Any other disabled mums-to-be?

I hadnt had a fit for a year before my pregnancy and up until i was 19 weeks i didnt have one but since then i been having 6-7 a week, some peoples epilepsy gets alot worse because of the increase in hormones and i suppose i one of the unlucky ones. Doctors are hoping when ive given birth my fits will go back to being under control which im praying for. I do have alot of help at home, there is always nearly someone here with me its not very often there isnt. Also because of my epilepsy ive got to have a csection which i was hoping to avoid but its best thing for me and baby.
I have been wondering whether or not to post in here as after reading your posts i feel like maybe i am a little under qualified to post. I appologise if i am!

I have congenital scoliosis, a curvature of my spine which causes a lot of pain at the best of times including almost constant sciatica. I was diagnosed with SPD at 12 weeks but have been suffering from around week 8. The loosening of my muscles due to the Relaxin has lessened the support of my spine even more. I struggle to do a lot of things at the moment hubby even has to bend my legs for me some nights and help me dress etc. I can't get out of the bath alone and getting up and down stairs is a nightmare - usually done on my bottom.

I'm not registered as disabled and i hope you ladies don't mind me posting x x x

Awwwww :hug: Armywife!! Honey, you are more than welcome here! And of course you are "qualified" hehe - I think if you have any kind of condition which will make pregnancy/motherhood extra difficult/very "different", then you're definitely in the same boat as many of us in this thread.
I've got a few friends with Scoliosis, it sounds terribly painful sometimes... LOL @ taking the stairs on your bum - good plan! When I face stairs, I always like to use the bum myself hehehe :rofl:
Sounds like you have a good, supportive partner there who is willing to help you out when you need it :D I think that's the key for lots of us: Support of family / loved ones...

Shadow xxx
My hubby is Amazing and he definately deserves the capital A! Its hard with him being in the army though. We're quite lucky in that he did a tour of Afghanistan last year so won't be going anywhere now (he leaves next April) and they are being quite helpful and gave him a posting an hours drive from our house rather than the 6 hour drive he has always had before so he can come home every night. But there are still times - like this week - when he has to go away. I feel very vulnerable when he isn't here.

I am seeing my consultant soon to discuss my birthing options, mw thinks he will give me the option of trying a natural birth and i kind of hope he does. Not sure how i will make a decision if its left to me though! x x x
Hello :) i am actually sooo happy babystar pointed this thread out to me! i'm almost in tears im soo happy i have found people i can really relate too. damn hormones making me all emotional!! :rofl:

I am seventeen years old and i am pregnant with my baby boy after two misscarriages, i am not in second tri mester i am in third and my baby is due in three weeks :)
I am in a wheelchair because i was Disabled from birth, i have a condition called Athrogryposis which basicaly means i lack movement in all four of my joints and cannot walk so i am wheelchair bound outside but inside my home i get about on my knees and am able to do everything, anyone else does in my own unique way [Arthrogryposis means crooking of the joint. It comes from the Greek "arthro-" (joint) + "gryposis " (crooking)].

I have a long term boygriend who i have been with for four years + he is very helpful, and very understanding, but i do not live with him i live with my mum she is my full time carer and does all the things i cant she will be helping me with the baby along with my OH, but OMG hello everyone! :) i feel at home here in this thread hope you dont mind. x

Hi Abblebubba!! It's really lovely to hear from a fellow wheelchair user! :D
I've not heard of your condition before, but it certainly sounds like it will pose more than a few challenges for you as a new mum. It's great to hear that you have your mum to help :D
May I ask what your plans are regarding taking baby out and about with the wheelchair? Did you look into getting some sort of attachment-buggy to go on the wheelchair, or can you use a sling, or something else entirely?

Ladies, I just today ordered a ring sling for carrying my little boy whilst I'm in my wheelchair! It looks so easy to use, I can't wait until it's delivered and I can have a play about with it!! I think it will be great, also, for carrying baby around the house when I use my crutches to get about: He can be strapped to my front as I go about my normal business and my hands will be free to use the crutches / support handles around our home etc.


Shadow xx
Hi All :)

It's comforting to know there's other ladies out there doing it their own unique way ;)

I was in a car vs motorbike accident almost 12 years ago.

I had surgery and was in a wheelchair for nearly 9 years, but these days I'm on two feet :D

Things are greatly improved for me, and it's such an achievement, I don't really feel any loss anymore.

Even the outlook for this pregnancy is so much better than expected - but it's still hard.

I started working full time last year, and of course had got myself all set with a fine tuning of medication and routine... now all that has been scrapped, it's a little challenging ;)

Hoping we can give eachother some added support.

Hi Abblebubba!! It's really lovely to hear from a fellow wheelchair user! :D
I've not heard of your condition before, but it certainly sounds like it will pose more than a few challenges for you as a new mum. It's great to hear that you have your mum to help :D
May I ask what your plans are regarding taking baby out and about with the wheelchair? Did you look into getting some sort of attachment-buggy to go on the wheelchair, or can you use a sling, or something else entirely?
Shadow xx

Hello, no not many have heard of it. my condition is not genetic and unsual to have it as bad as i have, down to hospital negligence and the fact they didnt look after my mum and give her enough scans when she said i had stopped moving i am worse than i would have been, but because it was near eighteen years ago now it was rare to sue people other wise i could have been a very wealthy girl right about now and been able to stand at least! :cry:

I have brought a pram but i cant use it, i have an electric wheelchair so i always have one hand driving that with the joy stick and one hand free, i brought a lovely baby carrier from mothercare very comfy to carry baby around with me too when we are out, or even indoors, as for when hes bigger i will either get an expandable seat belt and have bubs sit on my lap for short little journies like going around tesco or what have you, but any other time unfortunatly going out with baby on my own is not going to be possible :sad2:, i may not be doing things by the books so to speak and people are going to look at me funny aand probably think i am an unfit TEEN mum, but at the end of the day baby will be safe i would never put him in harms way and he will grow and learn to adapt to how i am and know that mummies different.

But if i am honest i am soooo very scared of holding him when he is so small and helpless, i hope i will be OK thou
hey girls, hope its okay for me to join in,
i have f.s.p its a form of cerebral palsy which affects my balance, and back hips knees and ankles also affects my achillies tendon, its very short so i look like im walking on tip toes most the time, im getting a lot of back ache so far and my right hip has been giving me some bother, im hopiing i'll be allowed a natural birth when the time comes as my mum managed to have all 3 of us naturally with the condition, but we'lll see how things go, which ever is best for baby....
hey girls, hope its okay for me to join in,
i have f.s.p its a form of cerebral palsy which affects my balance, and back hips knees and ankles also affects my achillies tendon, its very short so i look like im walking on tip toes most the time, im getting a lot of back ache so far and my right hip has been giving me some bother, im hopiing i'll be allowed a natural birth when the time comes as my mum managed to have all 3 of us naturally with the condition, but we'lll see how things go, which ever is best for baby....

you should be able to have one :):) I have had 2 births now without any need for a c-section etc :)

:hugs: :)
hi miss mojo i got mild cerebral palsey and i am going to be having a natural birth well 65% chance and 25% assisted and 10% c-section and i look as if im walking on tiptoes to but i dont let it get to me its just cos of tendons in the back of my ankles and my spine seems to have gotten abit straighter since got pregnant but i dont seem to have much pain at min but guess that will come in soon lol i notice that baby lays on nerves to do with me legs and makes em go dead lol
Ooooh what a wonderfully diverse group this is turning out to be! It's so great that several of us have at least someone else with a comparable disability to "compare notes" with hehe!! Welcome to the news girls, wonderful to have you here :D
Abblebubba, if there is anyone out there who would look at you and judge you "unfit to be a teen mum", I am certain that they wouldn't even be worth the effort of setting them straight! You seem like a conscientious young lady to me, and I'm SURE you are going to be just fine when your little one comes!! As for holding him when he's tiny, I should think that all of us first-time disabled mums will take a little time to work out our own little ways of doing things, but like I've said before, with a little support from our loved ones and a lot of bravery and confidence in ourselves, I'm certain that we will all make wonderful parents :happydance:

I've had an interesting day, as OH and I decided that the time has come to try to use my wheelchair inside the house as much as possible. The various pains and dangers of walking about with sticks have become more intense as I've started to get big, so I'm hoping that the inconveniences of being in my chair around the house will be outweighed by the lower pain / fewer subluxations and dislocations that should ensue :D
We'll see, I suppose!

Shadow xx
Abblebubba, if there is anyone out there who would look at you and judge you "unfit to be a teen mum", I am certain that they wouldn't even be worth the effort of setting them straight! You seem like a conscientious young lady to me, and I'm SURE you are going to be just fine when your little one comes!! As for holding him when he's tiny, I should think that all of us first-time disabled mums will take a little time to work out our own little ways of doing things, but like I've said before, with a little support from our loved ones and a lot of bravery and confidence in ourselves, I'm certain that we will all make wonderful parents :happydance:

Thankyou, have you posted bump pictures yet shadow? :) 25 weeks, awws :)
Hey all :)

I've been taking a good look through the online shops to try and get a list of essentials together.

I came across this bath:

It rest ontop of the rim of your big bath, raising the baby up.

I'm also looking at bath stands for baby baths.
Lots of people have said they hardly used their baby bath... but I guess they were approaching it from a different perspective maybe.

Any other ideas how to make this easier??
hi girls I thought I would just post and ask now i am 19 weeks and bumps getting bigger do you think its time to use my wheelchair around my bugalow instead of my sticks as i have a bad ankle due to an accident as well as my cerebral palsey and the ankle tends to go to sleep and makes it hard to walk
Hi everyone, I've got M.E (in the severe stages) and use a wheelchair outdoors but I'm able to walk a little bit inside now :)

I'm finding things so difficult at the minute. I can't get out of bed or out the bath on my own and I'm in constant agony with my ribs, back and abdomen. I've been using my tens, hot water bottle and LOTS of pillows! My power-chair is padded out with 3 pillows as well as the originial cushions lol!

If anyone would like to chat I'd love to hear how everyone else is coping and your plans for when the baby arrives :)

We have got a cot with 3 height adjustments and a drop side, and are having it on the highest until the baby is too big. It's also VERY sturdy so I can lean against it when I have to bend.

I have looked into "pushchairs" that go on the front of wheelchairs but they are £450! I'm a member of the disabled parents network and they have been very good. They can send you leaflets on your rights and how to deal with social services.

My partner also has M.E and fibro, and we have carers for 11 hours a day. We're going to use the carers to support us to look after the baby rather than "do it for us."

We've got a changing station, as we can both stand for short periods and it has a bath on the top with a "bumpy bit" to rest the baby on. (I'll let you all know how it works, as I'm due in 4 weeks :)
The changing station has shelves underneath, which I thought would be useful as I can keep everything together and won't have to go searching for it in different rooms.

Anyway, sorry for the essay. I hope your all doing well with your pregnancies and not finding it too difficult to cope :)
hi girls I thought I would just post and ask now i am 19 weeks and bumps getting bigger do you think its time to use my wheelchair around my bugalow instead of my sticks as i have a bad ankle due to an accident as well as my cerebral palsey and the ankle tends to go to sleep and makes it hard to walk

If you feel like you need to use your wheelchair then use it :)

I have been using mine more as I am very unsteady on my feet and stumble a lot, and I'm very scared of falling.

Have you ever tried using a walking frame? This is what I use when I don't feel too steady, but feel well enough to walk.

Good luck :)
Hey there! I only just saw this and I just had to post! I am not in the 2nd trimester yet but very soon! :)

I am deaf too. I have a daughter who is 4 and she is hearing, so is my hubby. I was born profoundly deaf and I use sign language as well. I am expecting our second baby in November. I am so excited!!!

Thats good to see another deaf member here!! I just thought there is no one out there! :)

And to other disabled mums, I am glad that we can cope to have a baby or not :)
hi girls I thought I would just post and ask now i am 19 weeks and bumps getting bigger do you think its time to use my wheelchair around my bugalow instead of my sticks as i have a bad ankle due to an accident as well as my cerebral palsey and the ankle tends to go to sleep and makes it hard to walk

if you feel its time then its time... my hips r real bad just now and effecting my back. :cry: im gonna talk to my midwife on the 13th about it me thinks

Hi everyone, I've got M.E (in the severe stages) and use a wheelchair outdoors but I'm able to walk a little bit inside now :)

I'm finding things so difficult at the minute. I can't get out of bed or out the bath on my own and I'm in constant agony with my ribs, back and abdomen. I've been using my tens, hot water bottle and LOTS of pillows! My power-chair is padded out with 3 pillows as well as the originial cushions lol!

If anyone would like to chat I'd love to hear how everyone else is coping and your plans for when the baby arrives :)

We have got a cot with 3 height adjustments and a drop side, and are having it on the highest until the baby is too big. It's also VERY sturdy so I can lean against it when I have to bend.

I have looked into "pushchairs" that go on the front of wheelchairs but they are £450! I'm a member of the disabled parents network and they have been very good. They can send you leaflets on your rights and how to deal with social services.

My partner also has M.E and fibro, and we have carers for 11 hours a day. We're going to use the carers to support us to look after the baby rather than "do it for us."

We've got a changing station, as we can both stand for short periods and it has a bath on the top with a "bumpy bit" to rest the baby on. (I'll let you all know how it works, as I'm due in 4 weeks :)
The changing station has shelves underneath, which I thought would be useful as I can keep everything together and won't have to go searching for it in different rooms.

Anyway, sorry for the essay. I hope your all doing well with your pregnancies and not finding it too difficult to cope :)

have to say I know how u feel my M.E is real real bad just now. My OH is legally my carer but he suffers from sciatica too and just now can hardly walk either :( we dont have carers to come in tho :( its gettin hard but hopefully his sore phase will pass soon (i know its terrible to say that but it comes and goes lol)
Hey all :)

I've been taking a good look through the online shops to try and get a list of essentials together.

I came across this bath:

It rest ontop of the rim of your big bath, raising the baby up.

I'm also looking at bath stands for baby baths.
Lots of people have said they hardly used their baby bath... but I guess they were approaching it from a different perspective maybe.

Any other ideas how to make this easier??

Oooh Seraphim, that looks like a very useful thing to have. But we don't have a bath like that unfortunately (ours is closed in on 3 sides and doesn't have much of a "lip") Also, I've already ordered a bath set. I think OH will have to be the one to do most of the bathing in our house to be honest, but we can sort of do it together so that I'm still involved :D
What about getting just a bath support for baby instead of a full baby bath, and getting yourself into the bath but only filling it up enough for baby (might be cold for mum though!) That way you could sit with baby in front and wash them that way?? Just a thought :winkwink:

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