Anybody here who's waiting 1+ year/s ?


Mother to one & WTT!
Dec 20, 2007
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Anybody here who's waiting 1+ years?
If so, why are you waiting?

For me, it's because I have to finish school, get my own apartment/house (which I could do anytime after 2 months, but am not ready to be on my own yet), get my vehicle & wait until baby is in nursery.
I'm waiting 1+ years so that I can get a year of sleeping through the night and a year off from breastfeeding. I can't wait for Connor to be a big brother though!!
I will probably start trying this time next year. I'm giving myself 9 months to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, 1 year to bf and then 3 months to feel "normal".
Anybody here who's waiting 1+ years?
If so, why are you waiting?

For me, it's because I have to finish school, get my own apartment/house (which I could do anytime after 2 months, but am not ready to be on my own yet), get my vehicle & wait until baby is in nursery.

Hey yeah waiting a fair few years.
Finish college this academic year, then working for a year and going back to college to do level 3 part time. Then going to work on a cruise ship for 8 months then coming back and going to try to get my own place. I would like to buy a salon, but I'm not sure how I will go about that. But yeah to get myself into a good financial position it's going to take 5-8 years :( But by then if I'm not with my OH still, I will hopefully have a partner and be in a stable loving relationship. Pfft 5 yrs is ages :( xxx

I should really change my ticker, even though I would like to start ttc in 2 and a half yrs! :(
Think i'm going to be waiting about 3 + years lol. DH and i discussed waiting 4 years but i just got the implant fitted and it lasts for 3 years so instead of getting another one fitted and waiting 6 years might discuss with him nearer the time trying sooner. Would love to get some money saved up and of course i want to enjoy this time with Rocco.
We're waiting until this time next year as we've got so many plans and some saving to do. In the mean time I'll be hoping to lose about 1/2 a stone and get properly fit. Also hoping to get my business going so I can go full time once Baby is born (Dog training so basically freelance).

12 months will fly by..or I hope so anyway.
I always said i would never have kids. always wanted to be the life + soul of the parties and not be tied down,
that was until i got pregnant with Jayden and now i love this life of being mummy even better and ye i would LOVE to have another one, give J a little brother or sister in a few years once i have finished college and got a good job. The past few days i have been thinking none stop about having another baby, so ye maybe in like 2 or 3 years i would LOVE another baby :D

I'm waiting at least 2 years, until i graduate uni and have started working. Hopefully my OH will have come round by then, he's told me we can start trying once i've finished uni so it shouldn't be too much longer than that (fingers crossed).
OH has said we can start TTC next christmas (2009) but I feel really impatient now. Mostly because I feel respected that he's given me a date (finally) and I don't want to keep pestering him incase it makes him feel bad or go off the idea.

We're waiting until we've been together a bit longer, we're financially stable (as can be) and have our own house. It's mostly OH wanting to wait until he feels ready, which I think will be when we're stood on our own two feet, steady income and our own house. :)
I think my husband and I are going to wait for at least another year to ttc. I have an 11 month old baby boy right now that I am in the process of weaning. Right now, I'm finishing my last year of college and I can't really imagine being pregnant, taking care of a toddler, and going to school 15 hours taking all 300 level classes. Ill be done in May, and maybe we'll TTC then!
I'm waiting till I find my Prince Charming before I think about TTC

I reckon it will be years though as I want to go to uni & pave a career for myself. I also want to enjoy Maya on her own
We're waiting about 3 or 4 years. Im 22 so have plenty of time and we want to enjoy Seth while he is still young, we want him to have all of our attention. Also we would like to own a house and be in a better fiancial position.

Im impatient though.

I was going to wait.
I had it all planned out that i would start trying again once Alex was in nursey school( so in 2 and a bit years) to give me more time for just Alex and for life to be a little less hectic...

But then I decided I didnt want to have a big age gap between the children, and to me even a 3 or 4 year age gap feels huge and after Al's first birthday I felt I had to start trying right now lol, I feel really strongly about the age gap and im scared that now im trying i wont be able to get pregnant for ages wheras when im not trying t just happens at the most awkward of a big believer in sods law! lmao

But i'll probably be back over here in WTT in afew months if it doesnt happen and i've came to my senses :p
2 kids under age of 2 at the age of 20 (if it happened straight away) doesnt sound too appealing at first...but it'll be a hell of a fun challenge :D
Ell....I feel the same way as you!!!!!!! Im totally on the fence! We should be WTT/TTC buddies!
Ell....I feel the same way as you!!!!!!! Im totally on the fence! We should be WTT/TTC buddies!

We so should!
I just thought people would think i was crazy and stuff.
Glad someone understands how i feel lol!
We plan on waiting 7 years lol -a long time I know. I want to get my weight under control, and also by then DH older children will be going to college and we will be able to afford it then. Though I worry we will wait that long and decided not to because all the kids are grown(except Noah and Joel)
Ell....I feel the same way as you!!!!!!! Im totally on the fence! We should be WTT/TTC buddies!

We so should!
I just thought people would think i was crazy and stuff.
Glad someone understands how i feel lol!

OKay...its official. We are WTT/TTC partners! YAY! It is nice to know someone that understands how I feel to. Noone seems to get it!!
It's going to be quite a while for me before TTC, at least 5+ years. My OH and I are going to be getting married in 3 years and we want to wait a little while after that, at least 2 years, before having kids that way we can just enjoy each other's company for a while. It's interesting because he randomly tells me all the time "I can't wait until we start a family."
HUbby and I have been ready for kids for years... but we wanted to get married first (we married last October) and in our own home (which we have been for 4 months now) and now there is only 2 things standing in our way. Getting our finance organised to cope with one income... and the other i e my weight. I need to lose about 90 kgs to be within my heapthy weight range and even though I've been ttc for a year now, I will never fall pregnant if I don't lose the weight.

It is so hard ttc knowing that the only reason you can't conceive is cos of youself. :hissy:
We are waiting around 14 months before starting to try...Im going away next summer to the british GP and would like to drink at it!, then im a bridesmaid at my mates wedding in october, and also we are moving country in March, so Id like to get all of them out of the way. Also I have a fair bit of weight to loose, and I had a section, so waiting is the sensible thing to do for me :)

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