Ahh - we are cycle twins!
Weekend is great although missed our chance to BD yesterday - why is it when you know you have to BD something always gets in the way?!!!
How often is your OH away?
Fx for your blood test next week.
I'm def going to start temps next cycle - although hopefully won't need to!!
I no real symptoms yet - quite crampy yesterday and feel like I've started a cold today.
When will you start testing? I got a faint positive test last month (sooooo excited!!) but turned out to either be a false or cp
I think I'll spend nex two weeks obsessessing over any tiny symptom but will try to hold out testing till 1st which is when AF is due.
My DP wants to start testing now though! Bless him!!!
Hey, MsCC, it does sound like we are cycle twins indeed! Would it not be shocking if we had similar symptoms eventually too??
Don't worry about the BD'ing, hopefully once is all it takes for you!!!
OH is working away permanently, he is going for a quick project to Afghanistan later this week (he is not military, works as a network engineer), and the plans are that he will be back in the UK for quite a while after that!
Hopefully in time for my ovulation date (if, of course, this cycle does not end in a baby...). He has recently changed his career and I am hugely supportive of that, and realise some of it may involve him getting his experience abroad till we get married and he is allowed to work in the UK
Yes, I guess it is early for any symptoms massively different from the usual post-ovulation ones. Actually, I had not realised how much my temps shoot up after ovulation, up to 37C! Fourth day at 37C, and I feel like my head will explode, and my breasts are so swollen.. This now explains the strong headaches during certain times of the month.. I was trying to hold out and not have any painkillers but in the end caved in and had half of the usual dosage yesterday and today...
I felt quite crampy just after ovulation too..
I am so sorry to hear about your last month's pregnancy test
This must be so heartbreaking!!! I really hope you get a BFP this month which sticks!!
Trust me, I shall definitely be obsessing about any symptoms from DPO 7... And I will also be looking for that implantation BBT dip too... And in 7 days I guess I will be allll jitters hoping my BBT does not crash signaling AF, but shoots up preceding some good news... I will be officially testing from DPO 9 or 10... which is this coming Thursday and Friday.. AF is due around the 27th though...
Hehe, this is sooo typical with men
) I think they have nooo idea the amount of time and effort it takes to first get to OV, then fertilise the egg, then implant, and THEN release enough hormones to show on a test
But listen to this, my OH saw me going to the loo to test if I had OV'ed several days ago (my O was taking its time and I was due to come back to the UK and was worried I'd miss my fertile window, so was testing for my O all the time
) and he assumed I was going to for a pregnancy test!!
)) He has now been "prescribed" some reading: "What to expect before you are expecting" which hopefully will fill in some gaps in his knowledge of the female fertility process...
) We have been reading it together.. and I do feel he kinda blanks out and still expects me to find out if I am PG sooner than it is physically possible
)) I complained about my headaches and swelling, and he explaimed "maybe you are pregnant"! Hehe.. at 5 DPO, that was definitely an interesting deduction..
)) Sigh, I wish it was that quick!
Have you modified your diet somehow? I am trying to up my consumption of foods high in folic acid (btw did you know your DH needs more folic acid than you to help you two to conceive??) - greens, legumes, citrus fruits.. What a lovely excuse to make this cake smittenkitchen.com/blog/2011/02/blood-orange-olive-oil-cake The recipe was shared somewhere else on this forum btw. Awesome!!