Hey Maxie! Yes please join!

Great we all got peaks - I heard that many people don't in their first month.

My machine didn't ask for a test today so am officially on tww - how am I going to control my POAS addiction now?!

Any symptoms yet Maxie?
Trying not to symptom spot, I heard its just normal hormones in tww, symptoms only start after implantation, so at least 7dpo.
But I still end up symptom spotting!
Hey it will soon be time to test, Maxie! :)
This is the 5th day my T is at 37C!! I am soooo swollen, painful breasts, and massive headaches due to the high T.. how about you? Did you see a noticeable shift in your BBT after ovulation?
Ahh - we are cycle twins!

Weekend is great although missed our chance to BD yesterday - why is it when you know you have to BD something always gets in the way?!!!

How often is your OH away?

Fx for your blood test next week.

I'm def going to start temps next cycle - although hopefully won't need to!!

I no real symptoms yet - quite crampy yesterday and feel like I've started a cold today.

When will you start testing? I got a faint positive test last month (sooooo excited!!) but turned out to either be a false or cp :sad1:

I think I'll spend nex two weeks obsessessing over any tiny symptom but will try to hold out testing till 1st which is when AF is due.

My DP wants to start testing now though! Bless him!!!

Hey, MsCC, it does sound like we are cycle twins indeed! Would it not be shocking if we had similar symptoms eventually too?? :))
Don't worry about the BD'ing, hopefully once is all it takes for you!!!
OH is working away permanently, he is going for a quick project to Afghanistan later this week (he is not military, works as a network engineer), and the plans are that he will be back in the UK for quite a while after that! :) Hopefully in time for my ovulation date (if, of course, this cycle does not end in a baby...). He has recently changed his career and I am hugely supportive of that, and realise some of it may involve him getting his experience abroad till we get married and he is allowed to work in the UK :)

Yes, I guess it is early for any symptoms massively different from the usual post-ovulation ones. Actually, I had not realised how much my temps shoot up after ovulation, up to 37C! Fourth day at 37C, and I feel like my head will explode, and my breasts are so swollen.. This now explains the strong headaches during certain times of the month.. I was trying to hold out and not have any painkillers but in the end caved in and had half of the usual dosage yesterday and today...

I felt quite crampy just after ovulation too..

I am so sorry to hear about your last month's pregnancy test :( This must be so heartbreaking!!! I really hope you get a BFP this month which sticks!!

Trust me, I shall definitely be obsessing about any symptoms from DPO 7... And I will also be looking for that implantation BBT dip too... And in 7 days I guess I will be allll jitters hoping my BBT does not crash signaling AF, but shoots up preceding some good news... I will be officially testing from DPO 9 or 10... which is this coming Thursday and Friday.. AF is due around the 27th though...

Hehe, this is sooo typical with men :)) I think they have nooo idea the amount of time and effort it takes to first get to OV, then fertilise the egg, then implant, and THEN release enough hormones to show on a test :) But listen to this, my OH saw me going to the loo to test if I had OV'ed several days ago (my O was taking its time and I was due to come back to the UK and was worried I'd miss my fertile window, so was testing for my O all the time :)) and he assumed I was going to for a pregnancy test!! :))) He has now been "prescribed" some reading: "What to expect before you are expecting" which hopefully will fill in some gaps in his knowledge of the female fertility process... :)) We have been reading it together.. and I do feel he kinda blanks out and still expects me to find out if I am PG sooner than it is physically possible :))) I complained about my headaches and swelling, and he explaimed "maybe you are pregnant"! Hehe.. at 5 DPO, that was definitely an interesting deduction.. :))) Sigh, I wish it was that quick!

Have you modified your diet somehow? I am trying to up my consumption of foods high in folic acid (btw did you know your DH needs more folic acid than you to help you two to conceive??) - greens, legumes, citrus fruits.. What a lovely excuse to make this cake The recipe was shared somewhere else on this forum btw. Awesome!!
Sore BB good sign! I've got nothing except for stuffy nose - hoping its EPF! Although DP has it too!! Sympathy pains?!!
Hi Elise!:wave:

I would love it if we had similar symptoms! Sadly apart from stuffy nose I feel fine, I never thought I’d be praying for achey BBs!!!

Wish I’d started temping now – I find now my monitor isn’t asking for a test, I need something to look at to keep my occupied!

That’s exciting for your OH but imagine it must be really hard being apart. I’ll keep everything crossed for you he’s back in time for O day- not that you’ll need it of course!

I was SOOOOO excited last month – I’ve got picture of the test somewhere. But I figure perhaps it was just a sign that both me and OH are okay (we haven’t been tested for anything yet) next time will be the right time.

My AF is due around the 1st – after last month I don’t know if I should test earlier but if my symptoms start piling up I think I will – have a whole bunch of internet cheapies ready to go!

I might have to share What to Expect with my OH too! He’s so excited and seems really interested in whole process which is great.

I need to do some reading on diet. I’ve tried not to have much caffeine. Trying to get OH off the tea – he is like a tea addict!!! :coffee:

I figure I need to update my vegetable intake, didn’t know about citrus fruits – thanks for the tip! Apart from that we’ve both just started taking fertility vitamins for him and her! It’s so funny mine are pinkish and his are dark blue! So cute!

I LOVE baking!! Have you tried it yet? I might try this week – something to keep my mind off POAS and babies :baby:
Hi Elise!:wave:

I would love it if we had similar symptoms! Sadly apart from stuffy nose I feel fine, I never thought I’d be praying for achey BBs!!!

Wish I’d started temping now – I find now my monitor isn’t asking for a test, I need something to look at to keep my occupied!

That’s exciting for your OH but imagine it must be really hard being apart. I’ll keep everything crossed for you he’s back in time for O day- not that you’ll need it of course!

I was SOOOOO excited last month – I’ve got picture of the test somewhere. But I figure perhaps it was just a sign that both me and OH are okay (we haven’t been tested for anything yet) next time will be the right time.

My AF is due around the 1st – after last month I don’t know if I should test earlier but if my symptoms start piling up I think I will – have a whole bunch of internet cheapies ready to go!

I might have to share What to Expect with my OH too! He’s so excited and seems really interested in whole process which is great.

I need to do some reading on diet. I’ve tried not to have much caffeine. Trying to get OH off the tea – he is like a tea addict!!! :coffee:

I figure I need to update my vegetable intake, didn’t know about citrus fruits – thanks for the tip! Apart from that we’ve both just started taking fertility vitamins for him and her! It’s so funny mine are pinkish and his are dark blue! So cute!

I LOVE baking!! Have you tried it yet? I might try this week – something to keep my mind off POAS and babies :baby:

Hey MsCC :hi:

Oh, achey BBs so early on post ovulation mean nothing sadly! I get achy BBs every month!! I must be one of those hormonal women.. :)) brought to Earth to remind my OH that I am def. of a different gender... and I am sure sometimes he wonders to himself..of a different planet too :)))
However, that said, I really do not remember having painful BBs straight after ovulation before, usually before my AFs.. then again, maybe I simply did not pay enough attention..
Scores of women did not notice painful BBs until DPO 20 or later! I believe it is the high temp of 37C.. which is more or less maintained throughout the day, dipping slightly before bedtime.. very annoying. Maybe that's why my gums are achy too..

Oh yes do share "what to expect" with your OH! He might hone in on the "male" paragraphs :D Like my OH did :)) It is absolutely awesome he is so interested in the whole process! How was he during your pregnancies so far? Did you get some strange cravings during your pregnancies? :)

OH and I have also just started taking the "his and hers" supplements!! :D I have been taking them since December on and off actually, then got sight of the combined supplements, and sneaked his into Kuwait when I last visited him :) Btw I noticed that the wellman pre-conception vits do not have enough folic acid, compared to what the book recommends. They only have 400 mcg, the same as the female supplement which is sufficient for women, but the book recommended over 3 times that amount for men I think..

Yes, I had to tone down the caffeine too... Limited to one small cup of latte a day now.. and one or two teas.. sigh.. I am a huge coffee fan! Bordering on coffee connoisseur lol.. so this is kind of hard for me.. But anything to increase the odds!! Coffee prevents alzheimers btw.. random thought... but I am sure I will not become senile from a year of abstinence :))

I love baking too! I don't do it as often nowadays simply because there is no one else to feed at the moment lol :) BUT i discovered this awesome site with good honest food ( and was quite impressed :) Yes, I baked the cake last nite and it was divine, at least to my taste buds. Really different taste from what I usually bake, but I really liked it. Did the "compote" with one teaspoon of thyme honey and one teaspoon of chunky orange jam per 1 blood orange, and the result was awesome, had no idea such a simple idea would make such a lovely accompaniment to a cake :) Yum :)

Am craving some beans now actually, and noticed the site has a beans recipe, so cooking this tonight :)
It is quite soothing actually, makes me "create" something which keeps my thoughts away from symptom-spotting :) (or so I hope!) :))
Let’s hope those aches and pains are all worth it!!

I’m crampy again today – really felt like AF had started at one point! Nooooooo. All fine though – phew! :thumbup:

This is our first time TTC so no little ones… yet!

That’s good to know about the vitamins – I must check the amounts

I love coffee too but trying to ignore the coffee shops on way to work – telling myself it’s money-saving!! Herbal tea just doesn’t quite cut it though!! Good to know about Alzheimers – my grandmother had that so anything to stop getting it too – so heartbreaking.

So exciting news …no, no BFP yet!! BUT… I just got ingredients to make the cake!! Thanks so much for sharing - will definitely keep my mind busy for a couple of hours!!! I’ll return the favor if I come across any others that look good!

Maxie – how are you doing? Have you managed to stay away from the symptom spotting?!
Hey MsCC,

How bizarre! That's precisely how I was feeling last night! Somewhat crampy, as if my AF is due! Also had a dizzy spell in the supermarket (what was that about... :huh: ), nearly fell asleep at the stove as I was cooking the stew (it was only 8 pm..) :sleep: , then felt so nauseous before going to bed! Either I am coming down with something (judging by my temps perhaps body is fighting an infection) or if the post-O temps are normal, maybe my body is just getting fed up. Of course, it could be the stew, that bean stew recipe was horrible!! ewewew :sick: No one cooks beans like my dad! (by his own admission! lol!)

Gosh yes, of course it is your first month TTC, I am so sorry, I have no idea why I asked that stupid question! :dohh: Must be my weird dizziness! Or probably me going senile from not having much coffee lol!! Well, I was PG once, like 10 years ago.. loooong story.. no baby (my fault).. but I went through hell-was sick the whole 4 months, couldn't walk alone as I kept fainting, had cravings for pate (which made me even more sick) and hot marinated chillis... lol.. haven't had marinated chillis since then :)) This reminds me.. Do you take extra calcium? I have to remind myself to get some calcium supplements. Back then I had not realised that the vitamins I was taking had hardly any calcium in them, so I had some terrible teeth probs as a result of the pregnancy.
Except pre-natals, do you take any extra supplements at all?

Erm well.. swiftly moving on lol.. Really happy you got the cake ingredients. :D I hope you like it! Make sure you have it with the compote, it is just not the same without it :)
As clementines are in season, I thought I'd try one more! :) My mom is making this in a couple days and I thought we'd compare results! :) This one is without flour. Instead it uses ground almonds! :) The mixture looks so gorgeous, i might just eat it before it ever reaches the oven! Nuts and clementines are also rich in folic acid, so I thought I'd give this a go.. the cake is adapted from Nigella Lawson, uses clementines, ground almonds, eggs, sugar and baking powder, and that's it! :)

Have also tried the poppy seed lemon cake from the list and it is delish.. :) Which of these would tickle your taste buds? We could bake that next! :) (you can tell I am just so impatient and am trying to take my mind off in any way possible!)
How funny! I had dizzy spell getting ready for bed last night too. OMG – I was in the supermarket the other month and just randomly dropped this glass jar I was holding – I was convinced I was PG then and we weren’t even TTC then!! Very embarrassing – but quite funny now I look back on it!! I do go through lots of clumsy phases! :blush:

Oh no!! That’s a shame. I hate it when you cook something and it turns out to be a wasted effort! Just think beans are good for fertility though so always a silver-lining

That sounds like such a hard time for you :hugs:. This time will be easier. Thanks for tip re calcium – you are full of great tips!

So I made the cake! It’s DELICIOUS! OH loves it too – made house smell amazing. Such a domestic goddess!!! :winkwink:

They both sound great. I’m up for lemon one! I think baking is definitely the way forward for the TWW!!

Feeling quite crampy this morning but that's about it - how you doing today any more sypmtoms? Temp still up?
My cake!!


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OMG MsCC, you will not believe what I just found out! I was reading some comments trying to understand my symptoms, and someone mentioned that the high levels of iron in their supplements were causing nausea, so they'd switched to a different prenatal supplement.. I got curious and tried to research how much iron the Pregnacare Conception supplements actually contain, as I didn't have the leaflet with me. Found some terrible comments on, a lot of women had delayed AF, nausea, swollen painful breasts, back pain, dizziness, migraines because of Pregnacare, and these symptoms had resolved once they got off the supplement.. WOW! Gosh, I cannot believe this.. I am soooo glad I accidentally came across this information. I am stopping them at once. Will simply make sure my diet is up to scratch with lots of fruit, veg, nuts, legumes, etc... I hope the terrible symptoms subside, and I do not end up with a delayed AF as some of those women.. :(

Wow, so you have experienced the dizzy spells as well! I hope in your case it is a promising symptom!! But I wonder if it may have anything to do with the Pregnacare supplements? You may, though, be one of the many women who take to the supplement quite well! But it is food for thought!

Sooo happy you and your OH liked the cake :D Domestic goddess indeed! :) Lemon sounds lovely! Ok, if you wish please pick any of the lemon cakes from the list and we can bake that! :)

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