oh my life i thought i was the only one in the world who had an awful pregnancy. i'm sorry you all had a tough time but i am so relieved to know i'm not the only one. we're currently thinking about having another baby though, if anyone else is in a similar position, i'd love to chat and maybe be ttc/pregnancy buddies!
my complications are as follows:
PCOS, i've only ovulated 4 times in the last 4.5 years but managed to concieve naturally, then:
one sided pain at 4 weeks, scanned and told it is prob ectopic, more scans found baby in right place but told i was going to miscarry due to low hormone levels.
baby stayed put but then had on and off bleeding from about 10 weeks through to 25 weeks.
had really bad episode of depression and got put on meds at about 15 weeks i think.
at 20 week scan they found abnormalities, fluid was collecting on his kidneys and his umbilical cord only had one artery instead of two, they said he might not grow well, that i'd need regular growth scans then maybe deliver early. my research online of his results also suggested he might have a genetic abnormality.
i got spd quite early on but it got really bad at 22 weeks when i started having trouble walking.
at 27 weeks i was diagnosed with severe pre-eclampsia, and told to expect delivery any day. while in hospital, i was having lots of issues - i was always too hot, my breathing was double the speed it should have been, my resting heart rate was always way too high, they kept him in me as long as possible, at 30 weeks he'd stopped growing, his heart rate was poor and i was not well at all so i had a c-section then. in total i was stuck in hospital for 4 weeks, and sam was in for 6 weeks.
after having him, the spd got much much worse. i still have it now (13 months on), but it is much better than it was. when sam was about 5 months old it was still so bad i needed crutches and couldn't walk more than 100 yards at a time. they gave me an MRI incase it was spinal stenosis, which it wasn't, but they found i'd fractured my spine previously although we didn't know that. a few weeks after that i fell down the stairs and dislocated a rib.
also when sam was about 8 weeks old, they realised i had hyperthyroidism, complete with tremor and a resting heart rate of 140bpm. GP nearly fell off his chair lol. they treated that and then i developed hypothyroidism, so i'm still on meds for that. they said they think that that was a reaction to the pregnancy too.
i'm still not well, this week i was tested for cushings disease, luckily it is negative, so now they are taking me off the antidepressants i was put on in pregnancy as they can have heart related side effects, otherwise i'm off to the endocrinologist again.
so pregnancy just kicked everything off for me. and yet i want to do it again.