I still feel like I'm in the 1st trimester.
I have to remind myself constantly that I'm in the second now.
I've been so sick, tired, and nauseated, the first trimester pretty much went by in a blur of sickness and discomfort... I've been sleeping about 12 hours a night and working 10 hours a day, so that's probably why time is going so fast. I'm sleeping almost every minute I'm not at work, except on weekends.
I am hoping so much that I start to feel better now... today I tried to go without my Zofran (nausea pill) but i ended up having to take it. Beginning to wonder if my need for it isn't more psychological than physical. The Zofran makes me a wee bit tired, i think. But my nausea was so horrible before i got on Zofran, that I'm literally afraid to go without it. I'm afraid to feel that way again, even for five minutes! I literally wanted to die, I was so sick.
Sorry for rambling.
But, yeah, i don't feel as far along as i am.
I can't wait until i start to show, feel movement, lose my nausea, get some energy back... in other words, feel like I'm in my 2nd tri!