I can't fault my care I received last week at west Suffolk, I did have a section though so maybe it's different, was on a ward with natural labours too till I moved to a private room.
Crzygrl1624 your not far from me.
Ha ha, what a small world, I used to live in wyverstone. I guess you've got the same midwife as me too... Wendy? I've probably seen you in the doctors xx
had my first there. emergancy section after 21 hours labour. they were fantastic on delivery but liek someone said they were very very busy on maternity. they wanted my to stay for 5 days and i insisted on leaving after 3. i just got no rest or sleep. they do the best scones and jelly at that place...never found any other hospital measures up on the jelly front!! lol
Hi I am having my baby there. I am in Long Melford.
I'm hoping to use the birthing pool.
Good news about the scones
just hijacking!
not pregnant but had both of my daughters in west suffolk (I'm in Thetford). I agree that the central delivery suite care was brilliant but once you get on the post natal it's a bit crap. With both births I have come home the same day though as I just didnt like the ward experience.
When I was struggling to feed my youngest they left me for 8 hours with no help and when they eventually came to check on me, her blood sugar had dropped so low they had to syringe some of my breast milk out and give it to her that way.
The midwife who delivered my eldest was called Irene and she was horrible! I had Nikki Garrett deliver my youngest and she was lovely! she left though to become an independent midwife.
The only complaint I have with cds in Bury is that they have a habit of sending me home when I have a histotry of very quick labour and delivery, With both children I have been rushing back to bury from Thetford and delivering very soon after arrival.