Our approach to this was to get her to nap however we needed to because daytime sleep is so important and it made a big difference in how we coped with sleep during the night. So whatever worked, we did it. She would happily sleep in a wrap or in the car or in the pushchair on a walk, so that's what we did. Also, I hated the idea of being stuck at home for every nap (I don't know how people ever leave the house when they do this?). So we planned car journeys around naptime (we live 30 minutes from anywhere) or I'd take a walk with her, which was great for my mental health, or I wore her in a wrap. And it worked great. She slept well during the day. She would go to sleep relatively easily at night and she slept mostly well between feeds at night, which meant I got sleep too. She eventually would nap on a mat at nursery when she started and ironically, she'll pass out asleep anywhere now if she's tired during the day (but only since she dropped all her naps entirely, which means then it does screw up nighttime sleep). So it ended up being easier in the end. I think find whatever works and don't get hung up your LO needing to sleep alone in a cot during the day. Most babies don't do that and if it's not working, try something that will make it easier for you.